45. a get-to-get-her

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I heard you asked about me through a friend
My adrenaline kicked in
'Cause I've been askin' 'bout you too
And now we're out here in this room

Third POV

Ever since the 16th of November, both Daniel and Lou had parted ways. Neither of them could deny the fact that they still had feelings for one another but they knew it was all wrong timing.

Daniel's acceptance made Lou feel much better and more relaxed through the five days until Thanksgiving.

She was excited to be having dinner with her friends instead of family for once. Lou knew she needed to call her dad and her mom. She spent the most of October and November away from them and dodging their calls. She didn't want to hear much of her mom's dramas and her dad's adventures in the career and love department.

Daniel on the other hand didn't want to have dinner at a party. Lou didn't think that Kayla would invited everyone but Daniel knew that Kayla was a social fucking butterfly and that she would invite the whole school if she had the time to make more invites. He wasn't in the mood to be played with and the fact that Lou was going to be there driver him nuts.

He wanted the perfect outfit, his hair to be styled flawlessly, even for his skin to glow. Daniel didn't exactly want to show her what she was missing because he didn't want her to come running back to him forgetting about herself. He just wanted to be presentable as he put it.

He was thinking too much about her. She did the same for him though. Both of them asked Kayla about the other, making sure each of them were doing well but that had no comparison to the way they felt about seeing each other again.

Last time they locked eyes was at the Perennial cafe. Lou was working and Daniel popped in to get a coffee. Luckily Eben was at the cashier instead of Lou who was making the coffee. She worked extra hard on his order, even tried her best to write his name in her note-taking handwriting, even putting the dot on the i as a heart instead.

Daniel smiled when he saw it. Some could even say he felt butterflies in his stomach. None to say that Lou was leading him on, she knew she wasn't ready but that didn't mean she couldn't have fun with it.

"How do I look?" Kayla asked, standing in front of her mirror while Lou leans against her door frame. Kayla was dressed in a cute high brown leather skirt with a white blouse tucked in. Her boots hitting the perfect length to make her outfit just the amount of appropriateness for a thanksgiving dinner.

"You look great! Now could you stop asking me that because you are worried." Lou rolls her eyes at how annoying Kayla was getting with her questions. How does my hair look? Should I put it up or keep it down? Curl it? Is my skirt to high? Am I showing too much skin? Will he think I look okay? She was trying to impress Jagger that would be there.

Lou hadn't heard from Jagger since she found out about Cassidy and Daniel's connection. She hasn't called him or texted him. Their friendship went downhill when Porter got jealous. Lou missed Jagger and his warm hospitality. She knew that Kayla and him would get along just fine.

Just from hearing Kayla's questions out loud, none of it compared to the brisk imaginations of how the evening would go. Her own rapid-fire questions burning her brain, almost giving her a headache.

Lou was wearing her hair down in wavy loose curls, her feet in some small tan booties where her toes poke out, some blue worn-out jeans with a few rips and fringe at the bottom, and her striped sweater with fringe with a whole mix of fall colors. She was worried about her outfit, thinking about what Daniel's thoughts would be on it.

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