Forever and ever

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Shantanu's POV :

It's been a year since i saw her .Today's my birthday . Everyone around me is happy in their lives....except for me. It was quite hard to let her go but she deserved better. After what I've done to her, I think she did the right thing by moving on.
Not all love stories have a happy ending.

We suffered a lot and this suffering is from the time we got together. I guess We were not meant to be together. Atleast one of us is happy.

The only reason for my life is the orphanage. I spend most of my time over there because the kids tell me about their Aunt Sarah, how she cooked for them, how she brought them gifts, how she told them bedtime stories... I feel home when I'm in there, afterall even I'm an orphan. The funny thing is that unlike these children I brought this pain on myself. Only if I would've not been blinded by revenge and my would've been different.

Currently I was in the orphanage where kids were enjoying the party arranged by Colin for me.
Colin was the eldest child over here. He was almost 17. He baked a cake for me and even got me presents.
"Happy birthday uncle Shanu!", he said sitting near me.

"Thanks boy!", I said. he was working in one of the bakery's in the town and was planning on moving out of the orphanage next year.

"Can I tell you something?", he said.

"Yup.", I said eating the piece of cake given to me.
"There's this girl....", he said scratching his head.

There's always a girl! I thought.

"I mean I like her and even she likes me....I was thinking of moving in with her next year....", he said. It's too early! I could actually see myself in his place and I won't let another love story to have an ending like mine.

"Look, Colin you are going to move out of this orphanage the next year, that's a big change in itself plus if you move in with her then that'll just put more pressure on you, financially as well as emotionally. I'm not saying you stop seeing her, meet her daily, get to know her more, find out what she wants from this relationship and then take the next step. You will do a part time job for paying your college fees so focus on your academics. Complete your undergrad, get a job or continue with studies it's your choice but settle down. Have some savings before you take any next step in your relationship. Let her complete her education as well and when both of you are financially independent then take a decision but take the decision with her consent. Don't just force your decisions on her."

"I think you're right! Even I was not sure about this moving in thing, I just wanted to be with her all the time. You're right I will focus on making my career for now! Thanks!", Said Colin.

Glad I could help you! I wish someone would've have knocked some sense in me when I was eloping with Sarah.


At his house:

It was almost 9:00 pm when I reached my place. It was completely dark. No servants were present in there. I called them but no one answered. After reaching the living room, I removed my coat and sat on the couch.

Shouted people and I got up immediately. I looked around to find, Rashmi, Saransh, Riya, Matthew and K. I looked around hoping I would see her but no! She was not here.... why will she be here? After endless efforts she got rid of me, why will she come back!

I hugged everyone and thanked them, afterall they are the only people I can count on. They had brought my favourite food. Matthew and Saransh gifted me a watch and a pair of shoes. We moved towards the dining area to cut the cake.
It was a red velvet cake
As soon as I saw the cake I remembered the first time I had it. On my 19th birthday, Sarah had brought that cake for me. Now that's just a beautiful memory I have of her. Smiling at her thought, I cut the cake .

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