That's My Boy

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That's My Boy

31st December 2041 (McKenna 33 wks and 5 days, Izzy 8 wks and 6 days)

Jace's POV

I've been pretty much jumping off the walls all morning but there's a good reason for that. I get to see my son and it's something that I've been anxious to see. There's nothing better than the moment you see your unborn child for the first time through ultrasound. Hearing the baby's heartbeat. It's been a long wait and now it's almost time to see him. Kenna has been telling me to chill and relax until the appointment, I just can't sit still though.

I'm just super excited, nervous and anxious to finally see my baby. I couldn't have thanked Kenna enough for making this happen for me, it makes this whole thing more real. Feeling the little guy kick and move is high up there with the ultrasound. Definitely helps the Dad feel more involved with the whole pregnancy, other than helping make the baby at the start.

"I'm going to have to go home and find something to wear for this party tonight." Kenna grumbled as she sorted through her bag of clothes. She's been staying here the past couple of nights as I didn't want her to leave. It's nice having someone to talk to, cuddle and just hang with at home. With the girls back with their Mum, it gets way too quiet and boring.

"It's going to be still hot out there babe." I said as I finally decided to sit down, well lay. I stretched my legs out over my big bed and rested my arms behind my head. Watching as she stood there beside the bed in just a sarong, the bag on the end of the bed so she didn't have to bend.

"I know. This weather fucking sucks, it's way too hot and being this pregnant is not helping." she whined and then gave her belly a rub as she looked my way. I wouldn't call the weather we are having lately as hot. More like scorching. And where we live, the air is so dry and any wind we do get is just blowing more hot air around. It's like we live in a oven. Luckily we have air conditioning in the house and the car. With days like these it's better to stay indoors.

"Just pick out something comfortable, Nick and Emerson are not going to care what you wear." I said as I gave her a smile. Nick decided just to have the party at his place which is good because it's not far from here. Emerson is spending the day with his parents and brother and sisters. From what Nick has told me, Em hasn't told his parents that he is gay yet. They've been together for like nine months, it must be hard for him though. Nick had locked his feelings and sexuality away for a long time but he's still the same little brother to me and I love him to bits.

"What time do we have to be there?" she asked, good question. I don't even think I can remember that detail of the party.

"No idea." I laughed, that caused her to throw a piece of clothing at me as she shook her head. As I lifted what she had thrown, I smirked and saw that it was one of her bras. Being the idiot that I am, I put my arms through the straps and then pressed the cups into my chest.

"Does it suit me?" I asked her with a serious tone in my voice. The moment she looked at me, she was faster than lightening to come over to me and rip it off. I was only wearing a pair of shorts, so her pretty lacy pink bra stood out even more.

"As much as I love you, please don't wear my clothes again. I prefer you looking all hot and manly, not pretty and girly." she chuckled as she tossed the bra back into her bag. I grinned and rolled off the bed and walked up behind her. My arms wrapping around her waist and my chin resting on her shoulder.

"I can show you just how hot and manly I can be." I whispered into her ear as I let my lips brush against her skin. She smells incredible and all I want to do is taste her. My hands roamed over her belly until I found the spilt where she had tied to sarong. Her head tilted back as she let me caress her body with my hands.

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