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The games ended that day before they even truly began.. Mato ushered everyone out of the arena before things could escalate more then they already had, announcing that the games would be postponed until the following week so everyone could clear their minds and be fully ready to take the games head on.

But none of the teams really knew of a week would be enough to clear their heads.. at least the Night Wanderers and Fairy Tail didn't, they had all just ousted themselves in front of their families and hundreds of strangers! They were very embarrassed to say the least, so the group of twenty-four kids quickly ditched the arena before their parents could talk to them or ask them questions that they honestly didn't feel like answering..

"What do we do now?" Fudo asked as he shoved his hands in his pockets, "I don't feel like going to our inn.." he mumbled as tears of anger stung the corners of his eyes, he knew his dad would most likely be waiting for them at arrive at their inn room, which was exactly the reason he didn't want to go there.

Shiori spoke up as Genki gave her a piggy back ride, "you guys can come back to our inn." She offered as a yawn escaped her mouth, "there should be enough room for us all, and Natsu shouldn't look for you there." She said, obviously directed at Fudo who stumbled at her choice of things to say.. could Shiori read his mind or something?

"I can't read your mind." Shiori assured him as he once again almost fell over, "but I have grown up with five siblings, it got easy to read people based on their expressions and movements." She said sluggishly as Genki hoisted her up a little more, much to Takiyo's, Mamoru's, and Amaterasu's displeasure.. Genki could practically feel their glares burning into the back of his head, so much so that he even shuddered a little, much to Shiori's confusion..

As they walked farther along, getting closer to the Fairies inn, none of them had taken Shiori up on her offer yet.. after all they had barely known these kids for more then a day, but at the same time.. they felt like they had known each other all their lives.. it was confusing, to say the least, they most likely felt like this because of their parents close bond..

Yuudai scratched his arm as he looked towards the inn, "I.. don't wanna go to our inn.." he admitted as the group stopped walking, "I'm scared.. of what mom and dad will think.. what grandpa will think.." he fessed up as his older brother, Raidon, put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "What if they kick us all out? What if they all react like Natsu did?! I don't think I can survive my dad if he got as angry as Natsu-." Yuudai breathes heavily as the mood around suddenly got even more glum then before..

Mamoru huffed as he crossed his arms, "I don't know much about you guys and your guild." He began as he looked down at Yuudai, "all I know are from stories my parents told me.. you're a Dreyar? Right?" He asked as Yuudai nodded slowly and Raidon but an arm in front of his brother protectively.

"My mom told me about your dad. Said he used to be an awful person.. put his own guild in danger." Mamoru spoke, everyone looked at him unsure of whether he was comforting Yuudai or trying to make him feel worse, "but then.. he changed. For the better.. he became someone who put others before him for once in his life.. someone who actually started caring for others." Mamoru smiled, "if my mom's telling the truth, then I don't think he would do something so horrible to his own son.. so you have nothing to worry about." He assured him.. sure it wasn't the best speech of assurance.. but it did the trick seeing as Yuudai wiped his eyes and enveloped Mamoru in a hug.

"Thanks.." Yuudai mumbled as Mamoru felt his face go red, he quickly pushed the boy away and turned to hide his face.

"Whatever.." Mamoru grumbled, "now are you lugs coming to our inn or what?" He asked, the Fairies were unsure of whether or not to take up his offer.. but.. it wouldn't hurt to just stay there for a little bit, right? Of course they'd go back to their inns after they had gotten everyone sorted out! But for now.. they just wanted to relax for a minute.. and not think about their parents or who they were..

"I don't see why not!" Genki spoke up, his face was red as a sleeping Shiori leaned against his back now, "besides, I gotta drop her off." He laughed softly, careful not to disturb his friend's slumber.

Hoshi rolled his eyes and laughed as he took Fudo's hand, "you guys don't have to come, you don't have to be our friends either just because our parents were.. but.." he smiled foolishly as he looked at all the Fairies, "I think I speak for all the Night Wanderers when I say.. we want to be your friends!" He spoke cheerfully as most of his guild mates nodded in agreement.

Hajime laughed as he nodded, "I think I speak for most of Fairy Tail when I say we want to be your friends too." He told the Night Wanderers, "and not just because our parents were." He assured them, making the Night Wanderers feel overjoyed at his words.

"Really?!" Amaterasu jumped up and down excitedly, "oh wow, we've never had this many friends before!" She said without really thinking, "or any!" She admitted, the Fairies felt their hearts break a little knowing the Night Wanderers had never had any outside friends.. even if it made sense seeing as they were a dark guild only months prior..

Rikona smiled at the enthusiastic girl, "well you won't have to worry about that anymore. We'll all be your friends, right guys?" She asked her guild mates as choruses of 'yes', 'yeah', and 'sure' rang out throughout the group.. until one answer stopped both the Night Wanderers and Fairies in their tracks..


Oh no, it seems that most of the Fairies want to be friend with the Night Wanderers except for one! How will this answer affect the group? Who doesn't want to be their friend?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

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