Changing Minds

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The squad walked around the Fairies who were cowering in fear, their immense magic power put together brought the guild to their knees, and some of the younger members were shaking violently. "How should we kill you all?" Lucy cooed as she caressed Natsu's face, his body stiffened when she touched him, before limping in her hold. Lucy smirked as her nail cut a thin sliver of blood on his cheek, "Perhaps we could sweep you all away in a tornado!" She said hopefully. The squad snickered at her suggestion before suggesting other gruesome ways to kill the Fairies.

"What about a flaming hell?" Erza suggested, she had Jellal on all fours as she sat on his back, he whimpered in agony as her body was scorching hot, and burned right through his clothing.

"How about drowning?" Juvia clapped her hands, "especially fun for those who can't swim." There was a deadly glint in her eyes as she looked at the Fairies.

"What about crushing them to death with rocks?" Levy said, she and Sting had taken a break from making out in the corner of the guild to tell her suggestion. As soon as she was done they went straight back to it.

"God you're hot." Sting told her as he played with her hair, Gajeel muttered something about Levy 'acting like a hoe..' and 'she should be with me..' Sting quickly made eye contact with Gajeel before going again to kiss Levy. He also flipped Gajeel off as well.

"We can freeze them in space!" Yukino said with stars in her eyes, "then break them apart by their limbs!" The Fairies looked at her like she was crazy, but the squad simply brushed it off like it was completely normal for her to suggest such a thing.

The squad and Fairies all turned as they heard the doors to the guild hall being opened, the squad felt a familiar presence and immediately kneeled down. "Good job, my Elite 13.." the voice cooed, he stepped forward and the Fairies all gasped when they saw Zeref standing before them, "those are all wonderful ways to kill them.. but I merely need Lumen Histoire." He told them, Yukino nodded as she brought the body of the first master up to him, he caressed the body carefully, as if reliving old memories.

"My Emperor, shall we begin the attack on Fiore now?" Minerva asked as she stood up, the others following her lead, "seeing as how this guild was so easy to take down and manipulate the others shouldn't be that hard as well."

"That won't be necessary, Minerva. For you see, I merely wanted Mavis's body as to resurrect her, not destroy Fiore. Yet." He told them as he took Mavis's body, "we all will return to Alakitasia, we must hold a celebration for the new Empress." He smirked, the squad looked at each other, shocked, but followed their Emperor.

"Master Mavis will never willingly join you!" Makarov yelled, the squad turned to face him.. Levy, Juvia, Erza, and Lucy had a pleading look in their eyes, telling him to stop talking.. but he never was one to listen. "Fiore is her home! She would never turn her back on us!" He yelled again, this time Zeref turned around as well, with a murderous glint in his eyes. He tried to keep his cool demeanor but quickly found himself gritting his teeth at the old man.

Zeref turned towards his squad, his aura darker than what they had ever seen before. "Scratch what I said about not attacking Fiore." Zeref growled, he looked from Fairy to Fairy with a smirk, "If Mavis will not turn her back on Fiore, we have to make sure there is no Fiore anymore!" He laughed harshly, the squad looked at each other, unsure of what to do. But not following Zeref's orders would get them killed when they returned to Alakitasia, they all nodded at their Emperor before turning back to the Fairies.

The squad lined up, they showed almost no sign of emotion. "The Elite 13 are here to rid this world of scum like you." They said in harmony, the Fairies could tell they had said this line before, multiple times before. "Step down and you will have a quick and painless death, defy us and your misery will be our humor. Either option ends in death." The Fairies gulped, they didn't like the whole 'end in death' thing, they also didn't want to go down without a fight however.. but the Elite 13 were too strong even for the mighty Fairy Tail guild.

"Nothing to do? Good." Zeref cooed, he pointed his finger at Makarov "this one dies first." He said, the girls opened their mouths to protest but stopped when Zeref looked at them. No one could quite bring themselves to kill Makarov, even the ones who had never been in Fairy Tail found it hard to. Makarov looked at his former children with tears in his eyes.. he understood that they had no other choice.. he understood why the girls had done this.. he understood he would no longer walk this Earth much longer. "Why don't you pick, Makarov? Pick your killer!" He laughed harshly, Makarov looked at each of the squad members in front of him, before his finger landed on the four former Fairies.

"I am too frail to fight a battle anymore, if I must die then I want it to be by their hand's." Makarov lowered his head as the four girls moved silently up to him, "I want to die with my children by my side." He said, the four girls all held back the tears that threatened to fall in the corners of their eyes.

"You heard him." Zeref said, he was starting to get annoyed by how long the death was taking. The girls sniffled before taking one last look at the man they once considered a second father, the man they were being forced to kill..

The girls joined hands as they chanted, "Water, fire, land, and air!" they were starting a unison raid.. the Fairies yelled at their master to move.. to do anything.. but he did not budge, it was almost like he wanted to die.. as the old man sat their with his legs crossed and his hands in his lap.. "4/5 of the elements combine so be aware! The power we wield is stronger than most.." they stopped for a second before finishing off the unison raid.

"Kill this man before us, and create his ghost!"

Oh dang they're really gonna kill Makarov! Will Makarov somehow survive the Elementals? Is he truly done for? Why is Zeref girlfriend-deprived?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

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