6. daniel's rumors

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I'ma tell 'em all
I'ma tell 'em all that you could either hate me or love me
But that's just the way I am

Lou's POV


"Today is Thursday," I groan and mumble to myself reading the time on my bright screen from how slow it takes my eyes to adjust. I've written down in my planner app exactly what I have to do.

• get ready 9-9:30
• breakfast 9:30-10:15
• go buy supplies 10:20-11:10
• go to Michael's for more art supply 11:15-12:00
• free time

My schedule seems pretty good for today. I got up earlier than planned so that's good. Better start to my day than last night. I thought about asking Kayla by texting her for Daniel's number but I realized how dumb I would sound.

I moved from my bed and into my bathroom. From scrubbing my face and applying moisturizer to curling my eyelashes and applying bronzer then I'm ready to get dressed.

Since today is a causal day I decide to just dress comfortably. Pulling up some different shades of blue, tie-dye set of sweats and a cropped tank.

I grab my Nike airs and tie them up, looking at my appearance in the mirror and then quickly folding my putting my hair up in a high ponytail. I grab my phone, keys and wallet and next thing I'm out the door.

When I reach my car and take a sit in the drivers, I pull out my phone and look for breakfast places. I finally decide on getting Chick-fil-A...even though the drive-through was a big mistake.

The lines incredibly long but I'm already by the speaker so technically I plan on staying in my place. There are two lines and I decided to go with the second one and when I look at the other line I see two guys.

The blonde and the brown from Freddy's last night. I wish I knew what their names were instead of calling them by their hair color.

By now the blonde one in the passenger's seat has definitely noticed me. His hood over his head, the navy sweatshirt getting assaulted as he pulls the strings tighter but still loose enough so you can see some sprouts of his hair from the front. The other one is now taking his order and reminds me to keep my car moving as I move to the order place.

After getting my food I head back to the apartment which is only ten minutes away. I take a seat in the lobby and begin to eat my food. It's very quiet and I don't see anyone else in here except for the girl with strawberry blonde hair. I'm pretty sure she was hanging out with Jonah last time I was down here but I don't really remember.

She has a planner that is a peach color along with some blush pink pens. I watch as she writes sitting from afar. He hair is straight and honestly perfect. No split ends and no curls or waves. She's probably one of those popular girls. She's got cute clothes and a pretty pastel style.

I get up passing her as I throw my food away in the trash and pulling my hair out of my ponytail. When I walk past her again coming back she smiles at me.

"I like your outfit," she compliments and I smile back at her.

"I like your hair," I smile back and she blushes...is she gay or something? I mean what? I just complimented her about her hair and now she's blushing. Look I'm not gay so please don't get the-

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