My Kitten.

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Sarah's POV:
      I stood still. The only thing that I could hear was the sound of the wind. His eyes never left mine ,even for a single second. My biggest dream had come true. It was unbelievable. He pulled me towards him by snaking his hand around my waist and kept his other hand on my cheek, drawing patterns on it.

"I love you Sarah ! I-I cannot keep it for more time in me. The only person who is allowed to touch you should be me. The only person who deserves your love should by me. I tried to forget you , but you never left my mind. I came to Switzerland because I knew that you were here. I thought that you left me because I was not able to satisfy your needs so I decided to become a person who could be perfect for the Oberoi empire's princess . When I came here ,I always found you with that Matt and thought that you have moved on. You even confessed that you like him that day when I sneaked into your home. So I lost it and maybe God wanted to bring us together so he sent Rashmi. Seeing my state that night, she came to you and told you everything . The day when you came in our house claiming to be my wife, I was on cloud nine. But I wanted you to feel the pain , I wanted you to feel the jealousy that I felt when I saw you with that Matt, so I started dating Rosa. For years people told me that I was not good enough for you. That You deserved better than me,you realised it and so you left me.I've heard a lot of things from different people people but they all had the same thing to say: Mehelon ki Rajkumari ko Chawl mein laoge to bhagegi hi na.
I want one chance Sarah , only one chance. I promise I will make everything right , I-I ".
Before he could say anything I sealed his lips with mine. He was shocked for few seconds but gave in. I moved my hands into his black hairs. He started to move his hands on my back.

After a few moments when we were breathless , we separated our lips. I was too shy to look into his eyes. The kiss was a reflex to his words. I wanted to shut him up as he was talking false things. No one in this world can make me feel like he does. He is my world and I am his . I tried to my face by looking down ,the wind supported my decision by making my free hairs cover my face.

       He brought his face near mine and inhaled into my hairs. Then he unveiled my face which was hidden because of my hairs and then said,"There's no need to be shy, my kitten! My soul,body ,everything belongs to you just like your everything belongs to me".

        This brought a smile on my face. It was a bit chilly because of the place being so close to the lake. He noticed it and covered me with his coat.
"Let's go to our room, you are freezing".
I nodded.
Soon the boat came and we climbed into it. I was about to sit opposite to him when he pulled me by my wrist, which made me land in his lap.
OMG!! I didn't see that coming.
"S-Shanu I guess I should sit there".
"Why do you think so?"He asked holding me by my waist.
"We are not alone , so I think it will be awkward ".
"So I can hold you when I'm alone?". He asked with a smirk.
"I didn't mean that!".
"Then what did you mean,my kitten".
"I meant that you cannot hold me , not here and not in the room". I said pinching his thigh. As he was grieving due to  pain , I took this opportunity to move from his lap and settle near the boat owner.
After that I didn't give him a glance as I knew  I had woken up a lion. The consequences could be severe but nothing that I can't  handle.

        After few minutes we reached near our car . We sat there quietly. I thought he might do  something once we reach the land, but I guess the lion had cooled down or is it the silence before the storm?
Avoiding my thoughts I rested my head on the head-rest. Soon we reached the hotel. I opened the door to get down,but my feet never touched the ground . The reason was Shanu. He scooped me into his arms like I weighed nothing. This all happened so quickly that I didn't get time to react. The hotel staff was staring at us like we were some kind of terrorist.
"Shanu put me down, everyone is staring".
But he didn't listen. He kept on walking like a horse wearing blinkers, not looking anywhere but at his path. I knew nothing could stop him. So I stopped talking instead.

Who told you to mess with him?

Soon we reached our room. He made me stand on my feet and then opened the room. We both went inside.
"Why did you pick-".My words died in my mouth as he didn't let me finish. He pinned both my hands on either side of my head and pressed his body against mine. He separated my legs with his.
"Now tell me, what did you say?" He said leaving a kiss on my neck. I gasped at his action.
"Y-you cannot pick me up like that! Everyone was eyeing us".
I told him with all my strength.
"Let them think whatever they want to think. I don't give a damn".
"But they still exist , now they will talk about us".
"You know this right! That we are husband and wife. What will they say?: Look that husband is carrying his wife in his arms! Such a shame!".
"B-but -".
"Not buts, do you hate it when I touch you?"
He asked moving a bit away from me. I missed his warmth.
"No. I am a private person. I don't like PDA".
"So you love my touch?" He asked taking the same position as earlier.
"Did you just listen to the first part? ".
"No I heard everything, I cannot show my affection in public but I can do anything with you when we are alone".
"Hello! You cannot do 'anything'with  me ".
"Trust me ,my kitten, you will love each and every part of this 'anything' ".
He said sliding my sleeves down. He started licking the skin that was being exposed which made me moan. I curled my toes inwards due to the pleasure I felt.
Soon his phone started to ring .
Such a bad time!
      He did not pay attention to it and continued his assault,but I got a bit concerned . What if it's Rashmi? She's all alone in Switzerland. So I told him to pick it up. He was reluctant but agreed later.
He went out to talk till the time I went and changed into my night wear. After some time he came inside.
"Why did you change?" He asked me.
"Well! I'm sleepy". I said pouting.
"Guess you are. You know what our first Time should be more special. Not like this. I'll plan it".
"What first time?" I asked him innocently.
"The first time we have sex". He said like it was quite obvious. I turned to face him.
"Could you atleast use making love or consummation of our marriage instead of that s word, it feels more romantic".
"You don't know the actual meaning of romance my kitten, but don't worry you'll know it soon".
Before I could say anything he rushed in the bathroom.

       I just hope this is not a dream. For the first time in my life we spoke like a normal couple. Touchwood,everything remains the same.
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