Magic Charades

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"Welcome pumpkins to day four of the Grand Magic Games!" Mato announced, "as you can see the arena is as good as new after yesterday's.. err.. predicament!" He said, the Elementals looked at the ground guiltily when he said that.

"Err but it seems as most of Fairy Tail team B isn't present at the moment!" Mato announced, and indeed he was right, the only person at the balcony was Gajeel, and even team A didn't have all their members present either, "Fairy Tail? Where are your team members at? I'm afraid you can't compete without a full team!" Mato explained, the remaining team mates looked around angrily for their missing guild mates.

"Aha! There they are!" Natsu pointed them out, but they weren't near Fairy Tail at all, instead they were sitting on the Sabertooth balconies, chatting happily with the Sabers and not even caring that their team was about to get disqualified from the games, "Oi! Get your asses over here!" Natsu yelled, MiraJane shot him a glare that seemed to shut him up.

Mira sighed and looked over at Makarov, "Makarov will you please explain to your guild our decision?" She asked politely, but there was an edge in her voice. And she never called Makarov by his name, it had always been 'Master' something was definitely up.

"Of course, last night your ex team and guild mates came to me, they wished to leave Fairy Tail." Makarov explained, the remaining Fairies had looks of obvious shock and betrayal on their faces, "and I'm not one to beg anyone to stay, so I let them go. They are now members of Sabertooth, if I am correct?" He looked over at Mira who nodded.

"You fuckers!" Gray yelled, "you'd leave Fairy Tail for scum like them?!" He was furious, as were the others, "I thought Fairy Tail was your home! And you just threw it all away?!" He cried, the Sabers paid no attention to him though, and simply turned away.

"Oh dear, well I'm afraid the games must go on, and unless you want to forfeit you must get new team mates." Mato told them, Gajeel, Jellal, Gray, and Natsu glared at Lucy, Levy, Erza, and Juvia. They knew this was all their fault. And they hated them for it. Makarov sent Max and Droy to replace the two missing members from team A, and sent Bisca, Alzack, Jet, and Laki to join team B. Gajeel grumbled at his new team, mainly about how weak they were compared to himself. This comment caused him to receive many glares from his team.

"Today's event is something extra special!" Mato sing songed as he jumped around, his pumpkin head going from side to side, "We're gonna play magic charades! Everyone nominate two people from your team to play!" Mato told them.

"I'll handle this one," Erza smirked, "Care to join me, Yukino?" She asked her, she swung her legs over the balcony railing and jumped down.

"Why I'd be honored." Yukino joked, she jumped down as well and joined Erza in the arena. The remainder of Sabertooth team B cheered for them before the game even began, building their confidence up more and more with each cheer.

Rogue and Rufus soon joined them in the arena as well, as did Lyon and Sherria, Eve and Ren, Laki and and Jet, Jellal and Gray, Milliana and Kagura, and finally Rocker and Bacchus joined the fray. Yukino and Erza looked around at their competition, they had this in the bag.

"In this game of magical charades you will have to use your magic to show your team mate your word! Whoever gets the most right in the time being is the winner! Go back and forth until you hear the whistle, ending the game!" Mato yelled excitedly, "on your mark.. get set.. go!" Teams quickly grabbed their first words and tried to use their magic to explain what the word was, easier said than done. With a wave of her hand Yukino built ice sculpture after ice sculpture of her words, as Erza used her fire to shape what her words were. In no time they flew through twenty words while all the others were only on their third or fourth.

Their only real competition seemed Laki, Gray, and Rufus, who were able to make their words from their magic. But their team mates weren't exactly the best guessers either, and they soon found themselves deeply frustrated that they couldn't obviously see what their words were. By the time the whistle shrieked, signaling the end of the game, Erza and Yukino had gone through a total of forty-two words.

"Wowie! Erza and Yukino— err— I mean Pŷr and Krýos have easily won today's event! Earning themselves another ten points! Sabertooth team B really seems unstoppable!" He exclaimed, most of the guilds looked at them sourly, and by most only Fairy Tail did. Rufus had ran over to Erza and spun her around in congratulations, as Rogue simply nodded and smiled at Yukino, but it meant just the same as what Rufus had done.

The act of endearment by Rufus caused Jellal to look at him with a glare, that was Jellal's girl he was spinning around. He had no right.

The Sabers seemed to sense he was thinking this, he felt three icy glares drilling into his skull from across the field. He looked over to see Juvia, Lucy, and Levy all glaring at him, as human Pantherlily cut a finger across his throat. Jellal seemed to get the hint and quickly erased all of the thoughts of Erza from his mind.

Erza and Yukino walked back to their balcony where they were greeted with congratulations.

"That was so cool Yukino!" Wendy exclaimed, "your ice sculptures are amazing! Your power is even better than Gray's!" Yukino flushed with pride at her kind words.

"Really incredible, Erza." MiraJane smiled, "your fire power beats even Natsu's!" Erza would've liked to act like this was news to her, but it really wasn't. She knew from the start her power was greater than the pesky Salamander's.

"Now Pumpkins! It's time for the team battles!" Mato exclaimed, "first up is Sabertooth team B versus Fairy Tail team A, may the best team win!"

Fairy Tail glared at Sabertooth as they glared right back, and in perfect sync, without breaking the stare off, the teams both spoke.

"We plan to."

Team battle time! Who'll win? Sabertooth team B or Fairy Tail team A?! It'll remain a mystery until the next part!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

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