[ 19 ]

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We finally arrive again here in the orphanage. I really want to see Somi again to check her condition personally. Lisa told me about what happened yesterday and I was really worried and glad that Lisa arrived to save her. Though she said Somi was fine now and I believed her but I want to see it with my own eyes.

When we came, Somi is in balcony looking at the sky with so much sadness. I look at Lisa as she gestures me to go and talk with Somi. She goes with the other children giving me space to talk with Somi alone.

I stand beside her as I see her side profile and saw tears falling out of her eyes slowly. I wipe her tears away with my hand. She looks at me with her sad eyes. I felt my heart ache for her. With no words to said, I hug her. Hoping to gave her the comfort she needs.

She sobs.

"I'm scared." she cries.

"We're here. We'll protect you." I said.

"He will came back and kill me. Maybe, it's better to die. I won't feel hurt, scared, and sad." she said.

"He won't. The police got him." I said trying to assure her.

"I'll tell you a secret." I said changing the topic.

She stops crying and pulls out of the hug as she look to me and listen.

"I have tried it before." I said.

"Tried what?" she asked questionably.

"I've tried dying." I said.

"You did?" she asked.

"Yes and you know what I learn?" I asked.

She questionably look at me.

"Dying might stop you from getting hurt, scared, and sad. BUT, it will also stop you for getting healed, confident, happy and all good things you will learn, gain in living." I said.

"I won't have met you, Lisa, and the children here who have became special to my heart. You know. Lisa has showed me the beauty of living. You don't need to go on Amusement parks to be happy. Just being with people you love and care and enjoying their company is enough. Being with them gave them happiness in which we got in return." I said.

"You're right. I want to be with my friends here and you and Lisa. All of you are people I love." she finally smiled.

"Yes, we are and we also love you." I said and gave her a warm hug.



I smile to myself hearing their conversation. Though it had me worried that me tried to take her life. She is kind and precious. I'm sure a lot of people love her. I'm glad she's fine now and I had help her in a way. I felt I completely did something great.

"Lalisa" a familiar voice I heard inside my head.

"Yes, Jihyo" I answered.

"Congratulation!" she said excitedly.

"For what?" I asked wondering.

"You have completed you mission, what else?" she said and laugh.

"Anyway, You can now freely comeback in heaven." she said.

I thought for a while and sadness grew in me since I need to leave the people who gained special place in my heart.

"Can I stay for a week longer?" I pleaded.

She inhaled deeply.

"Okay, one week but I need to talk to you about your punishment. I will have someone to get you." Jihyo said.

"Got it." I said.

It has been long since I've been in heaven. It will be nice to be back. I was not able to return to heaven since I got here since my wings are broken and have not fully healed. I'm not sure how I broke it but I think it has something to do why I became a Fallen Angel. My wings were light gray when I became fallen but it is now gray. I hope Jihyo won't punished me a lot for breaking one out of two rules. I guess I will know it tomorrow.


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