57. rahpsodic

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I guess what I'm sayin', I guess what I'm sayin'
I guess what I'm sayin' is, I
I fuckin' love you

Lou's POV

"Hey wake up," I feel someone shake my shoulder and I rub my eyes at the sunlight hitting them. Covering my eyes before looking to my side and seeing Christina handing me a cup of coffee, "We're here!" She announces and I look up at her camera.

"How long was I asleep for?" I ask her before setting my coffee down in the cupholder and rearranging my phone in my lap.

"For the majority of the ride and the plane," Christina laughs, "Corbyn and Daniel are still in Starbucks getting their drinks and using the bathroom before going to the hotel." She smiles before taking out her camera to film.

"Oh shoot," She hands me the camera, "Corbyn's calling me! Can you just hold this and set it up really quickly." She hops out of the parked car while I yawn placing the camera down on the headboard of the car, laughing at my tiredness.

"Hi, people who are watching this!" I pull the camera upholding it instead

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"Hi, people who are watching this!" I pull the camera upholding it instead. "Anyways we are in New York for the New Year. I'm excited because it is the four of us and we will all be spending quality time together." I brush a hand through my hair while Christina starts to drive. Informing me that we are going to pull up at the entrance instead of having the boys walk all the way to the car.

 Informing me that we are going to pull up at the entrance instead of having the boys walk all the way to the car

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"We are currently on our way to the hotel..." I smile grabbing my phone to see the time.

12:09 p.m.

December 27th, 2018.

"It is noon and snowing like hell outside." I giggle while Christina comes to a stop in front of the coffee shop waiting for Corbyn and Daniel to join us in the car. I see both of them walk up and Corbyn heads to the back seat while Daniel knocks on my window. I roll it down.

"It's fucking freezing outside." His lips attack mine catching me off guard as my head tilts back until I kiss him back creating a suction sound making me laugh causing Daniel to smile.

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