Epilogue (Part 3)

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Epilogue (Part 3)


The gunshot echoes throughout the castle. It is a sound that makes my eardrums seem like they are going to burst. My instinct is to run or hide, but it takes me some time to get out of bed. Helpless screams and cries are heard as feet pound to escape the flying bullets that I can hear being shot. I waddle as quickly as possible as I can into the bathroom -- my only hiding spot that I can think of.

My mind is filled with terrorizing thoughts of what is going on in the rest of the palace, and my mind cannot seem to process as each gunshot occurs. Tears roll down my cheeks and my body begins to be taken over with horror.

My limbs go weak and I flop on the floor like a fish. Outside my bedroom door there is someone shooting and killing, and they could come for me. My vision is blurry from tears and my body starts to tremble. The cold golden tiles of the bathroom floor give me chills. My mind flashes through all the things that could be happening to everyone outside my door.

Another set of screams and cries occur and someone rushes into my room. Is it the gunman?! My eyes shut as I remind myself to breath. I start sobbing thinking that this could be it for me and my sunshine.

Then a pair of hands grab my shoulders, "Come on, Princess!" Robin yells to me, "We have to get to safety." Those playful eyes are now frightened, cautious, and filled of worry. My body is uncooperative, so Robin picks me up somehow.

He runs out of the bathroom and into the closet. "Why are we in the closet?!" I ask, frantically as Robin sets me on the ground and pulls open a trapdoor to a ramp that goes into a darkness.

"Come on, slide down it!"


"Do you wanna die?!" He grabs me and sets me on the edge of the ramp before he pushes me down it. Everything is pitch black. The sounds of the hopelessness in the castle grow fainter as I slide down. The slide almost seems endless as I go down, down, down. Suddenly, the ramp ends and I fall on the hard ground.

I cannot see anything, but all I hear is Robin sliding down after me. Suddenly, I feel his body fall right on top of mine. Robin gets up and helps me up, "You alright?"

"I believe so..."

I feel frozen and I am still in shock.

All of a sudden, there is a little light and I realize Robin has a flashlight. He takes my hand and guides me quickly through what seems like a dungeon. Robin begins to go faster than I am able to, "Robin!" I say, trying to catch my breath, "You're going too fast."

"Sorry," He wraps an arm around my waist, trying to help me go faster.

We turn a corner and we come to a small door that Robin opens. He slips through the door and tells me to do the same. Thankfully, I was able to fit through it. Robin quickly shuts the door back. The room we are in is small with blankets and food.

"We should be safe here." Robin states and relief floods over me, knowing that I am safe. Then, panic rushes through me. Is my sunshine okay? I took some hard falls and Robin fell on me. My hands drift up to my belly, and a few gentle kicks are felt. Everything seems okay... Nothing seems out of the ordinary...

Robin looks at me and begins freaking out, "Are you going into labor?!"

"What? No! What even made you think that?!"

Robin has this sigh of relief, "You had this funny look on your face."

"No, I was just worried about Marko." I state.

"Ah," Robin searches around, "we'll have to check and see if he is alright when we get out of here and everything is safe." He gives me a comforting smile, "But I have seen you take harder falls and he has been perfectly fine. I am sure he is alright, so don't worry about that right now." Robin comforts me and it works, he keeps me calmer for a few minutes.

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