9 (CDC)

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🎵 Beating me, beating me

Down, down

Into the ground

Screaming so sound🎵


"Moore to Midnight, your base is over run. Enemies coming from 13:00. At most 20 maybe less. Take them out. Do you copy "
"Copy that sir."
"Black, enemies on my 13:00 We need to take them out." I says to Alex
"Will do lieutenant so to be Black, Lieutenant Dixon." He says with a smirk. Four men come out I fell impact in my lower abdomen but the bullet didn't got through the Kevlar. 10 more men come in after we shot the first 4. Dead. In the corner of my eye I see Alex being shot on the shoulder hopefully it didn't go through the Kevlar. 14 dead. 6 more men come in last round. Shot 2, Alex shot 3 I shot the last 2. I run to him check his shoulder. He checks my abdomen.
"You good?" He asks
"Yeah, I'm good." I say and kiss him
Alex starts to fall I shot the last two men there. I see Alex fall limp.
"No, no, no. NO NO ALEX! Get up, baby get up. Come on."
"Lieutenant he's gone we gotta-" I cut off captain Morgan
"Lane, get up, get-" I hear a familiar voice but I can't pin point it.
"Alex I love you never forget th-"

==end of dream==
"Son of a fucking bitch." I run my hands down my face.
"You alright?" Rick asks
"Yeah did I wake up so-"I was cut off by Rick
"No I was woken up by the lovely alcohol that went down early comming up." He says with a laugh.
"You wanna talk about it?" He asks
"Na, I think reliving that memory was enough for today." I look at my watch relize its realy early.
"You should get some more rest, bet you have a hangover." I say standing up.
"Where you going?" Rick asks
"Need a breath of fresh air from this room." I say sadly but smile at him.
"Alright." He siad and walked in to the bathroom, then walked out. That's when I realized he was shirtless. Oh god

 Oh god

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Oh god. I didn't know he had abs. Whoa. Did it get hot in here or is it just him. Oh shit he noticed me stating. Act normal.
"You like what you see." He says with a smirk. I laugh at his cockiness.
"In your dreams Officer." I say as I take a drink of water
"Oh you will be." He says I cough out my water. And he smirks at my reaction.
"Yeah, ok. I'm gonna go now." I say and walk out of the room I go to the recroom and look at some books. I find a Stephan king book. And I read it.

