A Fight Between Guilds (Part 2)

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Lucy ran towards the Fairies with such speed she was nothing more than a gust of wind, she used physical attacks first on them, knocking them down with kicks and punches. The only one to rival her speed being Lisanna, Lisanna grabbed her arm and threw her back. Lucy glared at the white haired mage as she used the wind to her advantage and lunges towards Lisanna, knocking her down with a loud thud.

"Lisanna!" Natsu cried out, he looked at Lisanna worryingly, he left himself wide open. Erza lit her hands on fire as she attacked Natsu, striking him again and again without hesitation. Natsu tried to strike her back but she was too fast, easily dodging his strikes. Natsu tried to eat Erza's fire.. but quickly found it was far too hot, even for him. He coughed smoke as the flames burned his mouth.

"You dope! Attack her!" Gray yelled at him, "she's just a girl!" Gray rolled his eyes, when he looked back he was met with a fist aiming right for his face. Gray dodged it and saw the punch coming from Levy, or as he knew her, Gē. He smirked as he kicked out, trying to trip the mage, only to knocked over the head from behind him as the 'Gē' in front of him crumbled to dirt. He turned around angrily and was met by a fist encased in rocks and gems make contact with his face.

"How are you losing?" Jellal said dumbfounded, "you're the strongest mages in Fairy Tail!" Jellal scoffed, he turned to see Juvia sending a tidal wave of water towards him, the water flattened him to the ground as he struggled to get back up, he was quickly losing his breath as he tried to gasp for air. She sent wave after wave, only stopping when a limp Jellal laid in the midst of the battle.

"Grr.. you brats!" Gajeel yelled, he ran towards Yukino who simply let him, when he just about got to her a black hole appeared in front of him, sucking him in and causing him to appear over his fellow guild mates, falling on them and crushing them. He stood back up and tried to attack her again with an iron club, Yukino just giggled as tiny stars swarmed towards his club, latching on to it and melting his club. He screamed in pain as it felt like the stars were melting his actual arm. Yukino just giggled at the pained expression on his face.

The Fairies stared at the Elementals in horror, they hadn't thought much of their powers at first but this just showed them how strong they really are.

"You're freaks!" Droy yelled as he stepped away from the Sabers, Levy's heart twinged in pain hearing this from one of her old friends.

"What's going on here?" A voice rang from behind the Sabers, appearing was the members of Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale. The fairies faces turned to ones of relief as their 'saviors' had appeared, but instead of them standing with the Fairies, they took places next to the Sabers.

"What are you guys doing?" Gray asked them in confusion, "aren't you guys on our side?" He asked, he received several glared from both Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale. The Fairies took steps back in shock, they were on good terms with both the guilds last they knew so there reaction was unexpected to say the least.

"Scram." Hibiki said, he glared at each member of Fairy Tail individually before they got the hint and left, leaving Sabertooth with Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale.

"Thanks Hibiki." Lucy smiled at him, "we owe you guys, but why's Lamia Scale defending us..?" She asked confused, eyeing the Lamia Scale team. Hibiki suddenly looked very guilty, which caused a loud groan from all of Sabertooth.

"Lu! Your boyfriend can't keep a secret to save his life! Now all of Lamia Scale knows!" Levy said annoyed, "and I thought the only one we'd have to worry about was MiraJane or Makarov!"

"In my defense, Lyon figured it out on his own.." Hibiki piped up, "and then he spilled the beans to his team.." Lyon looked guilty as well as he couldn't meet the eyes of the Sabers looking at him.

"Uh huh, and Juvia presumes he also told your team as well?" Juvia said, Hibiki flushed in embarrassment as he looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry guys.. I didn't mean too.." Hibiki apologized, Lucy forgave him but the others were hesitant, but they didn't want to anger Lucy so they forgave him as well.

"So my theory was correct, nonetheless it's nice to see you all again... especially you, Juvia." Lyon said, mainly towards Juvia, who turned a shade of pink that they hadn't seen since she liked Gray.

"If you all know who we are it's only a matter of time before the rest of Fiore knows as well.." Erza mumbled, "it might be time.." she whispered to herself, Levy, Lucy, and Juvia looked at her with looks of disbelief on their faces.

"You can't be serious Erza..? We can't tell them.." Levy stated, Juvia agreed with her while Lucy thought about it for a moment.

"I agree with Erza.. it may be time to tell all of Fiore.." Lucy said, "but how we would do it is the question.." she thought, Lyon piped up an idea.

"During tomorrow's event, they come up with them right before the event is supposed to start usually, if you can suggest an event they may use it.." he told them.

"But what type of event would let us spill our secret?" Juvia asked, confused, she still didn't see why they should reveal themselves in the first place.

"A secret spilling event! Whoever spills the most outrageous secret is the winner! And everyone participates to earn points!" Yukino said excitedly, her excitement rubbed off on the others as they started to get hyped about it as well.

"So it's decided then, tomorrow everyone will know Sabertooth's biggest secret." Hibiki chuckled as everyone parted ways and made way to their inns, thinking about what was to come the next day.

Aaaand now everyone knows their secret, but that's okay! It'll just show the Fairies what they're missing out on!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next in Elements Of Sabertooth!

(Also if you have any suggestions to who Yukino or Erza ends up with please let me know! But they cannot be one of the guys who hurt the original Elementals btw!)

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