52.Breaking point🌪️

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While the chatter in the living room continued, Mira received a call from Preeti.

''You spoke to him?'' was the first thing Preeti asked Mira.

''No...'' Mira sighed.

''Dude why? He's in your house and you're telling me that you guys haven't talked?'' Preeti asked in disappointment.

''Bro we talked, but it was just casual. Plus our parents are around the whole time man, how can I just ask him in front of them?'' Mira was making excuses. How could she tell Preeti about the internal battle going on inside her?

How could she tell her that even though she wanted to confront him, not even a single word would slip out of her mouth the moment she feels his gaze on her. Mira regretted being so overconfident in front of her friends at the bachelorette night as she was now doubtful about confronting Vikranth face-to-face.

''OKok, but Mira, sort it out before my nalangu on Friday! Please yaar!'' Preeti said.

''I will.'' Mira said repeatedly.

Preeti muttered something about going to the temple before she hung up.


The next morning, Mira was brooming the floor with the 'Jhaadu' (Indian broom) as the Gopals were in their room and Vikranth was on the sofa in the living room with his phone. He watched Mira broom the floor in amusement. Mira was aware of this but continued brooming. When she approached the dining table, she stood for a few seconds before Vikranth realised that he had to lift his feet up for her to swipe the spot. Vikranth asked amiably,

''Need some help?''

Mira gave him an incredulous stare before she left to the kitchen.


That afternoon, Mira was busy on the phone with Ramya and Abirami who were to land in Kochi today. They discussed the programme of Preeti's reception night, for which the girls were organising short dance performances like those in the wedding sangeet.

Preeti and Harish had wanted their friends and family to perform on their reception night. Ramya had sent some videos of the choreography and Mira was trying to learn it in her room as they only had three days until the reception. She decided to practice in the afternoon when her parents and Gopal's parents were resting in their rooms.

As Mira practiced her moves in the mirror with earphones on in her room, she failed to notice Vikranth who stood just outside her room leaning on the doorway until she saw his reflection in the mirror. Mira quickly jerked before she turned around and said,

''Umm...I was practising for Preeti's reception night performance.'' With a smirk playing on his lips, he casually said ''Cool.''

''You could have knocked at least.'' she said as she took out her earphones.

''Yea..my bad. There's someone at the door outside, thought I should tell you...'' Vikranth said.

Mira walked out of her room quickly to the living room before she heard Vikranth say,

''And hey, maybe next time you should consider closing the door...'' he remarked with a wink.

Mira scoffed and went to attend to the person outside the door who happened to be Girija aunty.


In the evening, Mira's parents and the Gopals got ready to go to the temple. As Mira was on her menstrual cycle, she couldn't join them. Vikranth had gone for a walk with Ram and Gopal so the ladies waited for their return before heading together to the temple. To Mira's bad luck, Vikranth decided to stay home too. Mira was shocked when he openly told their parents that he would give Mira company at home.

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