The Fifth Elemental

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Yukino was asleep, at least she thought she was asleep since whatever was happening couldn't be real. A man and woman stood in front of her, the man wore a dark suit and the woman wore a glimmering dress that was much too shiny. Another stood near them, but farther away.

"Oh Yukino.. it's so nice to finally meet you!" The woman spoke, her voice rang out from many different directions, "I'm so sorry we couldn't come sooner."

"Who.. who are you?" Yukino asked nervously, she felt like she should know them but she just didn't, "and how do you know my name?"

"I am Asteria," the lady smiled kindly at her, "and this is Chaos." The man tried to smile but it looked pained, "and that is Khione."

"We are the ones who were chosen to teach you Elemental power." Chaos's voice boomed, Yukino looked at him in shock, "but we never got the chance to.." he frowned and seemed to be remembering an awful memory.

"You.. you mean I'm supposed to be.. be an Elemental? Like the others?" Yukino asked amazed, she was ecstatic.

"Yes, the space/ice Elemental. The others who trained your friends were able to communicate with them because their elements are so close. But space is very far away from you, so this is the only time we were able to contact you." Asteria told her.

"But we have come to train you now." Chaos said, Yukino smiled before frowning again.

"Wait, why do I have two elements? And the others said it took five years for them to finish their training. I don't have five years." Yukino told them sadly.

"Yes, that is why we are going to stretch the space of time, every hour you are asleep in the real world will be one year here." Asteria said, "five hours of you sleeping is plenty of time for us to teach you."

"And the reason you have two elements is because things freeze in space. Space is a very cold place, so it seemed fitting." Khione told her, her answer didn't really help Yukino understand any better but she didn't care.

"Really!?" Yukino said with raw excitement in her voice, "when do we start!?" She asked enthusiastically, Asteria laughed at the young mage.

"We start now." Asteria turned more serious, and they began their training straight away. Asteria trained her in the magic of the stars and Chaos trained her in the magic of space.

Asteria was a beautiful young woman, with platinum blonde hair that reached all the way to her hips, and golden eyes that shone whenever she got excited. Her clothes had constellations printed on them, some that even Yukino didn't know, they must of existed a long time ago.

Chaos was handsome, in a dark sort of way. His skin was tanned, his hair pitch black, and his eyes swirled like galaxies. His voice was rough but soothing, he was tall and muscular. His clothes were pitch black much like his hair. Him and Asteria seemed like polar opposites, but got along well.

Khione has white hair and icy blue eyes, her skin was unhealthily pale. Her hair was very short and it reminded Yukino of Levy's hair. Khione had an icy personality to say the least, but that didn't really bother Yukino that much. Khione did have her days though when she was very nice.

The theee worked great together as a team, teaching Yukino her magic and skills. If one messed up the other was there to fix their mistake. Yukino always smiled when this happened. And it happened a lot during the five years of her training, but all good things must come to an end. And before she knew it she was saying goodbye to her three teachers.

"Must we part ways?" Yukino asked sorrowfully, "you could keep appearing in my dreams." She suggested, Asteria looked down at her sadly.

"My dear Yukino, how I wish we could stay.." Asteria told her wistfully, "but alas, we cannot."

"It is time for us to fade.." Khione said sadly, "we will no longer be of this realm, but in a way I suppose we will."

"What.. what do you mean?" Yukino asked, she looked confused and concerned for her three teachers.

"We will cease to exist in a few minutes, your friends went through this as well." Chaos told her, "I'm sorry we didn't tell you sooner."

"But.. but you can't!" Yukino cried, "you can't leave me!" She hugged her three mentors, she cried and closed her eyes as her mentors hugged her back, savoring the moment.

And in an instance Yukino was hugging herself, silently crying as a small tattoo etched itself over her heart. It was a star made of ice, Yukino cried harder when she saw it form.

"Yukino?" A voice asked, Yukino looked up, alert and confused, "Yukino wake up!" The voice said again. Yukino felt herself being shook awake, she closed her eyes and when she opened them again she was in her inn with the faces of Juvia, Lucy, Levy, and Erza looming over her.

"Yukino! You had us worried!" Juvia exclaimed, she hugged her friend tight, unwilling to let go.

"Juvia! Guys! I have the best news!" Yukino told them excitedly, she pulled her shirt down just enough for them to see the tattoo over her heart, the others gasped.

"You're the fifth elemental?" Lucy asked in awe, Yukino nodded as the four girls hugged her, "that's amazing!"

Levy looked at Yukino, "But what are you the elemental of?" She asked, the others looked at her intrigued as well.

"I'm the elemental of space.." she did a pause for dramatic effect, "and ice!" She exclaimed, the four looked at her with big smiles on their faces.

"Two elements? That's amazing!" Erza told her, "I can't believe the last Elemental was you! The rest of Sabertooth will be excited to hear!" Erza smiled.

"I bet they'll be able to tell though.." Lucy laughed, Yukino looked over at her confused.

"Why's that?" She asked, the girls looked at her like she was dumb.

"You should probably look in the mirror." They said in sync, Yukino stood up and walked over to a mirror, she gasped when she looked into it.

She had purple hair that looked black almost, her eyes were a shade of purple with pink near the centers. Her hair also had small circles of white in it, they resembled stars or small pieces of ice almost.

"I'm the fifth elemental." Yukino said wistfully, she stared at herself in the mirror for a long time before it fully processed.

"I'm an Elemental."

Aghhh I just couldn't wait to post this new part. So I didn't wait. There will still be a new part to this story tomorrow I was just impatient and wanted to post this part today.

Stay tuned to find out what happens next now that the fifth elemental is here!

(Also here is what Yukino looks like)

(Also here is what Yukino looks like)

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