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"Sakae?" Rikona asked as everyone turned to face the bluette who had just spoken up against everybody, "what do you mean 'no'?" She questioned with a small laugh, half expecting Sakae to take it back, say she was just joking.. and that they would all laugh it off..

But Sakae's disgusted expression told her otherwise.

"I mean no." Sakae said seriously as she crossed her arms, "and it's not because they're all LGBTQ+, because I am too." She quickly said as everyone raised an eyebrow as the girl took a few steps back. The Night Wanderers all crossed their arms, except for Shiori though, who still slept on Genki's back.

Kawa stepped forward as Sakae took more steps back, "Then why?" She asked as she glared at Sakae and crossed her arms, "why can't you be friends with us, Fernandez?" She said lowly.

Sakae looked around, she sighed and took a deep breath, "I just can't be friends with a dark guild, ok?" She told them, "and honestly? No one from Fairy Tail should even be socializing with a dark guild! Let alone giving one a piggy back ride!" She yelled and pointed a finger accusingly at Genki who simply shot Sakae a quick glare.

"Why not?" Genki snapped, he hoisted Shiori up more on his back as he stepped towards his guild member.. the Fairies and Wanderers watching with anticipation at what would happen.

Sakae threw her hands up like the answer was obvious, "because they're EVIL! Their parents tried to kill our parents! Don't you remember?!" She asked as the Night Wanderers all looked down at the ground sheepishly, "see? They know it! They know they're guilty!" She laughed harshly before being swiftly knocked to the ground.

Sakae's looked up, eyes widening with fear as she saw her guild members glaring down at her, "g-guys?" She asked slowly, "w-what's going o-o-on?" She trembled slightly as the aura around her guild mates flared with anger and the Night Wanderers watched with confused looks on their faces.

"Listen here, Fernandez." Hajime said lowly and with an edge to his voice, "are our parents dead? No. Otherwise we wouldn't be here." He said slowly like he was talking to a child, which he might as well of been doing..

"Last we checked, our parents are quite happy that the Night Wanderers are back." Raidon told her as she tried to get up, only to be knocked back down again by the guild, "so before you accuse them of any stupid shit, how about you think for once in your life.""If you don't want to be their friend, then fine." Ryuji shrugged, "but how about you give a valid fucking excuse next time instead of a shit one?" He asked innocently before turning on his heels angrily and stomping off in the direction of the Night Wanderers inn.

The other Fairies nodded as they slowly began to follow him, "have fun at the inn all alone." Michi said coldly as she was the last Fairy to follow, leaving the Night Wanderers alone with Sakae, they all looked down at the girl whose cheeks and eyes were stained with tears and fear.

She watched them go in shock, lowering her head when she realized they were all out of sight.. and not coming back to apologize to her.. "traitors." She hissed lowly as she jumped to her feet and stomped away from the Night Wanderers, leaving the former dark guild thoroughly confused as to what just happened.

Takiyo scratched his head as he watched her go, "And we're the dark guild?" He asked as he and the others began to run to catch up with the Fairies ahead of them, "cause that was pretty dark of them to do." He added as they had finally caught up to the Fairies, slightly winded and slightly scared of the Fairies.. now that they knew how mean they could really be, especially to one of their own members..

Mamoru smirked, "Dang guys, you Fairies getting mad is kinda hot." He said, biting his lip as he looked Yuudai up and down without even knowing he did, causing the Fairy to blush profusely, Mamoru let out a short laugh as he looked at the others, "anyways, here's our inn. The girls can room together and us guys can as well." He added, not even noticing the snickers and laughs from both guilds.

"Of course you want the guys to bunk together." Amaterasu mused as she played with a lock of her brown hair, "do you want to sleep next to Yuudai as well?" She asked as Mamoru and Yuudai both flushed red as their respective guilds laughed, some doubling over and holding their sides in order to stay up.

Mamoru shot his sister a glare before he cleared his throat, "Sure, why not?" He asked smugly, leaving the fairies and wanderers dumbfounded as Mamoru gave Yuudai a sly wink.

Hoshi laughed and shook his head as he walked to the door of the inn, "Alright lovebirds, you just met. So how about you don't flirt for a little bit." Hoshi teased as he led the way into the inn and up to their rooms, quickly flopping on the bed as soon as he saw it, leaving the others to laugh at his antics.

Yuki walked in a sat down on the edge of a bed, "You're one to talk, Hoshi. You practically sucked Fudo's face off earlier." He snickered as the laughs were now directed at Hoshi and Fudo, much to Mamoru's and Yuudai's pleasure. "Ever heard of taking things slow?" He teased as he elbowed both boys teasingly, causing them to shoot him quick glares of annoyance in Yuki's direction.

"Whatever!" Hoshi quickly said, "let's just all get some sleep.. then we can all be rested so we can hang out tomorrow!" He said enthusiastically, the fairies and Wanderers nodded in agreement before saying their good nights and heading to their respective rooms.. There weren't enough beds for everyone so some people had to sleep on the floor, making the Night Wanderers feel bad when the Fairies all offered to sleep there, but they didn't really fight against them since the beds were WAY cozier then what the floors were.

They all turned of the lights and their inn rooms went dark, leaving the Fairies and Wanderers to sleep and dream through the night..

Not knowing that their greatest nightmare stalked through the streets below..

Uh oh, just when everything's looking good things take a turn for the worse! Who's this 'nightmare' in the streets? What are the Fairies parents thinking right now? And why is Sakae so resentful?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

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