[ 14 ] Breakfast

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My mom welcomed us as soon as we entered the house. They introduced their selves to each other same with my dad and brother. It was fine nothing bad happen for now.

We are now seated as we silently eating our breakfast.

"So.. Lisa" My dad started and now I am praying he won't say something embarrassing.

"Yes, sir?" Lisa asked.

"You can call me uncle like Jennie's friends or dad if you have special relationship with my daughter." my dad said.

Yeah. This is where everything ends. Lisa will get uncomfortable and she will hate me. Why did I think this would go smoothly?

I was about to lecture my dad but Lisa answered first.

"Dad then. Yes, dad?" Lisa said unbothered at all. Totally.

I choke on my on saliva. My dad's eyes double its size. My mom laughs. My brother literally choke on his drink and then he joins mom laughing.

"I like you dude. You're bold. Cool." my idiot brother complimented her.

"I know. I'm cool." Lisa said proudly.

Here I am wanting to bury my self five feet underground.

"You and my daughter. Are you two together?" my dad asked trying to confirm his guess.

"Yes, we are. Just this morning. Jennie have level up our relationship." she said.

"My daughter? Jennie?" dad asked.

"Woohh.. Jennie sure gets braver." my brother said.

"I can't. Jennie is finally growing up." my mom said as she wipes her invisible tears.

"No!" I denied.

Lisa look at me as she looks likes she's hurt.

"You want break our special relationship that fast?" Lisa asked.

"Jennie sure is cruel." my brother said.

"No! I mean Yes! AH........" I try to tell Lisa.

"Listen. Everyone. Lisa and I are special friends." I said.

"And... the drama ends. That was quite interesting." my brother side commented.

"Yes. We are special friends so we have special relationship." Lisa agreed to me innocently as she smiles showing her dimple.

My mom laughs.

"You are really cute Lisa. I won't mind having you as a daughter. You may call me Mom." my mom said.

"Sure, Mom." Lisa said.

"You almost gave me a heart attack there. But, that was funny. You are such an innocent girl sweetheart. You may call me Dad" my dad said.

"Yes, dad." Lisa said.

Lisa lean near me as she murmur to me.

"I like your family. They are really kind and fun." Lisa murmured to me.

I know my family heard it since they smile looking at us.

I smile at myself as I think how weird but fun this is. Having Lisa over is a great decision. She brought smile to us. We normally it in silent but today is different. Different in a good way.

We finished our breakfast and Lisa bid goodbye to all of us. They invite her to have breakfast with us every our morning walk. Lisa agreed on to it easily. My family even bid goodbye with a hug to her. She sure have get my family's heart. But, I am not wondering at all since I know Lisa is kind and has this warm heart she radiates to everyone.

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