Oh my...

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Chapter 32- Oh my...

After dancing more with Robin, I immediately begin my search for KC or Bethany. Robin apparently begins following me, for what reason? I have no idea.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Trying to find someone." I say.

"Oh, well, if you're looking for your love dove, he is at the Self-Defense Arena." Robin says, jokingly.

"No, I am looking for Bethany or KC. I have to ask them about," I catch myself before I spill anything. Heh, that would be a total disaster! "So I can ask them about my wedding dress." Well, I lie once again, and another series of guilt engulfs me but I can't let it show.

"Oh, they are in your room, I think." Robin says.

"Thanks, see ya." I am proud of myself because I can make my way to my room with no hesitation. When I enter, only KC is there which is perfect.

"Hi, Arizona. How was dancing?" KC asks as she taps on her LivingSquare.

"Good, thank you."

KC looks up and smiles with her blue eyes bright, "You know, your wedding dress fitting is in two days. Isn't that absolutely exciting! Robin told me that you and Charles are actually in love. I can't believe it! The word is spreading all over the castle, now. You two don't have to pretend anymore. I find it so adorable that you pretended to be a couple and before you both knew it, you guys weren't faking!"

Oh, no... did she say that the news is spreading... across the castle?! Oh my gosh! This is not good. I repeat: this is not good. This means that Charles and I not only have to pretend on camera but, also, off camera. If we say that we aren't in love in front of them, they're going to ask us what we were doing, and it'll give our plan away. This is going to make it harder because the time where we didn't have to pretend, is being taken away.

Robin, you blabber mouth...

I decide to just tell her that we aren't really in love because she is going to find out about the plan anyways. "Look, um... KC, we aren't in love..."

Her eyebrows knit together immediately, "But Robin said that he saw you and Charlie kissing and nobody was there except Emerald because she was in the library while you both snuck in."

Mentally, wincing, I look at her, "What I am about to tell you, you have to, and I mean have to, not tell anyone whatsoever. Got it?"

KC nods her head vigorously. "You have my word, Arizona. I will not tell a soul."

"Emerald, Charles, and I snuck in the library together. Emerald wasn't already in there. Charles and Emerald have had a thing for each other since they were young and they love each other, and I want to get out of the marriage just like Charles wants out of the marriage. We have come up with a plan, and that is what I am here to talk to you about."

"What? Emerald and Charles? I wasn't aware of that..." After a moment of KC mentally debating, she speaks again. "Go on about the plan..."

Her reaction isn't very assuring and I question if I should tell her, but I have to. I mean, I have already told her this much, why not go on? "On the morning of the wedding day, we need someone to dye my hair the color of Emerald's and her hair the color of mine. Emerald is going to slip on the dress and the veil I am supposed to wear. The veil will cover the different color of her eyes and some of her features that differ from mine. Emerald and I are going to switch places."

"Well, what about you? If you play Emerald's part, they'll catch you because Emerald originally isn't supposed to wear anything over her face." KC comments.

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