10 ( Woodchuck )

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🎵 You're lost little girl
You're lost little girl, You're lost
Tell me who Are you?🎵

==Lanes POV==

Edwin opens the door.


There your chance take it." Jenner says to Rick and I
"I'm grateful." Rick says
"A day will come when you won't be." He shakes Ricks hand and whispers
"Were all infected once you die you turn in to, one of those things, unless your shot in the head. There are only 2 people who are immune. But in time you will find out I will not tell you who though." He whispers in are ears Daryl pulls Rick and I away from Jenner
"Jenner, do me a favor, when you see Alex tell him I'm, sorry and I love him. But it's time I move on. Please do that for me." I say
"I will Lane." He says
There's only 3 minuities left Jacqui, Andrea, and Dale have decided to stay. We can't get through the doors Shane shoots them.
"Stop those doors are suppose to with stand a Rocket launcher bullets won't to crap." I say
"Lane, Rick I have something that might help." Carol says we look at her
" carol a nail file is gonna do it. " he says but she ignores him
" I found this the first morning you came when I washed you uniform." She says then hands me a grenade I run to the other side
"Look out" I yell
And pull the pin and quickly place it by the wall
" Well fuck, Oh, oh shit, shit." I say and run as fast as I can. The grenade blows sending me in the air. I get up faster then anyone else. I run to Jared, my brother, Liam, and Johnathan help Them up and we all run out
"Come on" I yell we shoot walkers and we make it to our cars but I run to the RV to brace for impact when I see Dale and Andrea. They make it half way when The CDC explodes. When its over me and Jared run to my motorcycle he sits in the back with his arms wrapped around my wast and we take off right behind the RV.

