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Levy opened her eyes, she took a long look around.. she saw Erza, Juvia, Yukino, Lucy, and the entire Fairy Tail guild as well, "where are we?" She mumbled, before remembering she was supposed to be in an orb prison, "The orbs! They didn't work!" Her voice shook, when Yukino and Juvia realized the same thing they felt nauseous, they knew they wouldn't be in control of theirselves for much longer.. Zeref would slowly take over their subconscious until they fell victim to his powers again, but.. the longer they stood, they didn't feel Zeref taking over.

"He's.. not here!" Juvia yelled excitedly as she hugged Yukino and Levy, a look of relief showing on her face, "We're free! We're free!" She yelled again as the three of them cried into each other's shoulders, being under Zeref's control was like being constantly sick to your stomach, laying on a bed of needles, while being eaten by a lion.. and to finally be free of his control.. it felt better then being alive.

The three pulled away and suddenly remembered everyone else was there as well, Yukino looked over to the confused and shocked faces of the Fairies, many of them were bruised and beaten, "we didn't do that..? Did we..?" She asked them, she practically jumped to the ceiling when someone placed a hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Rogue with his arm in a cast and a black eye.

"You didn't do that.. we did." He told them, looking insanely guilty as the others nodded behind him, "you weren't the only ones put under his control." He mumbled as the Fairies glared at all of them, the previous dark mages looked away from them. They all felt guilty, but it seemed the Fairies couldn't see past that.

Lucy and Erza walked over to the group, with their friends close behind, "how is this possible?" Lucy asked as she hugged Levy tightly, not completely believing what she saw was real, "Hephaestus said those orbs were supposed to trap you.." she said further, hugging both Yukino and Juvia as well.

Erza thought for a moment, "He said he made those in case one of us went dark.. he said he hadn't perfected them yet too.. perhaps they were so unready they only trapped what they were supposed to." Erza went on, the four slowly understood what she was getting at, "they only trapped the darkness, and let go of the light." She smiled happily, since the three had no 'true' darkness inside they took the 'artificial darkness' and basically got rid of anything else.

"So.. you were being controlled by Zeref the entire time?" Makarov asked them, Juvia and Levy flinched at the sound of his voice, trying not to make eye contact with him. They slowly turned, tears threatening to fall from the corners of their eyes.

Levy nodded sadly, "yes.. Makarov.." she made eye contact with him and that's when the tears really started to fall, "I'm so sorry.. when.. when we.." she looked to Juvia to help explain but she was sobbing as well, Makarov smiled fondly at the two, nodding in understanding. They never wanted to kill Makarov.. they just didn't have a choice, Zeref had already been in their heads at that point.

"This is great! This means you guys can stay with us! You can rejoin Fairy Tail!" Lucy clapped her hands, she expected the others to be just as excited, but they looked sad at the thought. They all exchanged looks and seemed to come to a silent agreement, "what's wrong?" Lucy asked them, her friends smiled sadly at her.

"We can't rejoin Fairy Tail.. we destroyed countless guilds. We'd tarnish Fairy Tail's name if we joined you." Yukino explained to her as the others nodded, but Lucy could tell this wasn't the whole truth.

"So are you all going to rejoin Sabertooth?" Erza asked, the entire group sighed at her question, "I'm guessing that's a no.." Erza frowned as they nodded silently.

Sting walked up closer as he frowned, "we can't join any guild, who would accept us after everyone knows what we've done?" He asked sourly, "right now our best chance is to just.. hide." He looked at Levy who nodded in agreement with her boyfriend. Lucy and Erza looked at them sadly, understanding what was going to happen.

"You're basically labeling yourself as a dark guild." Erza told them, they didn't seem that surprised.. like they already knew what they were doing, "just to not tarnish a guild's name?" She asked them, they nodded sadly.

Juvia scratched her arm, "we don't feel like we deserve to be in a guild, not after what we've done to countless other guilds." She told them, "we want to be able to forgive ourselves before others forgive us. So.. we'll just travel around for awhile, but of course we'll be back." She smiled wide at them, she said that.. but how long would it take them all to forgive themselves? What if they never did forgive themselves? They were so lost in thought they didn't even notice the small group heading for the door.

"Please.. don't go." Lucy pleaded with them, everyone else nodding and yelling out in agreement. Lucy made eye contact with everyone individually, "please.. stay longer!" She begged, they smiled sadly at their friend, especially Hibiki, who was leaving his lover behind.

"It's not forever." Hibiki smiled at them all, "just until next time." He laughed to himself, "don't forget us." He joked with them, he was the first to disappear through the large guild doors.

"How could they forget us?" Pantherlily laughed as he followed behind him.

Lyon waved as he practically slid on ice out the door, "tell Lamia Scale I'm sorry."

"See you soon." Rogue mumbled as he did a short wave to their friends.

"We'll be back for a fight!" Sting promised them as he was dragged out by Rogue.

That left Juvia, Yukino, and Levy still in the guild, they made eye contact with Erza and Lucy before speaking in perfect sync, "Elementals forever." They smiled.

And just like that, they were gone.

Hey guys! This is the end of the story! Or is it? You wish! The next part will be a time skip to when they have kids, approximately 14-15 years in the future. Just so no one gets confused. I hope you've enjoyed reading the story up till this point!

But what will happen in the future? Are they still in hiding? What are their kids like?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

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