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I am on my way to the house address of Pranpriya's sister. When I got home yesterday, my brother had given it to me. He gathered some info about Pranpriya. I'm glad that my brother had a friend who knew Pranpriya's sister. I'm meeting her sister to know more about her and where is her grave so I can visit her.

I stop on my thought when I arrived on my destination.

I pressed the door bell and wait for a while and the door slowly opens.

To my shock someone familiar appear right in front of my eyes.

"Jennie?" she asked. I know she felt shocked too based on her expression.

"Rosé? What are you doing here?" I said.

"Well, this is my house. Why are you here?" she asked.

"Wait, please come in first and you can tell me." she added as we go inside her house.

I sit on the couch and she get a drink. When she comeback with a cup of juice, she sits in front of me.

"So, do you need something from me?" she asked.

"I was informed that Pranpriya's sister is residing here." I said.

"Pranpriya? You know my sister?" she asked.


"Yes, she is my sister. How did you know her?"

"We've been friend when I was in Korea. I heard she's dead. I'm sorry I have just known."

"It's fine. It's been long but I still miss her."

"I... I was there when she d-died. She saved me."

"You're the friend that she was talking about when we're young." she said realizing.

"She talked about me?"

"Yes, she did. A lot. You are the only one she keeps on talking. She really likes you. I have never seen her happy until she met you. I'm thankful of you. I'm glad I met the girl my sister likes." she said as her eyes gets teary.

"But, if it was not for me, she was still here." I said. I felt like crying. Blaming myself. I look down a shamed in front of Pranpriya's sister.

I felt hand on my shoulder and I look up seeing Rosé looking at me sincerely with a smile.

"It's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself. I know Pranpriya did that because she wants you to leave. You made her happy when she was alive so I know she's happy right now in heaven." she said sincerely.

I felt glad and relieve hearing her words. I'm thankful.

She remove here hand on my shoulder as she talks about Pranpriya.

"You know, Pranpriya had a hard childhood. I wish I was able to help her but we're kid and I can't stop our father." she said.

"Hard childhood?"

"She was physically abused by our dad. Pranpriya was my half sister. Our dad hated her because of her mother our family was broken. My mother leaved us. But, I don't blame Pranpriya because she was just a child like me. She did nothing wrong but it's not the case to our father." she said sadly.

I had flashbacks on every time I saw Pranpriya crying in the greenfield. She was crying because of her father. She was hurt. She was not sick those bruises are really bruises. Why did I just realize it? She's kind and innocent. Why did she need to suffer?

That's the reason she never talk about herself because she did not have anything happy to tell.

"I'm also thankful of Pranpriya because she gave me eyes. Even she's not with me but seeing with her eyes makes me feel she is always with me." she said.

"She is really a real life angel. I should have known that she is suffering. I should have helped." I said.

"I had thought about it too but I know she is in better place now." she said.

We have talked and talked about Pranpriya. It was great talking to Rosé. The person who miss Pranpriya a lot too. Rosé showed me some childhood pictures of Pranpriya. I even ask for one and I'm glad she allowed me. She gave me the address of the graveyard where Pranpriya remains but it's in Korea so I will surely visit it when I go back there.

Pranpriya, I will visit you for sure.

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