19. "no shit sherlock"

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Won't you help me sober up?
Growing up it made me numb, and I want to feel something again
Won't you help me sober up?

Lou's POV

"Hey, guys, what are you two doing on the couch together? I thought you hated each other?" Kayla closes the door as Daniel throws the blanket on top of my head.

"We fucking do." Daniel states and I let out a giggle underneath the blanket. He hates me but we just had a major make-out session yeah sure lie to me.

"He's right," I say pulling the blanket down and acting as normal as possible as I take a bite out of my pizza.

"Are you guys are watching Riverdale? Daniel, I thought you hated that show?" Kayla begins to take her shoes off and I pause the tv as Daniel turns to me then to Kayla.

"And I still fucking do. Besides we haven't even started it yet so thank you for interrupting it." He says and she looks at where I paused.

"It's been playing for fourteen minutes?" She questions. Oh my gosh, that means we made out for fourteen minutes? Probably and more likely ten but still?

"Well Daniel if you hate it I will gladly go to my room and watch it there," I tease him showing him a toothy grin as I grab my plate and water bottle putting my phone in my pocket beforehand.

I exit the awkwardness and turn on the tv in my room and take another bite out of my pizza before it gets even colder than it already is. I decided to let my hair down out of my ponytail as I continue to watch Riverdale.

I'm in my room for what feels like fifteen minutes and I've already finished my pizza before I hear a door outside close.

Yes! Daniel left now it will be less awkward!

I grab my empty plate and water bottle and head out to the main room again to see Daniel is still here. Maybe it wasn't the front door.

"Oh, I forgot my keys!" Kayla burst back out of the door as I set my dirty plate down in the sink. She turns to me and points to her phone mouthing that she'll text me and then closes the door behind her.

I look at Daniel and it's still weird. He sits back down on the couch and turns the tv off and gets on his phone, fully extending his body.

"Lou," he says a bit louder than usual, "I'm taking you out for fucking dinner. What do you want?" He states. He never asked me if I wanted to go out. Besides, I don't really think it's for the best.

Daniel taking me out on a dinner date?

I'm already going out with Jake and those two don't really get along? I mean, of course, I wanna go out with Daniel but I don't want Jake to feel bad because who knows what he's going to do to me...or Daniel.

"I don't..." I try saying and Daniel's head pops up over the end of the couch, "...wanna go out." I sigh and Daniel's face contorts into something concerned and confused.

"I'm already having this thing with Jake that I don't think it's best if we go out together? What if he finds out that we're...doing...whatever we're doing?" Daniel gets up off the couch and takes long strides towards me and I walk backward eventually hitting the counter with my waist.

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