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Sabertooth team A and B had arrived in Crocus! They looked around and where amazed at the many sights Crocus beheld, they were just as amazed as their first time they had been there.

"Wow.." Levy said looking around, everyone seemed to be in a hurry, most likely getting ready for the GMG and many rushed around trying to find their inns.

And not so far away Juvia spotted a certain guild getting ready for the games as well, "Fairy Tail." She growled, Lucy, Levy, and Erza's heads spun in their direction, each wearing a sour expression on their faces.

"Looks like Natsu and the others aren't with them." Sting pointed out, Lucy looked at the group of Fairies and realized Sting was right, Natsu, Gray, Gajeel, and Jellal were nowhere to be seen.

"That's strange. I thought for sure they participate." Levy said, she was about to say something else when she was knocked down from behind her, Juvia, Lucy, and Erza quickly stepped between Levy and the one who knocked her down in case it wasn't an accident.

"Oi. What where you're going lady." A familiar voice spat at them, Levy looked up in shock to see the familiar face of Gajeel, "running into me, you best apologize." He growled at her angrily. Pantherlily tried to move towards Gajeel but was being held back by Happy.

"Idiot! You're the one who ran into her!" Pantherlily yelled at him, Gajeel looked at him annoyed and angry.

"What'd you call him?" A voice piped up from behind Gajeel, Happy looked on in shock as his former salmon haired friend appeared, "he didn't run into no one, asshole." Natsu spat at Pantherlily, this time it was Pantherlily's turn to hold Happy back.

Fairy Tail heard the commotion between the Sabers and two Fairies, they walked over to investigate the issue and hopefully stop a fight from breaking out.

"Natsu! Gajeel! What's the problem here?" Makarov asked the two boys, he glared at them, looking from them to the Sabers and back again.

"That little troll ran into Gajeel and didn't say sorry." Natsu told him, nodding his head toward Levy who was burning with rage. The only thing stopping her being the fact she didn't want to cause a scene.

"I did not! He ran into me!" Levy argued, Gajeel and Natsu rolled their eyes at the brown haired mage, "if anyone should apologize it should be you."

"Hýdōr agrees." Juvia said, she quickly used a fake name as to not give her identity away so soon, "Hýdōr thinks you should apologize." She glared daggers at Gajeel.

"Who do you think you are." An icy voice said, Gray appeared from behind Gajeel and Natsu and stepped up towards Juvia, "I've never seen you in my life. What makes you think you can talk to Fairy Tail like that." He spat at her. She smirked at him.

"I'm the water mage, Hýdōr!" Juvia exclaimed, the Fairies just sort of looked at her confused.

"I'm the earth mage, Gē!" Levy exclaimed, using a fake name as well.

"I'm the air mage, Atmós!" Lucy smiled sweetly but frowned with her eyes.

"I'm the fire mage, Pŷr!" Erza finished, most of the Fairies looked confused, while Master Makarov stared at them in shock.

"You're.. you're the Elementals.." he gasped, "students of gods.." he said intrigued.

"Er how'd you know that?" Juvia asked him confused.

"Your story is a legend! Ones who wield the power of the Elements.. although they legends say there is one more.. but that is not important right now." He said, he glared at Gajeel, Natsu, and Gray, "I apologize for their rudeness. They haven't been quite themselves lately."

Erza snorted, "we know." She whispered loud enough for only her friends to hear, they laughed at her comment.

"If you guys are so powerful then you should join the most powerful guild in Fiore! Fairy Tail!" Natsu smirked, expecting them to agree right away, instead they just groaned and rolled their eyes.

"They're already in a guild." Rogue said stepping in front of the Fairies, "you had your chance. It's ours now." He growled. Lucy put a hand on his shoulder to silence him.

"Had a turn? This is the first time we met them!" Gajeel argued, Rogue just turned away, Lucy let her hand down and something caught Makarov's eye, the word 'helpless' engraved in the skin of her hand, Makarov went wide eyed and looked up to see Lucy pressing a finger to her lips, a sign of her asking for him to stay silent.

Makarov nodded at her, he wouldn't tell a soul what he had seen.

"Well we must be going," Yukino said hurrying the Sabers away before a fight broke out, "we have to get to our inn anyways, we suggest you do the same." She smiled sweetly before the Sabers disappeared into the crowds of people.

"Good job, Yukino." Minerva said smiling, "a fight was sure to break out back there." She remarked, the others nodded.

"Makarov saw my scar." Lucy said quickly looking at her hand, "he knows who we are, or at least knows who I am." She told them. She looked back towards the Fairies worriedly. Most of them were lost in the crowd, the only one she could see was Makarov, he smiled at her before disappearing as well.

"Should we be worried?" Juvia asked her, "Juvia does not want to have to hurt Makarov, but he cannot tell the others who we are." She said seriously, they all wanted it to be a surprise when they found out who they were.

Lucy turned her head back, she looked at her hand and smiled, "I don't think we have to worry about a thing." She said calmly, but then she looked at the time and gasped, "guys we only have thirty minutes to find our inn! It's all the way across town!" She yelled.

The rest of the Sabers gasped before hurtling towards their inn, hoping they'd make it on time.

The Sabers and Fairies have met! But it didn't seem to be a very happy reunion, and now Makarov knows who Lucy is! Will he keep his word and stay quiet, or will he not be the only one knowing soon enough?

Find out in the next part! Stay tuned!

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