Water Park (part 3)

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Before we begin I encourage you all to check out my new Fairy Tail fanfic, Lost Senses!

Now back to your regularly scheduled program!

"Kawa! It was an accident I swear!" Noboru yelled as he scooted away from a very angry Kawa who was currently glaring at him with fists covered in ice, "I slipped! I was trying to help you up!" He told her truthfully as his life began flashing before his eyes, this was how he was gonna die, at the hands of an angry girl while the two people who could probably stop her were laughing their heads off behind them as he cowered in fear like a toddler.

He wanted to wish that the redness on her face was a blush from kissing him.. but as the seconds passed it seemed more and more likely that it was anger painting her face red and not the tiniest chance that Kawa liked him or something..

Kawa fumed as steam practically shot out her ears, "you KISSED me, Noboru! My first kiss!" She yelled, obviously enraged and annoyed, "I wanted it to be special! Romantic! Not with a guy I've known for two days who's a major pervert and a player!" She complained, earning a chorus of 'Oohs' from the onlookers who were betting money on wether or not Kawa would beat Noboru's ass or not.

Noboru held his hands up, "I swear! I didn't mean to! At least not yet-." He told her.. he probably should've left out that last part since it only seemed to make her angrier then before, "I mean- I didn't mean to at all!" He lied.. which right now was probably the only thing saving his life from certain death..

He took a deep breath to try and get his story straight and avoid dying, "Listen Kawa, I may not seem like it.. but I respect women, most of the time. Have you met my mom? I basically have to." He said slightly seriously, Kawa's expression slightly softened as she listened, but not by much as she was still angry.

"I wouldn't kiss you without your permission, I was trying to help you up and I slipped on the platform.. which was unfortunate to say the least." Noboru said, actually sounding sincere and honest for once in his life, "I'm sorry that I accidentally kissed you. I didn't intent to." He told her, looking her in the eyes.. Kawa didn't know how to respond to an apology like that.. especially one coming from Noboru.

Kawa was about to talk before Shiori grabbed her shoulders, "listen, you can beat his ass later." She promised her friend as she turned her around and directed her towards the water slide, "right now, how about we just enjoy the water park, okay?" She asked, Noboru scoffed at her technique to try and calm Kawa down.. that was until he realized her way was actually working and the steam from Kawa's ears had subsided substantially!

Kawa looked back at Noboru one more time with curiosity dancing her face as she looked him up and down.. "Alright.. Let's enjoy the water park." She smiled, Noboru felt his heart race and his pulse quicken when he saw her.. he quickly realized he must be sick.. that or he likes Kawa, but right about now the first option seemed a LOT safer then the second one..

Noboru shook his head to get the thoughts out as the four of them calmed down and got ready to go on the water slide, finally. Shiori offered to ditch Genki and ride with Kawa but surprisingly Kawa assured her it was fine and that she should go with Genki to make sure he didn't do anything stupid on the water slide.. it didn't take much time or persuading to get Shiori to quickly agree before the employee working the slide sent the two of them down, leaving Noboru and Kawa at the top to awkwardly wait for their turn..

Kawa sighed as she quickly threw her hair back into a pony tail as they waited, she glanced at Noboru before lightly touching her lips, "Listen Noboru. No funny ideas while we're going down the slide, okay?" She asked, Noboru nodded even though he didn't even hear what she said.. he was too busy getting ALL the funny ideas of what to do when they went down the 'dark and scary' water slide.. did he mention it was dark going down it? Cause it's really, REALLY, dark.

A few minutes after Genki and Shiori went down the slide it was Noboru's and Kawa's turn. They got into position with Kawa in front and Noboru in the back, the employee told Noboru to hold on tightly to Kawa's waist so they didn't get separated.. and he practically jumped for joy when he was told to do that, he even almost thanked for employee for telling him the basic information of riding a water slide..

Noboru was a new level of desperate.

Noboru carefully put his hands on her waist, setting them on lightly as he tried not to overstep anymore boundaries, but to his surprise Kawa grabbed his hands and set them on her hips more tightly then how he had them originally.

She looked back at him with a frown, "Hold on tight so you don't fall away." Kawa ordered, she sounded like she was just doing it to make sure he didn't fall off.. but Noboru could've sworn he saw a faint blush on her pale complexion as she told him what to do.

He raised an eyebrow, curious as to what was happening, "are you worried about me?" He teased as the employee started to count down from three to start the water slide, "I thought you didn't like me? Or at least care about my wellbeing?" He asked as Kawa was definitely blushing by now, she ignored his question, but still flipped her hair into his face so he ate about half her pony tail by accident, he spit it out but not before almost dying on hair inhalation.

"I don't, I just-." Kawa began, trying to find a proper excuse, but was cut off by the employee pushing them quickly down the water slide. Kawa's eyes widened as she screamed while they went tumbling and roaring down the watery darkness.. which startled Noboru a little since he definitely hadn't expected to hear Kawa scream, not once, but twice in one day.

Kawa closed her eyes in fear as she leaned back into Noboru, who, instead of being a gentleman and trying to calm her down, instead decided now was a perfect time to 'flirt' with her. He removed one of his hands from her waist and reached out into the darkness until he felt her hand in his, he interlocked their fingers together as he squeezed her hand to comfort her.. which ended the screaming right as they came out of the dark water slide.. just his freaking luck.

The two splashed into the pool, still holding hands as they came up for air. Noboru had a disappointed frown covering his face, upset that their 'moment' hadn't lasted longer, while Kawa had an excited smile dancing on hers, happy that she had gone on the water slide even though she closed her eyes most of the way down..

"That was amazing! That was exhilarating! That was-." Kawa turned, the two of them were now face to face in the pool as they stared at each other for what seemed like minutes.. way longer then they probably should've been staring at each other, anyways. Their faces were only inches apart from their lips and noses touching, and they could feel each other breathing as they swam to keep afloat.. maybe something was about to happen between the two of them..

But then the moment was ruined by the next pair crashing into the pool from the water slide.

Kawa and Noboru just laughed as they swam towards the steps where Genki and Shiori waited for the pair, both of them now wearing a grin as they dried themselves off with towels, waiting to talk about their own experience in the water slide.. that probably wasn't much different then Noboru's and Kawa's if they were being honest..

Noboru drowned out Genki and Shiori as he glanced over at Kawa as he dried himself off.. he was sure he was getting through to her through his 'charming good looks' and 'amazing personality'.. and maybe he was.. just slightly..

But Kawa would never admit that.

I see sparks flying between these two! But how long until the sparks sizzle out? Is Kawa really interested or is it just in Noboru's thick skull?

Also make sure you check out my new story! Lost Senses!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

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