61. my best mistake

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I just wanna dance all night
And I'm all messed up,
I'm so out of line, yeah
Stilettos and broken bottles
I'm spinning around in circles

Lou's POV

"Party time bitches!" Kayla screams as she pulls up in the driveway of the same old frat house. Daniel sits uncomfortably next to me. His palm sweaty in my hand while he continues to brush his hand through his hair.

"Are you okay?" I ask him whispering while we all exit the car. It's already February first and this one of the last parties I hope to attend this year.

"M'fine." Daniel shrugs me off before I can say anymore. He hops out of the car and I do too making my way into the main room. Filled with people, booming music, drinks, and the scent of sex.

I move closer to Daniel trying to hold his hand but he's walking too fast I can't seem to catch up. Before I know it Kayla is grabbing me and taking me to the kitchen for a drink.

"Is it just me or is Daniel acting weird?" I ask her before grabbing a drink of cherry vodka.

"He's always like that when it comes to parties," Kayla gulps down the liquid in her red cup before leaving me to find others. I make my way to Jonah, Zach, Jack, and Corbyn who are all playing a nice game of beer pong.

"Aye let's go, baby!" Jack shouts spinning around and giving Zach a solid kiss on the lips while Corbyn and Jonah look defeated as fuck.

My eyes scan the room for Daniel and I see him on the couch he is always at. No blonde girls kissing up to him. He sits alone with his legs spread and his elbows on his thighs with his drink in his hand. Daniel's therapist has recommended he doesn't drink until June so I know it's sprite.

I make my way to him sitting next to him copying his sitting posture and he laughs.

"You don't wanna be here do you?" I assume and Daniel nods chuckling.

"Was it that obvious?" He chuckled before setting his drink down on the coffee table in front of him. His eyes scan the room multiple times so I do the same trying to figure out what it is that has his attention.

"I'd rather be at home with you, kissing, cuddling, sleeping, snuggling...then drinking sprite and acting drunk around Jake, Lodge, and Mitch." He sighs and I place my hand around his back while he looks down at his feet.

"It's okay," I rub at his shoulder, trying to comfort him. I look up and see green eyes along with two other pairs. My hand glistens down to Daniel's clenching it and squeezing it. He looks up and notices Jake, Lodge, and Mitch and throws my hand away from his.

My first internal reaction is because he is shocked but then he scoots a little further away from me. Jake Lodge and Mitch all that a seat in front of us.

Do they know we're together?

There's no way I can get through this conversation without another drink.

Daniel's POV

Lou went up to get another drink while I grab my sprite and take a sip.

"Friends with benefits I'm guessing?" Lodge cocks his head at me, "She's warming up to you dude. Seems as if she's in love and wants more." He adds and I roll my eyes.

Apathetic |[D.S]| 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz