Familiar Faces

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The Elementals stared in horror at the damage they had caused to the arena, "We're so sorry Mato! We'll pay you for the damages!" Lucy said sincerely. Mato looked at his precious arena with tears in his pumpkin eyes.

"Oh dear.. looks like we'll have to end the games early today." He announced to the remaining audience and guilds, "The arena will be fixed tomorrow, the games aren't over yet!.." he sort of mumbled, there were some applause but most people just applauded out of fear. The Elementals waved quickly before exiting the arena with their guild mates, plus Hibiki and Lyon.

"What the hell was that!?" Minerva hissed, "you guys almost destroyed everything!" She extended her arms for dramatic effect.

"I don't know! I don't even know what happened!" Levy said truthfully, none of the girls were even aware of what hey had done until after the damage was already caused, "it was like someone else just took control of my body!" She stared at her hands in confusion and shock, when she blacked out she had felt like Hades and Gaea were there again, and they were doing the damage, not her.

"Hýdōr doesn't know what happened either, one minute she was screaming at Gray and them, the next she wasn't even in control of her body!" Juvia said, "it was like... they were in control.." she mumbled as her hand went to her tattoo, it was the coldest place on her body, almost an unhealthy cold.

"Like who was in control?" Lyon asked her, he arched an eyebrow. He hadn't heard the story of how they became the Elementals. Juvia quickly briefed him on what happens for five years, ending with Lyon making a silent 'O' shape with his mouth.

"Well I'm just glad you guys snapped out of it." Hibiki sighed, "who knows what would've happened if you didn't." He shuddered at the thought of five angry mages rampaging around Crocus.

"Anyways we should—." Erza started, but was cut off by someone with brute strength hugging her from behind, she turned her head to see MiraJane giving her a bear hug, and Cana giving one to Lucy as well.

"You fuckers!" Cana exclaimed, "we thought you were dead!" She told them, the girls laughed nervously at their friend.

Behind Cana and MiraJane were several familiar faces, Lisanna, Wendy, Charle, Elfman, Laxus, Evergreen, Bickslow, and Freed.. They all had looks of disbelief on their faces as they stared at their friends.

"Waaah!" Wendy cried as she hugged Levy, "I missed you four so much! When Master said you died I.. I.." She stuttered in between sniffles, her tears stained Levy's clothing but she didn't mind.

"Wow Cheerleader, you look different now, you all do." Bickslow said, the others agreed that their appearances had changed drastically, their magic power as well.

"It's nice to see you again, Titania." Evergreen mused as she walked over to Erza, she eyed her up and down before giving her a hug, "never die again, ok?" She said in between sniffles. The four girls were amazed that Evergreen would show such emotion, they stood there in shock.

"Well then.." Laxus huffed, he walked over to the girls and slung them all over his shoulders, "we'll be taking them back now!" He said, he started to walk away from everyone with the rest of Fairy Tail following. Juvia looked and mouthed 'help' to the Sabers who just stared at the entire ordeal in shock.

"Hold up!" Levy shouted, "put us down!" Laxus looked at her confused before setting them down in front of him.

"Guys.. we appreciate that you care but.." Juvia started, she didn't quite know how to explain that they didn't want to go back to Fairy Tail, and that they couldn't make them go back either.

"Sabertooth is our home now." Erza said, "we can't just leave them." She told them, the Fairies looked at her in shock, they never would've expected that they didn't want to come back to Fairy Tail.

"But.. but why?" Lisanna asked them, they all looked at the ground, guiltily.

"We made new friends.. new bonds." Lucy looked at them, their faces had obvious expressions of hurt and betrayal on them, "we still love you guys but.. we can't go back to Fairy Tail, not when Natsu and them are still there.." She gritted her teeth just at the thought of Natsu and the other boys.

"You heard the ladies, you can leave now." Rufus said and shooed them away with his hand, "they're Sabers now." He smiled, especially at Erza, who did a small smile in return.

"Then let us join Sabertooth!" MiraJane cried out, "it's just not the same in the guild without you guys.. either you come with us or we go with you.." silent tears streamed down her face.

"Mira.." Lucy said softly as she looked at the sad sight of her friend, "Fairy Tail is your home.. all of your guys's home, we can't just pull you away from that.. it'd be wrong." She crossed her arms, Mira looked at the ground, defeated.

"Home is where the people you care about the most are." Elfman piped up, "Mira ain't at home in Fairy Tail, none of us really are. Cause the people we care for the most ain't there." He said, the Fairies nodded their heads in agreement. The Elementals exchanged looks between themselves before looking back at the Sabers.

"Are you guys sure? You've all been part of Fairy Tail for so long.." Levy said, unsure if their choice was for better or worse, "they might not accept you back if you choose to leave Sabertooth."

"Well that's good then, cause I ain't ever gonna leave." Laxus smirked at the girls.

"How manly!" Elfman piped up as he held his chest.

Erza sighed, they weren't going to take no for an answer it seemed, "fine! You guys can join Sabertooth! As long as you all promise to leave if you change your minds, ok?" She said as she rubbed her forehead, getting a slight headache with everything that was going on.

The Fairies smiled and nodded their heads, the Sabers and Fairies walked together towards the Sabertooth inn. As the Fairies smiled fondly at the four girls leading the way, for the Fairies had finally found their home again. And they weren't going to let it go again.

Oh dang bois, Sabertooth has a lot of new members! *counts on fingers* one... two.. four.. pie.. wait wat?

Ten members! That's the number I'm looking for! But are all the members here to stay? Or are they just seeing how things work?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

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