The Preliminary

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"We're here!" Hajime announced as he threw open the door to their inn, they all shared one big room that sectioned of into different parts for the girls and boys, "we made it! We-!" He was cut off by the sudden feeling of their inn shaking, the Fairies first thought was that there must be an earthquake, but quickly decided that wasn't the case when they looked out the window and saw Crocus getting further and further away from them.. or were they getting further away from Crocus? They didn't have time to debate before a giant pumpkin man appeared in the middle of the sky, hopping around as he clapped his hands happily.

"Welcome competitors to this year's GMG! This year we will only be accepting seven teams into the actual games!" The pumpkin explained, "so you all better hurry and get past the preliminary to earn yourself a spot in this year's GMG! Our preliminary is of course, the famous Sky Labyrinth! Make it to the end, you win! Fall down, you're out!" Mato yelled as an air horn appeared in his hands, a three second countdown appeared over his head, "3.. 2.. 1.. Go!" He blew the air horn as the Sky Labyrinth appeared as did the floating rocks that paved the way to the Labyrinth.

"This is where we split off!" Hajime smirked as he used his territory magic to his advantage, switching his and his team's position with pebbles from the closest rock to the Sky Labyrinth. Team A watched as Team B got an easy lead against all the others, and started knocking down opposing teams who were racing up the rock path. Raidon even did a storm dragon roar at Team A! Earning him several glares from his guildmates as he laughed with glee at their shocked faces, Rikona grumbled something before clasping her hands together.

She jumped into action as she quickly used her air/wind magic to push her team all the way to the Sky Labyrinth. When they got there they saw many teams already running around and knocking people down to get rid of competition, an especially brutal team consisted of ten people wearing hoods as they knocked down team after team that even came close to them, the team ran around a lot and moved so quickly it was a surprise to see their hoods didn't fall off! But they stayed up, like they were glued to their heads or something.

Genki started to put two and two together, his eyes lighting up when he realized who they were, "Shiori!" He called out, one of the hooded people turned and did a quick wave before running off with her team in a separate direction. While everyone else seemed to be running around aimlessly the Night Wanderers seemed to actually know where they were going..

Everyone but Genki apparently got the same idea, "follow them!" They whisper/yelled as they chased after the Night Wanderers, of course keeping their distance so they didn't realize they were being followed. Shiori must've had super good hearing though because her head spun back, she made eye contact with Fairy Tail Team A, they thought she was going to alert her team that they were being followed.. but instead she simply smirked and kept running with her team.

"Are you sure we should be following them? What if we're actually going in the wrong direction?" Genki whispered, realizing no one else was heading in the same direction as they were, "besides, aren't we sort of cheating by following them?" He asked, his team mates shook their heads 'no'.

"We're simply using our resources." Michi joked, she had transformed her arms into bird wings and was flying above her team's heads, "besides, we're so far away from everyone else that even if we did go back we'd be far behind everyone else." She said seriously, her team nodding in agreement, their best bet was following the Night Wanderers and hoping they knew where they were going..

Up ahead Rikona noticed that the Night Wanderers started to whisper among themselves, and steal glances towards her and her team.. before she could warn the others the Night Wanderers stopped in front of them, spreading out and making a wall so Rikona and her team couldn't pass from either direction. Rikona's team stopped quickly, when the Night Wanderers realized who they were their frowns turned softer.

"Oh. It's just you guys, we thought it was some other guild." Takiyo scratched the back of his head, "we don't want to hurt you guys.. you seem cool, but we also want to win this thing." He told them, that was understandable, everyone wanted to win the GMG, but they didn't necessarily want to be hurt in the process of winning.

"You guys can have first and second! We're happy with third!" Misumi blurted out, the Wanderers gave her funny looks at her little outburst.

"Isn't following us, like, cheating?" Hoshi asked, his team nodded their heads in agreement, causing the Fairies to look down at the ground guiltily and full of embarrassment.

Rikona scratched her arm, "I guess we didn't think about it like that.." she said truthfully, "we called it using our resources." She joked, earning several laughs and giggles from the Night Wanderers, once their laughter stopped they looked at one another before coming to a silent agreement.

"You guys can have third we guess," Kawa shrugged, "after all first and second have already been taken." She smirked, that's when the Fairies noticed the large sign above their heads that read 'Finish Line' and the dancing pumpkin man that hopped around behind the Wanderers, clapping his hands.

"Congratulations, Mamoru Eucliffe, Shiori Eucliffe, Takiyo Eucliffe, Hoshi Cheney, and Taro Lates on coming in first place in the preliminary!" Mato announced as he clapped his hands, "and congratulations to Yuki Vastia, Kawa Vastia, Amaterasu Eucliffe, Ezume Vastia, and Au Lates on coming in second! You may return to your inns until tomorrow morning, see you at the GMG!" Mato waved as the two teams walked off, leaving the Fairies in shock.. not because Night Wanderers had won..

But because they couldn't put their fingers on why their last names sounded so familiar.

They've passed the preliminary! But how far will they go in the real GMG? What other teams will take the other 4 open spots? Why do their last names sound so familiar?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Elements Of Sabertooth!

(Also I made it seven teams because I couldn't come up with enough other fankids for the guilds)

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