32 ( Governor)

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🎶 You cut me so deep
that it left scars.
Yet you had the world
right at your feet🎶

----- Rick POV -----
We finished packing the car with what we got from Morgan and the other place we looted. Lane walks out to the front of the car is a pull Carl's side.

"Everything okay with her?"

"I think she okay again. It's okay if you like each other." He says caching me off guard


"Everything went okay." he smiles and walks gets in the car. I chuckle and smile  I see lane come up for the side of the car with some bags on her shoulder. I look at her but don't make eye contact.

"You see something? I know you see things. People. I used to talk to my dead fiance. But now I just talked to my dead best friends. It happens." She says, sadness lingering in her eyes

"You wanna drive?"


"Good. I see things."

"I mean it's not any better I see things, probably more often than you do." She says with a laugh.

__________time skip _____
Lane's POV_______

My brother gets off Merle's bike as Rick and I  exit the car. My brother leads the way with me behind Rick. Darly goes behind the building as Rick and I enter the building. My python in it's holster. I grab a arrow that's in my holster ad well. I pull back the string of the bow and aim at nothing when I hear Rick cock his gun. I hear footsteps to the right and aim my arrow a him. He walks to us and puts his hands up in a defensive manner. But I don't back down. He eyes me up an down but chuckles and puts his hands down

"We have alot to talk about." His voice deep with a bit of a southern draw

"You attacked us. Makes things preety clear" I gumble

"I was trying to make things clear. I could have killed you all. I didn't" he states

"And here we are." Rick states gun to his side. He govner reaches for his wepon which makes Rick pull his gun and point it at his head.

"I'm gonna remove my weapon. Show that I mean to negotiate in good faith. I'd like both of you to do the same. See no trouble." He says taking of his belt.

"Now you." Rick puts his gun in his holster and I put my bow in a corner but still keep my python.  He sits at the table in front of us.

"What's going on?" I hear Andrea ask as she comes through the door

" Nothing, your friend isn't much for small talk. And she really doesn't speak much. You want to talk, talk." He says stareing me in the eyes

"I wanted you to talk. Too many people have died for no reason. Let's end this. Save the bullets for the real threat. We can solve this. That's why I asked you two come here." Andrea says looking a Rick and I

"I know what you've done. I heard about the raids, the heads."

"Maggie." I say

"Merle did that. You know, Lane your brother." He says

"No. You know what I'm talking about." I snarl

"You know all about me and I know all about the two of you. I don't care about that. We're here to move forward." I grimace.

" I've known the three of you at different times, but only after the world when to shit. You all stepped up for the good of other's at great personal risk. There's no need-" the govner cuts her off

"Get to it."

"Woodbury takes west of the River. The prison takes east." I say

"No one crosses, no on trades." Rick finishes

"There right we should hammer out boundaries, and then leave each other--" Andrea gets cut off once again

"I'm sorry what is this?" He asks

"It's a solution" Andrea states the govner laughs

"Absolutely not."

"What the hell am I doing here you told me--" they cut Rick off I slam my hand on the table making them all shut up.

"You told us he was willing to talk." I raise my voice.

"I am. But Truth is, lane, she's in no position to make such an offer anyways. I'm here for one thing only. Your surrender."

"You want a fucking surrender? Come and get it. You think we hit Woodbury heavy last time." I ask venom dripping my voice

"Just take it easy we're here to settle this." Andrea says

"Your right. Would you step outside."


"Rick, Lane and I, we got a lot to talk about." Gover says us in the eyes

"I'm not leaving" Andrea says

"We came to talk to him." Rick says Andrea leaves in Rick sits in the chair that's in front of the table. I'm still standing not trusting a word the governor says

"So your the governor." Rick says

"That's their term not mine."

"Lane can you step outside."

"No. No fucking way I'm not leaving, Rick you and I are both leaders." I grumble

"Just do it." He angrily says


"God damnit lane just lisntin. For once." He raised his voice causing me to flinch, I nod and grab my bow in the corner. Asshole
I step outside, I see my brother next to a few men I don't know.

"Lane you good?" Darly questions

"Fine." I mumble

"Dixon?" I turn around holy shit

"Martinez. Good to see you kid." I say in a military stance

#####end of chapter###

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