Hours later.
It's now morning. I just finished the book and i see T-dog making eggs. That's when people start coming in. My brother comes in and looks at me, I look away and feel a tear roll down my face. Thinking about what he said. I walk away in to my room.
"We should talk." I hear Darly whisper, seeing as there's a sleeping Rick on my bed.
"'Bout?" I ask, but knowing full well what about.
"Lane you know Damn well what I'm talking about, at the camp-" I cut him off
"We are not having this conversation right now or at least in this room." I say
"Fine lets go then." He says then walks out I sigh and run my hands down my face
"You should talk to him."
"Shit, Rick i thought, god... I know I need to talk to him that's what I'm gonna go do so bye." I say then walk out and jog into Darlys room.
"Look, what I said at the camp...im sorry." He says
"Darly sorry isn't gonna cut it thus time." I say
"What do you want me to do Lane?hmm? I siad it and i can't take It back." He says raising his voice.
"Yeah I know you can't take It back. But what you said Darly hurt, you know what he mostly did to me-" I say raising my voice he cuts me off.
"Mostly! I was there with you I know every thing he did to you, I was there.!" He almost yells
"What about the times you weren't! What about the times I was home by myself with him. You don't know half the things he did to me. You know how much I look like mom. Well I do. I was told that every time you were not home when I was alone. Th-the he would do things i will not speak of. So you remember the first time I took Jared over to see father. And that was the first day Jared saw me getting beat by him. That day he also stabbed me in the abdomen and uterus and because of him I can't have anymore kids. And it's his fault. If you haven't caught up by now, he-he raped me. When you and Merle weren't around that's what he would do and then he tell me how much reminded him of mom. So don't you ever tell me that my parenting is bad as his because I will never lay a finger on my kid. I would never put him thorough the things I went through. I have more scars on my back on my stomach on my thighs than you do trust me if you want to play count the scars, let's play it right now!" I yell and lift my shirt up shit he can see the ones on my stomach and my back. I pull my shorts up and show him the permanent bruises on my thighs.
"Lane I...i didn't know. I would of..." he lowers his voice and go's to touch one on my back.
"Don't, Just don't you couldn't do anything, I forgive you. In rhis world we can't go to bed angry at each other. But I need to go." I say then walk in to the dining room, I put my head down and walk to the coffee machine.
"If i didn't go sober I would totally get shit faces drunk right now. But whatever." I mumble under my breath and sigh. Then my brother walks in and looks at me full of shame and guilt. If you can't tell I'm really good at reading people.
"Wait are we gonna ignore the fact that VI calls Lane lieutenant Dixon."T-dog says I laugh at the sudden realization that washes over there faces.
"Yeah, when I turned 18, I join The United States marine core. I was the best of the best and with only 7 months under my belt I became a Lieutenant Dixon, also Know as Midnight colt. I was a military assassin with 18 affirmed kills and 3 unaffirmed. And that was only 1 year in. I was know as the best of the best-" I was cut off by Jenner
"And that you were Lane." He says
"Doc. I don't mean to slam you with questions this early in the morning-" Dale gets cut off by Jenner
"But you will anyway." He says
"Edwin we didn't come here for eggs." I say He looks at me
"Come" he says we follow him the main room.
Give me a playback of ts-19. Few people ever got a chance to see this. Very few." He says
"Is that a brain?" Carl asks
" an extraordinary one. Not that it matters in the end. Take us take us in for eiv." He shows us the with a brain works and things.
"What are those lights?" Liam asks
" it's a person's life... Experiences, memories. It's everything. Somewhere in all that organic wiring all those ripples of Lights, is you... The thing that makes you unique. And human." I say
"You don't make sense ever?" Darly asks me I sigh
" those are synapses. Electric impulses in the brain that carry all the messages. They determine every thing a person says does or thinks from the moment of birth to the moment of death." I say people look at me in astonishment
"Death? That's what this is, a vigil?" Jonathan asks
" yes. Or rather the playback of the vigil." Jenner says
"This person died? Who?" Andrea asks
" test subject 19. Someone who is bitten an infected... And volunteered to have a record the process. VI, scan forward to the first event." VI shows us the first event
" what is that?" Gleen asks
" it invades the brain like meningitis, the adrenal glands hemorrhage, the brain goes into shutdown, then the major organs. Then death. Everything you ever were or ever will be... Gone." He says.
"Is that what happen to Jim." Jared and Sophia ask
"Yes." Me and Carol say Andrea looks down and starts crying.
" she just lost somebody 2 days ago. Her sister."Loir says Jenner goes over to her
" I lost somebody too. I know how devastating it is." That's when the realization hit me Jenner's wife was in here. Ts-19 was his wife.
" scan to the second event the resurrection times vary wildly. We had reports of it happening in as little as three minutes. The longest we've heard of was 8 hours. In the case of this patient, it was 2 hours, 1 minute... 7 Seconds." After the brain lost color I became redish.
" it restarts the brain?" Loir asks
" no, just the brain stem." I say confused
" basically, it gets them up and moving." He adds
"But there not alive?" Rick asks
"You yell me." Jenner says
" it's nothing like before. Most of that brain is dark." Rick says
" exactly dark, lifeless, and dead." I say
" the frontal lobe, the neocortex, the human part it doesn't give it back, the you. Just the shell driven by Mindless instinct." Jenner adds then we see a bullet go through the head
"God what was that?" Liam asks
" he shot his patient in the head. Didn't you?" Andrea says
"VI power down the main screen and the workstations." Jenner says.
" you have no idea what it is, do you?"
" it could be microbial, parasitic, fungal, Virus." He lists off
"Or the rath of god." Someone says but I'm not really paying attention I'm too focused on Jenner.
" somebody must know something. Somebody somewhere." Andrea says
" there are others, right other facilities?" Carol asks looking back between Jenner and I
" there may be some. People like me." He says
" but you don't know? How can you not know?" Rick asks
" everything went down. Communications directives... all of it. I've been in the dark for almost a month." Jenner claims
" so it's not just here. There's nothing left anywhere nothing. That's what you're really saying, right?" Andrea says
" what he's saying is he doesn't know. If all Communications were shut down that doesn't mean that there's no one left it just means he doesn't know. " I say
" man, I'm going to get shitfaced drunk again." Darly says
" dr. Jenner, I know this is been bad for you and I hate to ask you one more question, but... That clock... It's counting down what happens if zero?" Dale says I didn't even realize the clock. Wasn't there when I was here. I mean it was there but it was never coming down.
" the basement generators... They run out of fuel." He says hesitantly.
"And then?" I ask he walks out but didn't answer
" VI, what happens when the power went out?" I ask the AU.
" when the power Runs Out, facility-wide decontamination will occur." She says some people go check the fuels but I stay up here thinking about what she says but nothing comes to mind thinking about generous wife. But then I get pull down my thoughts
" hey, man I'm talking to you. What do you mean it's shutting itself down how can a building do?" I hear Darly say to Jenner
" you'd be surprised." He says
" Jenna what's happening." I say
" the system is dropping all the non-essential uses of power. It's designed to keep the computers running to last-second possible. That started as we approach the half-hour mark. Right on schedule." He says but we all look at him confused he hands his Whiskey Bottle to Daryl.
" it was the French." He says
" the French, CDC?" I ask
" they were the last one to hold out as far as I know. Well our people were bolting out the doors and committing suicide in the hallways, they stayed in the labs to the end they thought they were close to a solution." Jenner says
"What happen?" I ask
" same thing that's happening here. No power grid. Ran out of juice. The world runs on fossil fuel. I mean how stupid is that?" Jenner says Daryl hands me the whiskey bottle empty and I just hold it.
" let me tell you--" Shane starts but Rick pulls him off
" to hell with it, Shane. I don't even care. Everybody, grab your stuff. We're getting out of here now!" Rick says but I stay. An alarm starts blaring 30 minutes to decontamination.
"Doc, what's going on." My brother and I say Then the door locks
"Did you just lock us in? He just locked us in" Gleen yells

Skip 20 minutes. 10 minutes left Darly and Shane start hitting the door, but it wont budge. Jenner states saying it's better this way like he's trying to convince me to commit suicide or something but I get an idea. 5 minutes

"I told you Topsides locked down. I can't open those doors but I can open these, Midnight colt." He says And unlocks the doors.

End chapter

Officer friendly Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon