Real world

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Sarah's POV :
After getting up in the afternoon , I was hungry. So I decided to go in the kitchen.
Shanu's house was 1 bhk flat which made it pretty quick for me to reach the kitchen.
Just jump from one room to another.

While entering the kitchen I heard voices ,I know eavesdropping is bad but we all kinda do it sometimes....

"Laga tha Lakshmi Bankar aayegi, ye toh khali haath hi aa gayi". Said Shanu's mom. " Ma how can you say this , you approved of her earlier but now you are saying no..! "Yelled Shanu.

"Beta I approved of Sarah Oberoi not just Sarah, you tell me how are we going to adjust . Your dad earns 20,000 per month , which can bearly help us with monthly expense and now you brought her."said Mom.

"Maa I will do part time job for supporting Papa. But you have to accept Sarah , did you see her face when she entered ?you didn't even welcome her properly. You like it or not she is your daughter -in-law."saying this Shanu left the kitchen.

I immediately hid in the bathroom.
After he left I went in the kitchen. I gave a smile to mom which she returned with cold eyes. While I was drinking water.
She held my arm and turned me around.

"Look with you being an extra addition to the family now the work has increased too. You left your brother's house now you are just Sarah . So you have to help me with daily chores and you cannot go to college as well",said mom.

I was shocked would be an understatement ,this woman standing in front of me was the same person who promised me to treat me like a princess. It was fine till the helping but about the college.....!!!no I have to do something. I want to study . I can't be a housewife.

Before I could say something she walked away from the kitchen..

I need to talk to Shanu when he returns.

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