The Date (Part 2)

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Lucy grabbed Hibiki's hand and tried to lead him away from Natsu and Lisanna, "Hibiki, come on.. He isn't worth it." She told him, Hibiki looked at her confused, if anyone would want Natsu to get hurt it was her! There was a pleading look in Lucy's eyes and Hibiki gave in, he slouched over and began to walk away with Lucy.

"Oi! Hibiki." Natsu growled from behind them, "you think you can just do that and get away with it?" He asked him, Natsu began to stomp closer to them, being held back by Lisanna.

"Natsu! Leave them alone! Stop provoking them!" Lisanna yelled at him, Natsu shot her an angry look which also made her back off, but she didn't want him to start a fight with both Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus mages.

"But babe-." Natsu began, Lisanna gave him a look that seemed to say 'stop now or I'll make you' he groaned before turning back and walking away as Lisanna started to yell at him for being an idiot.

"Do you really want to be on the bad side of Blue Pegasus and Sabertooth?!" She spat at her dumb boyfriend, "they're very powerful, remember? We don't want to go starting a fight with them!"

"But he-." Natsu began only to be cut off by Lisanna once more.

"Shut up." She told him, he looked away from her and they walked off in silence.

"I'm sorry Lucy I didn't mean to start a fight.." Hibiki said sincerely, "it's just once he started degrading you I just.. just couldn't control myself." He said angry at himself for causing a fight on his date.

"It's fine.. I just wish we hadn't run into him.." she mumbled as she looked back to make sure Natsu and Lisanna were gone.

"Me too." He sighed as they kept walking, "so how about we just enjoy our date now?" He suggested, Lucy smiled and nodded, she held his hand tightly as they wandered through Crocus.

"So how long have Sting and Levy been dating?" Hibiki asked, Lucy looked at him like he was dumb, "wait. You didn't know!?" Hibiki said amused, he laughed at the air mage who had a look of pure confusion on her face.

"They aren't dating??" Lucy said unsure, "they're just friends." She said more confidently, if they were dating Levy would've surely told her.

"I don't think making out is considered just a 'friend' thing." Hibiki laughed, Lucy's eyes went wide when he said this, she stopped walking.

"They what now!!?" Lucy yelled, "they've made out and she never told me!? How do you know this!?" She blurted out as she grabbed Hibiki by the collar of his shirt.

"I caught them in the hallway of the arena one time, no biggie." Hibiki shrugged, Lucy let him go and he smoothed his collar out, "you can question them later, let's enjoy our date for now." He grabbed her hand and led her towards the more busy parts of the town. Lucy looked at the buildings and shops in wonder and amazement, in a way it reminded her of the colors of the Celestial Spirit world she had visited before.

"It's so beautiful.." she sighed, it was nice to finally be making some happy memories in Crocus, instead of sour ones.

"Not as beautiful as you." Hibiki flirted, Lucy blushed as she quickly hid her face, "you're beautiful when you blush.." he said, this caused Lucy to turn a shade of red she didn't even know existed.

They kept exploring, and came upon one shop selling necklaces and other jewelry, "oh wow it's all so beautiful." Lucy said examining the different pieces of jewelry, there was a necklace that had caught her eye with a cloud on it, perfect for showing her off as the air elemental. Other pieces caught her eye as well, like earrings with rain drops on them, a headband with gems on it, a bracelet with a star on it, and an armlet with a flame dancing across it.

"They're perfect.." Lucy said in amazement, she quickly bought the items before anyone else could, however someone grabbed the necklace before she could.

"I'll pay for this." Hibiki said, Lucy tried to argue against it but he insisted he would buy it for her, "it's to celebrate our first date, and hopefully not the last." He smiled at her, he paid for the necklace and then put it around her neck, she smiled as the cold pendant touched her skin.

"Thank you." She told him, Hibiki just shrugged like it was nothing, which was a big lie.

"I should be getting you to your inn. It's getting late and we have another day of Grand Magic Games tomorrow." He scratched the back of his head before walking in the direction of Sabertooth's inn, with Lucy walking beside him. After a few minutes of waking they reached the inn, where they said their goodbyes for the night.

"I had a lot of fun.." Lucy smiled at him, Hibiki brushed the hair out of his eyes and smiled back at her, his smile really could lighten up the dark.

"I had fun too.. maybe we can do it again some time?" Hibiki suggested, Lucy nodded enthusiastically as she bounced on the heels of her feet.

"Goodnight Hibiki." She told him, she went to walk into her guild but was stopped by Hibiki pulling her into a kiss. Lucy was shocked at first but she slowly kissed him back. Hibiki broke the kiss and smiled at her red face.

"Good night, Atmós." He whispered before walking off, he disappeared into the blackness of night. As Lucy happily danced her way into the inn, she got a few steps in before remembering what Hibiki had told her on their date. She sighed before yelling out to the entire guild.

"Sting! Levy!" She yelled, and everyone in the inn instantly knew the two mages were in big trouble.

Oh dang Sting and Levy are going to get their butts kicked by Lucy! Or maybe she'll forgive them?? Highly unlikely.

To find out what happens to the two love sick mages you'll have to read the next part!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next!

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