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Sarah's pov:

      His betrayal was hurting me but I had to stay strong, for the sake of my brother. I immediately left for Oberoi mansion.

      I went near the gate but the watchman didn't allow me in. I tried calling him million times but still he didn't pick up. I know this mistake was unforgivable but he is my bhai , he will understand.

I called bhabhi, but even she ignored my calls. After trying a million times she picked up.
"Hello". She said silently so that no one could hear her.
"Bhabhi, bhai is not picking up my call! The guard is not letting me in the house, please do something".
"Sarah, tonight stay somewhere else".
"Ma'am you need to fill this form". I heard in the background.

Form? For what? I was tensed.
"Bhabhi, is everything alright?" I asked with concern.
"Mumma why is Daddy sleeping".
Said Yuvraj from behind.

"Bhabhi, where is bhai? Is he alright?"
"Calm down Sarah! He had a panic attack. And his blood pressure was quite high so we brought him in the hospital , Doctors said there is nothing to worry and they are going to keep him under observation for 24 hrs".
"Bhabhi I'll come-", before I could complete my sentence she said, " Sarah I don't think that you should be here, he was quite stressed after hearing the news he called you many times but you didn't pick up. Seeing you will only increase his pain , he can't see you in pain".

"I'll wait in the house , it's too late".
"Sarah! We don't live there anymore", she said sadly.
"What do you mean Bhabhi?"
"That house was in your name and now it belongs to Shantanu".
"Some girl named Rosa came yesterday saying that this place belongs to her now".

My family is homeless just because of me. Bhai is in hospital just because of me. Love has costed me a lot. It has taken everything away from me. I don't know whether I'll be able to face bhai again.

I can do one thing. Saying this I went to Sharma mansion.

I was allowed in there suprisingly! So without wasting anymore time I went in the house. I told the servant to inform Shantanu about my arrival. I knew this would take time but it was worth it.

After an hour or two he came tying a robe to his body Rosa followed him . Obviously they were having sex.
"Speak". He said moving towards the kitchen.
"I wanted a f-favor". I spoke trying to avoid what was happening in front of me.
"The Princess of Oberoi empire wants a favour from me!" He said chuckling.

"Please give the property back". I said putting my head down.
"Ok! But your bhai should beg in front of me, I won't give the property back but I'll spare his life,maybe I'll think then",he said crossing his arms on his chest. He told Rosa to go in their bedroom.

"I'll beg on his behalf but please give the property back , he's worked really hard for it, you have problem with me then why are you involving them".
"Your bhai had problem with me then why did he kill my parents?", he said like it was true.

Bhai cannot Kill anyone! He cannot do it! I know him!
"You're lying, he cannot do such thing, why will he kill your parents?!".

"I don't know! But I'm know he did it and I have proofs".

He went inside his study room and got some papers . He threw those papers on my face.
"Read if you can", he yelled.

I read it and I was shocked! It had bhai's sign ,the papers had stated that Joshi chawl and the area around it was owned by Oberoi Builders and that the residents in the chawl should move out in one day. This means that bhai was the builder who set the chawl on fire. He actually did it. He's the reason why Shanu and Rashmi lost their parents

    I raised my eyes to meet his red ones.
He pushed me to the kitchen island.
"Tell me what was my mistake? Loving you? No ! My mistake was that I was poor, if I would've been rich then your bhai wouldn't dare to do this disgusting act. I thought love is the only thing required, but Is love really enough? No ,you need money. Your bhai will pay for his sins. He'll rot in jail. His children will face the hardships that I faced , I'll make their lives hell".

    He said pushing me. I held his knees saying, " please, don't do this, I beg you , they are innocent please ! I know what bhai did was unforgivable but he has a family which needs him. I'll pay for his deeds. I'll do whatever you say but please leave him. I'll do anything", I said crying why is this happening with me? First him and now bhai! I cannot take it! How can he do it? But Bhabhi and the kids need him ,they shouldn't pay for his deeds.

     "You'll do anything?". He asked raising an eyebrow.

After a few minutes he spoke, " Fine! Leave this country, take a new identity and do not, I repeat do not try to contact anyone here. Write a note that you are doing it willingly and never see your bhai or your family ever again".

"What? How can I do that?"
"You won't be able to see him anyways, if you say no then I'll send him in jail and he will be hanged for murder, leaving his kids and wife all alone. If you say yes,then you don't see him ever again,but he will be alive , with his family. Choice is yours".

"I know the person he loves the most in this world is you, seeing that you left him, thinking whether you are dead or alive everyday will kill him daily. He'll be alive but just a living corpse, for his family. Just the way I became when my parents were killed. He will feel the same pain that I felt. He will know how it feels to lose your loved ones. And you, you'll know how it feels when your partner leaves you in the middle of difficult times. Both you Oberoi's gave me pain . Both of you will pay. I'm sparing you easily because of Rashmi , I cannot look into her eyes so I was a bit soft on you , it was fun fooling you. Today I can sleep with peace. My parents will rest in peace today!" He had with teary eyes.

"I'll do it, but how will I know that you will keep your promise". I asked being suspicious.
"Being smart? Well you don't have any option other than trusting me, I'm already spacing your brother's life and trust me I won't break my promise I want to see him daily , I want to crush his ego, the great Yug Oberoi will be nothing but a lifeless soul. It will be a good sight to watch, so I will keep my promise".

     I stood still. Just staring at him. Time can change everything. I cannot believe that Shanu can change so much. Love makes you do crazy things but hatred and revenge makes you crazy and blind. Never did I think I will have to face this. I have to leave everything , my friends ,my family. But I have to do it for them. It's for everyone's betterment.

He shakes me trying to get me out of my chain of thoughts, "did you hear what I said, DO NOT TRY TO CONTACT ANYONE! If you do it then I'll get to know and trust me the consequences won't be good". He threw some money on my face.

"Take this and get lost from my life, never show your disgusting face ever again".

"My driver will leave you to the airport just get lost and make sure no one will be able to find you! Ever!"

I took the money and was leaving when he said, " Sarah! It will better if you leave this country and then commit suicide. If I were on your place then I would have done it. Because of you and your brother Oberoi's lost everything . All your ancestors hardwork went in vain. If I were on your place then the guilt would have killed me already". He said as if he was talking about something normal.

      I can't believe the person who couldn't live without me is telling me to die. But I will leave this country. For my bhai. Now I know what it feels like when someone betrays you , that's what he wanted , he got it. I hope he lives a peaceful life and doesn't bother my brother much.
Soon Rosa came and hugged him from behind and then you know what happened.

     His driver dropped me to the airport . I don't know what I was going to do but I had to leave this country for now! And I did it. Bye Switzerland!

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