What if??

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Shanu's pov:

      It's been a week since I became the richest person in India and Switzerland.
Finally I did it! I took my revenge on them. That Yug Oberoi deserved to die but I spared his life just because of his kids. I didn't want them to suffer . And I was finally successful in fooling Sarah. There were times when I thought that she was doubtful but I was saved.

      By now Sarah might've left the country. I don't want to see her face ever again. How much I deny it but seeing her that way hurt me a bit. But she deserved it. Now it was time to crush Yug's ego. I was keeping a watch on him. Now he is living with the Mansinka's , but for how many days he will stay there. He needs to get out and work, under me. As I own 75% of the company , I am the ultimate boss so he has to work as my employ.

     I still remember the day when he made fun of my poor family. Saying that his sister won't be able to live in my chawl, now she has to live on streets. I can't wait for tomorrow.

Next day:

       Today ,the great Yug Oberoi was coming to meet me. I made him the head of the finance department,which is a major step down for him ,considering that he was the CEO of this company.

      He came and sat in front of me, then he asked me, "What am I supposed to do? I'm sure I'm no longer the CEO".

"You're right coz I'm the one who's winning. The tables have turned Yug. Now it's my time to rule. Beg everyday".

"Money can't buy class,Can it? Well I am just happy that I was right about you all this time".

"I don't need your opinions on anything. As I am still that poor chawl guy for you whom you hate the most . Poor people are something that you seem to hate, don't you? At least I am capable of providing a roof above my family's head. You can't even do that. Even your beloved sister left you".

"I won't even ask where she is , I know you have something to do with it, but I know one think that she will survive , wherever she is , she will live , she's an Oberoi after all . And I did not hate you because you were poor , I hated you because of this attitude of yours".

"Still up with the Oberoi name. It's gone, people have forgotten the Oberoi's now it's the Sharma's that rule. And I fire you for behaving so rudely with me".

"Well guess what! I was here for the same thing. I just want to sell my 25% shares to you. Thanks to you no one is buying them.Working under you will make me realise that my sister left me ,twice, for you".

"I'll buy your shares but you'll get half price. And about your sister , she was a fool".

"Yep! She is indeed a fool, a fool to fall for you, a fool to wait for you, a fool to trust you again. But that's past , I should leave now, please give me the cheque".

"It's good to see you begging in front of me".

"I'm not begging , I'm just selling something to you and in return you are paying me. Begging would be ,me asking you to keep me in this company".

Saying this he was leaving when I got curious about this man. He has faced so much in the past 24 hrs, normally I would expect him to beg in front of me, but this person is quite stubborn and has a lot of self respect. Out of curiosity I asked him, "Just tell me you have 0 bank balance , how will you feed your family, what will you do?"

"Well,  I will do what I did  20 yrs back!"
Saying this he opened the door but I had to know what he was up to , " what do you mean?"

"Well ,you think I was born with a silver spoon, don't you? Yes I was . But when your father  dies when you are just 18, leaving a big Company , which many people have their eyes on and a sister who is just 10, you work hard. Obviously Oberoi was a known name before I was born but it became an empire when I took over the company. I did it then , when I had zero knowledge about this cruel world , but in the past 20 yrs I have seen a lot of people like you . I swear to god if it weren't my sister then you wouldn't even dare to look a the Oberoi's. I can do it now as well. That time I did it for Sarah, but now I'll do it for my family".

       This person ahead believes in hard work , seriously my agents didn't give me this information about him. I didn't knew he did this all at a young age. He faced almost the same hardships that I did. Why would he stoop so low ? Who would he want to kill my parents? I wanted to know more , I wanted the reason behind it. Asking him directly about it will give me nothing. So I decided to be a bit wise.

"I was going through your construction company's record back in  India , you have quite an amazing land in Andheri area , why did you buy it when you didn't want to build anything there?"

"Which company? I was just a partner in that company. But I left it as they were trying to make that residential area into an economic one. I mean look at the location. It was not at all suitable to build anything , it was surrounded by a number of chawl. The Chopras have owned it for the past 12 yrs".

That was it. I was just not able to get it. The thing that happened in the chawl was 10 yrs back , but if this guy says that he left it , 12 yrs back then was I wrong all the time. I had to know about it. What if he is lying? What if he is trying to defend himself? I will find out.

The same day at evening:
       I came home all tired. I had put my agents on work. By tomorrow I'll know everything. I called Rashmi , but she didn't reply. So I went in her room.

      She was sitting by the balcony with all tears. Did someone hurt her? She was going out with that Saransh Goenka for some time. I had did a background check on him , he was a playboy ,did he hurt her?? I had no time for her in these few weeks.
"Rashmi, why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? Did that Saransh hurt you?"

"Why are you acting like you care?"
"I'm your family, you are the only one that I can count on , obviously I care".

"Just seeing me cry hurt you, just think about Sarah's brother, she was his life, you have hurt her so many times,now he doesn't even know where she is? Just think about the pain that he is going through!"

"So this is about them. Why are you so concerned about them, she got what she deserved ".

"If loving you was her mistake then she deserved it. She deserved it because she loved you, she deserved it because she left her lavish and luxurious life only to be with you, she was with you when you had nothing , she left everything what people only dream of ! And for what? You! She lived like a queen , have you seen her mansion in Mumbai , it's a literal palace , she left that to live with you in a chawl. She tried her best to help but you parents won't let her adjust. I'm sorry to say this but the way your parents treated her , it was pathetic, any girl would've have ran away. She did the same, I say she had a lot of patience that she stayed for 6 months.

For an 18 yr old she was quite mature. She just expected a smile from you at the end of the day, but you , you treated her like trash. She was confused and quite young the decision she took of leaving you was not wrong. But according to you she was stupid and idiot to believe you! Right? Well she was and idiot to wait for you when she left you. She waited for a week. You think she was happy here , enjoying her life. Well ask her friends in that case. She was just a living corpse when they met her initially, after few years she opened up. Sarah had everything , beauty, brain, money. Any one would be lucky to date her, many asked her out but you know what she did ?! She rejected every single person? Why would she do that? Tell me Shanu? I'll tell you ! Because you still owned her heart.

She was 28 and unmarried, what do you think didn't she get suitable grooms or any ideal proposals? In these ten yrs when you were not with her she has been nothing but loyal to you! And what you did? Kept having affairs, to forget her? But let me tell you ? You will never forget her. She will always be alive in your heart".

I was not expecting her to break out in such a way. It had already been a long day. What if everything is not the way it looks? What if there's a different story? What if I am wrong about everything?
The guilt was eating me up......

Hello guys!
The chapter has quite long dialogues but read them!
Hope you like it!
Love you♥️♥️

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