28 (213 People)

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I'm looking for reasons, I'm begging and pleading,
I'm dreaming of calling you mine
You keep me st-st-st-stuttering, stumbling,
Fumbling over my lines
Without you girl,

I'm not alright,

I'm not okay

+++++++++++Lanes POV

Did he just.... no he....wait okay what the fuck

"Come on Lane say something."

"What do you want me to say, Rick. You can't love people like me." I say with a angry tone

"What do you mean, I can't love someone like you? Lane you the best person I've ever met.-" I cut him off

"How Rick? how?! Do you wanna know how many people I killed before the fucking word went to shit? do you wanna know? 207. 207! Men and women who most likely had family's, 13 of them I assassinated, because I had orders to. How you could love some one who has more fucking baggage the LAX airport. How? I still have nightmares about me getting kidnaped, being torture, beaten half dead, watching the person I loved get killed in front of me. That's not Even half of the weight on my shoulders. I'm a fucking Monster. You can't love someone like me because, we will break you,  we will you hurt, or worse get you killed." I say with tears running down my face

"Lane-" I cut him off

"This conversation is done, just... We'll talk about it later." I say gripping the steering wheel tighter, if that was possible.

"No, this conversation doesn't just go one way, Lane. Look I don't care about your past, I don't care how many people you've killed, I don't care how much baggage you have. All that doesn't matter to me. I don't love you for what you did in the past I love you for the person you are now, I have since you put that dagger against my throat and told me if your brother is dead you would kill me. -

++++++Rick's POV^^^^^^^^^^

"Trust me you are not a monster, even if you were I would still think of you the same." I say looking at her but her eyes stay on the empty road, the prison is right in front of us. she stops the car and looks at me.

"Rick look I feel th..... lets just talk about this later." she says and jumps out the car. Well damn I wasn't expecting that, I step out the car with a frown on my face.

I see her walking to Jared. she kneels down and tells him something I can't hear. She looks sad, I hear Jared's voice raise and I see Lane flinch. I only catch the words that made her flinch , "I hate you! This is your fault!" that's what I hear him say. After minute of what looks like a heated argument Lane shakes her head and walks away with her head down.

$$$$$$$Lane POV$$$

I kneel down to talk to my son, who is giving a dirty look.

"Look Jared, I'm sorry I haven't been here for you. I'm sorry that I you had witness the things you did that night. I am sorry for not talking or being but your side since the farm. I'm sorry, I know sorry won't fix what happen, but I can try to fix my mistakes." I say feeling the tears form in the corner of my eyes

"No, mom. It doesn't work like that, you have never been there for me, never not once. I Hate You! This Is Your Fault! everthing is, it's your fault Daryl and Merle left." his voice rised, and I flinched at his words.

"I was never there for you, really? Right, I went to as many of your football game's, as I could when I was working to keep a roof over our heads and have food on our table. No mater what I had to drop, I was there for you. I'm sorry if it didn't seem like it but I was, and I never once complained, and I still won't. Never tell me I was never there for you, because I was." I say looking in his eyes, he scoffs

"Your just like your father." he says I look socked and feel the tears finally fall, I stand up and look at him one more time before I walk away, his face reads, guilt and regret, I walk away and wipe my face with the sleeves of my jacket. Shaking my head as I do so, never did I think he would say something like that to me, I was wrong.

______Time skip______

Jared is walking around with Beth and Carl, I'm just sitting down behind a pillar, cleaning my knifes. That's when I hear gun shots,, and Axel falling down with Carol beside him, I see Beth, Carl, and Jared running to safety. I look around for my sniper, but I can't see it, so I grab my python. I start shooting at the guy above me but there is a pole in my way, shit if I move I'm screwed, Jared looks at me from a distance with panic written on his face. The firing stops for a minute, I see a truck break it's way though the fence's. Shit. the truck come's to a stop, and dozen's of walkers come out of the truck. The guy who was driving come's out the truck, wearing riot gear. I get a good shot at hitting him and I do, causing him to fall to the ground, dead. 212. I stand up and shoot the guy who is still above me, in the head. 213. Then men fall back and drive or run out of here leaving us to kill the walkers our self's. I put my python in my holster and pull out my clean daggers, holding one in each hand, killing and walker that get's in my way.

I see Rick being cornered by two walker's I run up to him, but I have stopped my a arrow flying right beside me killing the walker next to me. I look at the arrow. Daryl. the walkers that were cornering Rick have been taken care of my two asshole brothers. I still run over there and help kill the few that are there, I see on behind my brother, I throw my dagger over his head, hitting the walker right between the eyes. He looks at me and nods as I thank you but I look away, not daring to look my twin brother in the eyes. We look out in the field and see a ton of walkers, my older brother looks at me.

"Hey princess, ye' ight?" he asks me not just feeling the tension between Rick and I, but also Daryl and I.

" I'm fine." I mumble he looks at me with intensity but backs off.


End of this Chapter

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