Two-thirds Found (Agent 8)

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It has been someday since Agent 8 come in contact with Off The Hook and right now things were going well with the tests. Of course many was really hard, almost like they was designed by the devil or some other evil being, but some were easy and she thanked heaven for that.

Cap'n Cuttlefish and Off The Hook help as much they could. Cap'n Cuttlefish with tips and could look out for possible ambush. Marina and Pearl help her by telling her about what kind of test it is and hack the system to auto pass some test that was too hard for her, like those sniper test's.

One other thing that is good is that some of her memories have return and that is thanks to the mem cakes. C.Q. cumber told her that mem cakes are compressed memory given physical form. She didn't understand how that is possible and she decided to not care, the many point is that they bring back some of her memory.

So far she remembers some of her time in the army. She remembers the drill, the lessons about war tactics, language and weapons handling. She also remembers that she was not close with anybody except her squad of three.

The two other members were an older octoling girl, how were the leader of the squad, and an octoling boy who was her twin brother.

When she remembered that she had a brother she freaked out and tried her best to remember more about him, but all she can remember is how he looks and that he had only seven tentacles instead of eight.

About the leader of the squad she could only recall one thing and it was that the tip of her nails and hair were always crimson no matter what hair colour she had.

Now she sat on the train with Cap'n Cuttlefish and her new friend Iso Padre on her way to the third thangs.

At first she was terrified of Iso Padre who is a giant isopod and is wearing sunglasses, a golden neck chain, and a black leisure suit. This all together with his dark voice made him look like one of the mafia or a crime boss, but it turns out that he is a big fan of toys and trinkets.

His dream is to come to the Promised Land and open a toy shop, but right now he is stuck here waiting for the day then the ban to go to the Promised Land is lifted.

"I must saw that it is not many how has come this far with collecting all the thangs and I have seen many try" Iso Padre said. "And I have seen few octolings as good as you myself" Cap'n Cuttlefish added. Agent 8 smiled at the complements.

"So have you thought of that you will do when you arrive in the Promised Land, Agent 8?" Iso Padre asked. Agent 8 thought for a bit. "I don't know. Pearl and marina have promised me that they will show me around, but if I can I would like to find me brother and our leader of the squad."

Cap'n Cuttlefish nodded. "I will help you with finding them, I believe Agent 4 will also help. Anyway it looks like we arrived." The train had begun to slow down and soon stopped.

Agent 8 walks of the train and went to get the trailer for the thang. At the beginning then she found a thang she expected that there would be enemies that would prevent her from get it, but there were non.

She walk up the ramp and soon she saw the thang, but she saw something else also and that was a octoling laying on the floor. She immediately grab her splattershooter and walk closer. "Is it an enemy?" Cap'n Cuttlefish asked through the radio. "I do not know. It dosen't look like it" she answered.

She moved closer and could now see more clearly the octoling. That she first saw was that he was a boy the second was that he had light brown skin and dark pink coloured mohawk hairstyle. He wears a black leather shirt and black pants and black boots. He also has the same type of neon yellow wristband on his ankles and wrists as her.

He seems to be unconscious, so she lowered her gun and continued to look at him. He felt so familiar to her and then she saw that he was missing a tentacle. It took her some second before she screamed.

"IT'S MY BROTHER!!!!" "What!!!" Cap'n Cuttlefish shouted back. She throw herself on her knees and inspect her brother. She could not find any wounds, but she found a small dart at his neck.

She removed it and then inspected if he was breathing and had heart beat. She signs in relief when she found that he breathed and had a pulse. She loaded the thang and her brother on the trailer after she searched the area for any clues. She didn't find anything except for the dart.

When she got back, C.Q. cumber and Cap'n Cuttlefish were waiting for her. "I see that you have recovered the thangs and found applicant 10,007" C.Q. cumber said. She stop and stared that the small conductor.

"You know me brother and he was riding the train. Why did you not tell me." She asked a little angry "First I didn't know that he was your brother and second you never asked." Agent 8 was stunned.

"Never mind that now. Let's get the boy on board the train" Cap'n Cuttlefish said to prevent a quarrel. She did as he told her and carried her brother on board and put him on one of the seats.

"What do we do now?" she asked. Cap'n Cuttlefish walks forward and to a close look at the unconscious octoling. "I think it best if we wait for him to wake up." She looked back at her brother and wished she could do anything to help him recover, but she didn't know how.

The best she could do now was to watch over him until he recovers. She signs. This turn of event was something she could not have guessed, but now she has found her brother. She will tell Pearl and Marina about what happened and they would probably freak out like she did.

She smiled at that thought. Now all that is left is to find her way out of this hell and find her missing squad leader.

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