The RV stops and I stop too somethings wrong with the RV again. And now we are looking through cars when I feel a hand over my mouth I start to freak out.
"Shh its me get under a car now!" Rick whispers in my ear. I get under a car, I see my son under a car with Liam and Jonathan. And man do I feel bad he's being squashed by two 6' foot men. I look around Rick is under the car next to mine. But I don't see my brother, FUCK. I look down at the ground to keep me from freaking out. That's when. I hear a scream comming from who sounds like Sophia, shit, I see Rick running but I run after them I can here the protest from everyone. I can even her Jared crying for me but I run to her. I can't stop. I see her and four walkers on there trail. I don't see Rick but get close enough to embrace her in my arms then I see Rick out of the corner of my eye.
"Hey shh, shh are you all right? Are you okay?" I ask she goes for my gun but I stop her.
"Shoot them!!" She whisper shouts. Rick kneels down to our level
"No. No! Those walkers on the road would hear it." I say
"Then it wouldn't be just 4 it'd be hundreds." Rick whispers I see the four coming close Rick picks up Sophia bridal then runs to a small River. I see a small Hut that she can fit in the four walkers are coming from different angles. I have a idea
" Sophia, you have to do exactly what I say. Hide in there. Squeezing tight. We will draw them away for you." I whisper
"No, no, don't leave me." He sobs
"Listen listen, listen listen. They don't Get winded. We do. We can only do with them one at a time. We wouldn't be able to protect you. This is how we will survive understand? Okay?" Rick says it's like he read my Damn mind. I see the walkers
"Go. Go. Go" I whisper to her Rick and I back up to see the walkers on top of the hill.
" if we don't make it if I don't make it back home I'm going back to the highway come, back to the other straight away we came. Keep this under near the shoulder." I say
"Come on! You ugly son of a Bitch. " Rick whisper yells
"Come on you motherfuckers, come on, you ugly dumbasses." I say a little louder and 2 of them fall. Rick goes right I take left.
"Come on dickheads follow me!" I whisper yell. I take out 3 of my daggers and throw two of them at these ugly sons of a bitches. I hit them dead on. Pun intended. I take the daggers out and run to where Rick went I follow his tracks. I see him beating the living shit out one of these motherfuckers, that's when I see one getting way to close to him. I pull out my bow and shoot it. Rick turns around to what made the sudden noise.
"Thank...You." He says between panting.
"No need to thank me, but a tip, don't waste all your energy on one. And always look behind your shoulder." I say and take out my arow from the walkers head.
"Duly noted." He says we jog back to the spot werw we left her and she's not there.
"Fucking hell." I say
"Lets go back maybe she did what you said, went back to the highway. " Rick says
When we walk up everyone is looking at us
"Where is she." Carol says.
"She didn't come back?" I ask with a sense of worrie
"She was supost to come back here." Rick states
"Let's go look for ther then, Darly, Gleen. Let's go look for her. We take them to where we left her.
" sure this is the spot?" Darly asks
"We left her right her, we drew off walkers way off up the creek. But there was four so I went right and she went left." Rick says
"Without a paddle.... seems where we've landed." Darly says
"She was gone by the tin we got back here." Rick says
"We figured she just took off and ran back to the group. I told her to go that way and keep the sun on her left shoulder." I say.
"Hey, short round, why don't you step off to one side?" Darly says I look over
"Your mucking up the trail." He says
"Assuming she knows her left from her right." Shane says with sass
"Shane she understood me just fine. Shane."I Say
"Kids tired and scared, man. She had a close call with four walkers. Got to wonder how much of what you siad stuck." He says
"Shane why don't you shut the fu-" I was cut off by my brother
"Got clear trackes right here, she did like you siad, headed back to the highway. Let's spread out make our way back. She couldn't have gone far." Darly says. I give Shane a I told you so face and walk with the others I shoot a hand touch my shoulder with Instinct I flinch but I relax as soon as I figure out who it is
"Hey, we gonna find her, she'll be tuckered out hiding in a bush somewhere." Shane says I nod me and Darly are in the lead looking at the footprints when I realize they just stopped
" she was doing just fine up until right here. All she had to do is keep going. She veered off that way." I my brother says
"Why would she do that?" Glenn asks
" maybe she saw something that's picture, made her run off. Shane says looking at us
"A walker?" Glenn asks
" I don't see any other footprints. Just hers." Darly and I say in usion.
" so what do we do? All of us Press On?" Shane asks
" no, better if you ain't going to get back to the highway. People are going to start panicking. Let them know we're on her Trail doing everything you can. But most of all, keep everybody calm." I say.
" I'll keep them busy Scavenging cars keep them busy. And think of a few other choice. I'll keep them occupied. Come on." Shane says him and Glenn walk away. I walk to where her trials are with Darly besid me.
"Tacks are gone." Rick says I hide in a laugh. This guy don't know nothing bout tracking
" no, they're faint, but they ain't gone. She came through here." Darly says
"How can you guys tell? I don't see anything. Dirt, grass." Rick asks
" you want to listen tracking what do you want to find Sophia/girl?" Darly and I say
" and get our ass off the interstate?" I add Rick closes his mouth and looks back down. We see a walker and we split up but I stay with Darly. Rick whistles to get its attention. Darly and I shoot the motherfucker. He shoots it a second too late. My arrow goes straight through the Walkers head and his Arrow go straight through my arrow.
"Nice shot." We say to each other. Rick walks back up to us Darly takes out his arrow being the only one that is not damaged.
" Sophia!" Darly yells, Rick and I bend down having the same idea I see flesh under its finger nails
"What are you looking for?" Darly asks
"Skin under the fingernails." Rick says
"It fed recently." I say I open his mouth and see flesh
"There's flesh caught in its teeth." I say unfazed
"Yeah what kind of flesh?" Darly asks
"Only one way to tell" Rick says and takes a knife out I stop him
"Here, I'll do it. How many kills you skin and gut in tour life? Anyway, mine sharper, and it won't faze me." I say pull out my knife I give Rick a look to tell him to move a little bit and i plunge the knife not its stomach, Rick looks like he is trying to not vomit well Darly is just looking at it like it ate our deer, pissed off. I look at them and finish cutting. I smile at them, I genuine smile
"Alright here comes the bad part." I say
I stick my hand in its stomach and feel around
"Yeah, Hoss had a big meal not to long ago. I feel it in there." I pull out the gut bag and lay it on front of Rick.
"That's the gut bag I got this." Rick says he cuts though it and i pullout a woodchuck.
"This gross bastard had him self a woodchuck for lunch. " Darly says looking at it
"How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood." I say with a small giggle I look at my brother who looks at me with a what fuck look.
"What? To soon? Yeah to soon." I say
"At least we know." Rick says
"Yeah at lest we know" Darly says we walk to the high way in silence. When me make it there all eyes are on us.
"You didn't find her?" Carol asks
"Her tail went cold." Rick says
"We'll pick up again at first light." I say
"You can't leave my daughter out there on her own, to spend the night alone. In the woods." She says
"Look out in the dark's no good. We'd just be tripping over ourselves. More people getting lost." Darly says.
"But she's 12. She can't be out there in her own. You didn't find anything?" She asks
"Look, I know this is hard. But I'm asking you not to panic. We know she was out there." I say
"And we tracked her for a while." Darly says
"We have to make this an organized effort. Darly and Lane knows the woods better than anybody. I've asked them to oversee this." Rick says
"Is that blood?" She asks looking at my shirt I step forward
"We took down a walker." I say
"A walker? Oh my god." She says
"There was no sign it was ever anywhere near Sophia." I say
"How can you possibly know that?" Andrea asks
"We cut the son of a bitch open, made sure." Darly says I nod in agreement Carol looks at me.
"How could you just leave her out there to begin with? How could you just leave her?" She asks me I look away
"Those four walkers were on us. We had to draw them off they were comming from different directions. It was her best chance." Rick says
"It sounds like they didn't have a choice, Carol." Shane says
"How was she supposed to find her way back on her own? She's just a child. She's just a child." She says to me I feel a tear roll down my face and I kneel down in front of her.
"It was the only option. The only one I could make. If I had another choice I wouldn't of done it trust me." I say
"I'm sure nobody doubts that." Shane says I stand back up
"My little girl got left in the woods, and it your fault, if Rick just went on his own she wouldn't be left in the woods. She would be back her." Carols says to me angrily. I just nod in agreement and walk in to my brothers truck. I put my head in my hands and juat think.

Hey Ik its been a while since i'v posted and I'm sorry it's been one hell of a week. I will try to post later today if i can't I will post tommrow. Thanks for reading

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