54. "i'm in trouble aren't i?"

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I wish you didn't have to post it all
I wish you'd save a little bit just for me
Protective or possessive? Girl
Call it passive or aggressive?

Lou's POV

"Wow, I can't believe you two are attending the dance," I say through the phone waiting for Jagger or Porter to respond to me but all I hear is Logan's voice who seems to be taking the phone out of the room.

"So Louise care to share a dance with me there?" Logan asks and my mind thinks about what might go down. Nick and Logan both spinning me in twirls one after the other.

"Just one." I laugh as I set my glass of water down on my vanity. I pull out my makeup bag and begin to apply some whirl Nick waltz his way into my room with his suit on two hours early.

"Someone's early," I say and Nick nods setting a corsage down on my bed telling me to put it on when I'm fully ready which probably won't be for another hour.

Daniel's POV

I have abso-fucking-lutely no idea what to do.

Lou isn't here and everyone seems to be busy decorating for Christmas and buying gifts. This secret Santa thing is driving me crazy. I got Lou which makes it a whole lot harder.

I was planning to get her a gift already and have no clue what to get. I'm nervous because I haven't really had a real Christmas in so long. My mom invited me to her place to have dinner there like we usually do but we aren't exactly on speaking terms.

I haven't spoken to her since Lou left the house when she found out our pasts collided. My mother doesn't understand anything and as much as Lou tries to talk some sense into me to speak with her it isn't going to happen.

I need to go out and buy gifts for her and for my siblings so I can ship them off in time. I thought about just giving them all money due to the explicit amount my uncle gives me but I feel as if gifts should mean more than just green paper with numbers on them.

Lou's POV

I'm worried about this makeup.

Nick specifically told me to do a red eyeshadow look and I feel like this eyeliner is ruining it. I should've done it shorter instead of going for a whole cat look but I'm sure Nick is gonna want me to keep it the way it is.

"Are you ready yet!" Nick says impatiently as I pull up my dress and put on my corsage he gave me.

"You can come in you know," I say sweetly before pulling out my curling iron and plugging it in.

"Woah. Someone's catty today." Nick says and I giggle at him while he takes a seat on my bed telling me about college and that attending UNC is probably his best choice which makes me smile on the inside. Having a friend from home going to the same college as you will always make you feel in a better mood no matter what.

Daniel's POV

I grab my keys off the kitchen counter and head out the door. I pull out my phone to check for any notifications even though I know there isn't. It is just a way to make sure no one speaks to me in the lobby. The way people bother me so much. It is-

"Hey, Daniel!" I look up and see Lodge with Jake and Mitch. "Over here!" They point to a spot next to them and inside my blood is practically boiling.

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