14. oh, so you think you can cook

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Passionate from miles away
Passive with the things you say
Passin' up on my old ways
I can't blame you, no, no

Lou's POV

I had zero idea that Daniel likes art and photography. I found out later that night that he's in my class which was weird. And after our weird spilling coffee incident, he sat next to me during class.

Mixed signals.

His mood changes every second he sees me. On Monday morning he didn't speak to me in the elevator, then he was nice enough to return my phone, then he was mad during the night when I ran into him, and then he sat next to me in class?

There's something going on with him, those were my thoughts when I came home today and saw Daniel laying on my couch watching a show.

"What are you doing here?" I ask taking off my shoes and then picking them back up in one hand, lacing the heels through my fingers.

"Watching television," he says. Who says television these days? It's t.v. weirdo. I shake my head and walk into my room and sent my stuff down. Kayla isn't coming home until a half hour before I leave.

Apparently, she has a club outing every Wednesday where they all go to this cafe building that looks like Barnes and Noble. I have my art and photography class again tonight. Everyone Monday and Wednesday. Our teacher Mr. Hughes wants Mondays to be art days and Wednesdays to be photography days.

I take out my camera and set it down on my dresser. I then move into my bathroom and wash my face, taking my basic makeup off and changing into black active shorts and my new chapel hill sweatshirt since I went to the store yesterday.

I stay in my room doing my history work and trying to finish a one hundred page book that is due on Friday. College is stressful as hell but I'm almost three-fourths done.

Around five to five-thirty, I head back outside my room. I see Daniel again but this time he's up and in my kitchen. The t.v. is turned off and he's looking through my pantry.

I close my eyes, completely annoyed, "why are you still here? It's literally been two hours since the last time I saw you." I ask again and he turns to me.

"I'm making dinner," he states and closes the pantry moving towards the fridge, "Don't worry I bought what I needed. Salmon and asparagus with all my seasoning and extra fucking shit," he curses and I laugh.

"You can cook?" I ask and he nods but I'm not satisfied, "I don't believe you." I say and turn around looking into the fridge as Daniel takes his things out.

"I can cook, and put that apple away," he says grabbing the green apple from my hand and plopping it back into the fridge, "you can fucking test my food." He closes the fridge door and I lean against it.

"You're gonna poison me, Seavey," I shake my head and sit on the opposite side of the counter watching him get all his things together and making the lights in the kitchen brighter.

"Don't be such a Debby Downer Louise," he says in a southern accent. I don't like the way my full name rolls off his mouth. The way his lips come together before he even says the l. Or the way his tongue curves in between them when he says the l and the o. I watch his mouth, the way he bites his bottom lip, and his tongue is licking his lips. The metal ball right beneath his top lip, and when he swallows his Adam's apple looks so hot and s-

"See something you like?" He smirks and I look down pretending to rub my eyes.

"The fish looks great," I smile with my eyes closed and grab my phone from my back pocket. I pretend to check my notifications while in secret I'm watching Daniel cook.

The way his fingers look when he cuts the salmon or sprinkles the cheese on the asparagus. Maybe it was the way he seasoned the fish- What the hell am I imagining?!

Daniel's fingers are long...and when I say long I mean like...really long.

I ignore my thinking because Daniel can't cook. No way can he cook. When everything is on the stove cooking Daniel grabs my phone out of my hand.

"Watch-a doing Louise," he says my full name and I roll my eyes trying to grab my phone back until I realize we're in the same position from the night when all the boys were over.

My body pushed against the edge of the counter, Daniel keeping it there, except his hands are on my waist as he places my phone onto the counter, leaning closer. His mouth grazing over mine while my back arches against the tabletop.

"You make me fucking crazy Lou," he breathes and my own hitches as his hands trace up my torso, then back down and under my sweatshirt, crawling back up.

Daniel's lips almost close with mine until we both jolt when the timer goes off to flip the salmon on the stove.

I relax my breathing back to normal as Daniel turns the fish back up and coats some sauce he made on them with a brush. Daniel hasn't spoken to me just yet until he gets out two plates and puts a slab of salmon on each with a handful of asparagus on each as well.

"Bon appétit," he serves it to me handing me a fork and a knife. I take a bite out of the salmon and it tastes perfect. Then I move to the asparagus which also has the goodness of not being too hard but not being super soft and mushy.

"There's no way you cooked this," I pause looking up at him, "I refuse to believe that you actually can cook! There's no way!" I say and begin to eat more as Daniel laughs at me, taking bites out of his own food.

After dinner, it's time for my class and I take my bag with my keys to my room and car. I set my stuff down as I begin putting my shoes on Daniel walks over to me. He bends down the stands back up.

"Ready when you are Mitchell," he says my last name as he throws my keys in the air and he catches them. He snatched them while I wasn't looking? Are you kidding me?

I notice the camera hanging around Daniel's neck. I watch as he swirls the key chain around his finger as he helps me up off the floor. When I try and pull him down it only makes him pull me up harder to my feet.

"Come on let's go," he says as we head out to my car. I skip to my car with a big smile on my face as Daniel refuses to unlock the passenger door and I pull on it relentlessly. I do it multiple times laughing really quickly. When he unlocks it I pull almost jerking all the way back and Daniel laughs as I laugh almost snorting my ass off.

When I sit in the car I take my camera out wanting to take a picture of the sunset right in front of my eyes in the car. As I snap a few Daniel looks at my camera and I watch as his smile disappears again and his face goes stone cold.


my winners!


all of you need to send me your instagrams!!! and if i already have them everything is good!

hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

i'm excited for the next few! (cue to jazz! love you girl!)

till the next


hannah (:


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