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"So your parents are the ones that destroyed Blue Pegasus?" Noboru asked as he and the other members of Mermaid Heel walked over to the Night Wanderers, "I can't believe they'd let you brats enter the Grand Magic Games, seeing as your entire family are murderers." He spat at them, the Night Wanderers pretended to not hear his opinion, but couldn't ignore him when Noboru pulled his arm back and swung it forward towards Kawa with the full intent to hit her. Four different hands grabbed his arm and twisted him back, knocking him to the ground in front of the entire arena.

"They just attacked Noboru!" Yori exclaimed as he pointed at Yuki, Shiori, Mamoru, and Takiyo, "they're just like their parents! Cruel and heartless." Yori yelled again, knowing full well the entire arena's attention was on him and his accusation. Of course the arena believed Yori, and they started to yell in outrage at the sudden 'attack' from the Night Wanderers.. that was before Shin grabbed Yori's arm and twisted it back the just like Noboru's.

"They didn't attack Noboru, they were defending their guild mate." Shin announced as Yori and Noboru gave him looks of betrayal, "if you're gonna lie about something at least make sure you have no witnesses." He told the two of them, giving the Night Wanderers an apologetic look as they collectively sighed in relief, they had fully thought that they were going to get kicked out of the GMG before even participating!

Noboru looked away as he crossed his arms, "Whatever, the only reason they were even able to grab me is because they caught me off guard." He said smugly, "if I had been paying attention there's no way they would've even been able to lay a finger on me." He boasted as his guild mates agreed, all except for Shin who merely sighed at his brother's dumb antics.

"You really believe that?" Kawa asked, smirking when Noboru spun around like he didn't expect someone to call him out, "cause I'm pretty sure the Night Wanderers could beat every team here." She said confidently as her team mates and other guild mates nodded in agreement. Noboru stormed up to her as Yuki and Ezume stood at her sides protectively, ready to step in if Noboru got too violent.

"You wanna prove that statement, little girl?" Noboru spat as he glared down at Kawa who simply smiled up at the mage, "I'm the son of Kagura Mikazuchi. Who are you the daughter of again? Some unknown mages but real popular murderers." He smirked as Kawa glared daggers at the boy.

Kawa took a deep breath as she smiled up at Noboru, "I'm the daughter of Lyon Vastia, one of the best ice mages, if not the best, in the world, and Juvia Lockser, the water Elemental." She told him, "and I'm a very advanced ice mage." She added, her team and guild nodding in agreement to her statements as Noboru just rolled his eyes.

"Then prove it. Prove how strong you and the rest of your murderer guild is, you're all just a bunch of children of murderers." Noboru laughed, that little statement sent set the other mages off, they each took a step forward and glared at Noboru.

"I am Yuki Vastia. Son of Lyon Vastia and Juvia Lockser, and a very advanced water mage." Yuki spat as he looked Noboru up and down.

"I am Ezume Vastia, daughter of Juvia Lockser and Lyon Vastia, and a user of water magic and water life magic." Ezume smiled as many people gasped, remembering from how powerful life magic could be from when Levy used it years ago.

"I am Mamoru Eucliffe. Son of Sting Eucliffe and Levy McGarden, and a user of life magic." He smirked, people expected him to add an element but when he didn't proceed with his statement they started to realize he wasn't limited to one element.

"I'm Shiori Eucliffe, daughter of Sting Eucliffe and Levy McGarden" Shiori smiled, "and a user of earth dragon slayer magic." The mage laughed, her hair stood up, sprouting flowers and leaves off her own body as her blonde hair turned green.. Shiori had enabled her Dragon Force.

"I'm Takiyo Eucliffe, son of Levy McGarden and Sting Eucliffe, and a very powerful user of white dragon slayer magic." Takiyo said flatly as he enabled his own Dragon Force, his blonde hair stood up and the sides of his body, arms, legs, and face became covered in white splotches.

"I'm Hoshi Cheney, the son Rogue Cheney and Yukino Agria. The ice and space dragon slayer." He laughed, following the lead of the other two dragon slayers by enabling his dragon force, his skin became a light blue as his hair floated around his head, small stars littered across the sides of his body.

"I am Au Lates, the daughter of Hibiki Lates and—." She caught herself before looking away, "no one else, I use air magic and telepathy." When she listed her magic that's when everyone realized Au hasn't physically said a word during her entire introduction, she had spoken to everyone in the crowds telepathically.

"And I am Taro Lates, the son of Hibiki Lates.. I use air magic and archive, which means I can know everything about you." He smirked when he said the last part, putting some of the crowd on edge by his words.

"Yeah show them who's boss!" A little girl yelled from the stands, "Hikaru and I are rooting for you!" She yelled again as the boy next to her, Hikaru, waved his hands around excitedly.

"Nami and I know you guys are gonna win!" A little boy yelled from next to them, "Haya and Hikaru aren't the only ones rooting for you!" He yelled again as his sister, Nami, waved a flag around happily.

"Shizu says she'll beat those guys up if they hurt you guys!" A little boy cupped his hands as he yelled, "but they won't even be able to lay a finger on you guys!" The boy smiled a toothy grin as Rogue ruffled the boy's hair.

"Go Au! Go Taro!" The final little boy laughed, "We're all rooting for you guys! Don't let us down!" He finished as the others next to him nodded in agreement.

"Hell yeah! Thanks for lifting our spirits up even more Haya, Hikaru, Kano, Nami.. and of course Shizu and Tenchi too!" Taro pumped his fist into the air, "you too, Jiro!" He smiled as the the others copied his fist pump in the air.

Noboru glared at the energetic guild, "just who do you guys think you are?" He spat as his brother shook his head in annoyance at Noboru's antics. The team smiled at his question, like they had been waiting for someone to ask it all day.

"We're the Night Wanderers!"

Time to introduce you guys to the other kids as well! There's a few to meet in this chapter!

But before that happens, make sure to stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

Levy and Sting:
Haya: Girl 11, has brown hair and blue eyes
Hikaru: Boy 9, has blonde hair and blue eyes

Juvia and Lyon:
Kano: Boy 11, has light blue hair and black eyes
Nami: Girl 8, has blue hair and black eyes

Yukino and Rogue:
Shizu: Girl 11, has black hair and red eyes
Tenchi: Boy 9, has black hair and purple-pink eyes

Jiro: Boy 10, has dark blonde hair and brown eyes

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