Sky Labyrinth

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The Sabers ran into their hotel room just as the hotels started to shake, they looked out the windows to see buildings all around Crocus rising with them. Levy felt nauseous as they moved towards the air, most likely being she was getting farther and farther away from the ground.

"Hello pumpkins!" Mato said cheerfully, "it's time for the Grand Magic Games preliminary round! Time to narrow down these one hundred plus teams, down to a measly eight!" He exclaimed, this didn't come as much of a shock seeing as it was the same as last year.

"Hopefully you know the rules! Because if you don't then you're out of luck! The Grand Magic Games preliminary starts now!" He yelled, the guilds raced towards the sky labyrinth that loomed over Crocus.

Sabertooth team A and B made it to the labyrinth together, but quickly split off, each team in hopes of beating the other and coming in first place.

"How are we supposed to find the finish line?" Yukino called out as she ran behind the four elementals, "it could be anywhere!" She exclaimed, the team kept running before they came to a dead end.

"None of our magic can take us straight to the end. So we'll have to actually try and find it." Lucy said as she looked around the labyrinth, she saw many teams fall by misstepping, but with Lucy's air magic them falling shouldn't be a problem.

"Maybe it's in the same spot as last year's? The labyrinth doesn't look like it's been altered, so maybe they were lazy?" Yukino suggested, Lucy looked at her like she was on to something.

"Lucky for us I remember the way there!" Lucy exclaimed, she jumped off the edge of the platform before landing on another one and running, the other Sabers followed her, hoping she did actually know what she was doing. And she did. After some jumping, climbing, falling, and running, they saw a large sign that said 'Finish Line'. The team cheered as the got there.

"Wow! Great time! Only forty-two minutes!" Mato exclaimed, "Congratulations Yukino, Gē, Hýdōr, Atmós, and Pŷr on coming in first place! You may return to your inn until tomorrow morning!" Mato said, the Saber team cheered as they were able to leave the sky labyrinth and go sleep.

*Time Skip The Next Morning*

"In eighth place is the guild full of dogs, Quattro Puppy!" Mato exclaimed, very few cheered for this guild, some were surprised they even made it past the sky labyrinth, "in seventh is Blue Pegasus!" There were definitely more applause for this guild, especially for the guys on the team.

"In sixth place the all girl guild, Mermaid Heel! In fifth are last year's winners, Fairy Tail... team A!" Mato yelled, there was thunderous applause for both guilds, and some confused looks on how Fairy Tail managed two teams in again.

"In fourth place is the mythical guild, Lamia Scale! In third is Fairy Tail team B!" There were some confused looks as the crowds thought who the other two teams could be, they obviously knew Sabertooth, but they didn't think they would add another team, boy were they wrong.

"The runner ups are Sabertooth team A! And first place is Sabertooth team B!" There was a lot of applause for these two teams, especially since they had also managed to get two teams into the games.

"Now before the games start, let's let our guilds get to know each other a bit!" Mato said.

The Sabertooth teams walked towards each other, while all the other guilds walked towards them.

"Congratulations on first place madams." Rufus said, "Sting was pouting all night when he heard we got second." He told them, they stifled a laugh as the other guilds got closer.

"It's you guys again." Gray growled at them, the other guilds who were about to introduce themselves backed off, there must be something wrong with them if they are on Fairy Tail's bad side.

"Yes it's us." Erza rolled her eyes, "what do you want Fullbuster?" She asked him, he glared daggers at her.

"We just want you to know that just because you're a bunch of girls doesn't mean we'll go easy on ya." Natsu boasted, "Fairy Tail has come to win, again."

"Well I'd hate to be on your team then. Cause if even one person messes up you'll just hurt them." Lucy growled quietly, the people on Blue Pegasus and Mermaid Heel overheard this, they stared at Fairy Tail and Sabertooth questionably.

Orga loomed over the Fairies, "I'd get out of here if I were you. Why don't you go treat some more girls at your guild like trash. You're good at that." He spat at them, the guilds looked at Fairy Tail confused.

"Yeah, especially when they're your friends. And trusted you." Minerva laughed harshly, "Sabertooth has done some bad things in the past, but nothing compares to what you did."

"We didn't do nothing." Gajeel argued with them, "they left of their own accord."

"Bullshit." Sting laughed, "they left because you treated them like trash."

"Treated who like trash?" Hibiki asked them, he had an idea of who but he didn't say, yet.

"Lucy." Minerva spat.

"Levy." Sting growled.

"Juvia." Rogue glared.

"Erza." Rufus laughed harshly.

"We did no such thing! They left cause they were too weak for Fairy Tail!" Gray said defensively, the guilds didn't know who to believe, that was until a tiny voice rang out.

"But you did." Wendy said, Gray, Natsu, and Gajeel all glared at her, she took a step back in shock but held her ground, "they left cause of you." She said, the three advanced towards the mage.

"Why you-." Natsu began, he swung his arm back and moved to hit Wendy, but was stopped by a force grabbing his hand.

"I don't think that'd be a very wise idea." Lucy glared at him, she squeezed his hand, the people closest to them heard bones snapping.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on your guild mate." Juvia threatened, blocking Wendy with her body.

"Or what?" Gajeel spat at them, "we gotta go through you weaklings I presume?"

"Exactly." Levy and Erza both said in a deadly tone at the same time.

"Oh dear, looks like we've got a fight on our hands already!" Mato told the crowd, "Fairies vs Sabers!"

Woah, woah. Would Natsu really lay a hand on Wendy like that? Canonically, probably not. But this isn't canon. This is fanfiction! *cue maniacal laughter*

Who'll win, Sabers or Fairies? To find out what happens next stay tuned!

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