Can't Wait For More

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Can't Wait For More

27th June (Izzy 34 weeks and 1 day)

Jace's POV.

Far out...What a massive twelve months. Mum and Dad cut their trip around Australia short because of Rocco's early and surprise birth, I am so glad they were there as I needed their support. Here we are almost six months later and Rocco is happy, healthy and whole! I am truly so content. Three beautiful girls and a beautiful boy. And in other news... I am married! To the love of my life! Kenna is an incredible mother, step mother and awesome wife! I knew she would be.

She is really enjoying breastfeeding our son, motherhood has come so naturally to her. She just gets lost in her bonding time with him. I will want the boobs back eventually! We thought we might have another baby on the way recently due to my lack of self-control when it comes to my sexy wife. Not to be this time. Breastfeeding is putting all cycles out of whack! The girls have been such a great help and love their brother to pieces.


I decided to come home for lunch and spent it with my wife and son. As I walked though the front door, I could here Rocco blabbering somewhere. When I got to the family room, I found him on the play rug with a bunch of toys, his legs were kicking and he was sucking on a teething ring. Yep! The teeth are already coming through, he has one of his bottom teeth erupting. Fun times, especially though the night when he is screaming his head off.

"Hey Buddy, what's all that noise you're making?" I chuckled as I made my way over to him, he seems content just chilling here by himself. Where's Kenna? I looked around, the kitchen was empty but whatever was cooking was smelling pretty good. I knew there was a reason I wanted to come home today, a nice home cooked lunch.

"You're home?" Kenna was walking through the back sliding door, an empty washing basket underneath her arm. I smiled and made my way over to her, kissing her lips softly.

"I am, just in time by the smells of whatever you have in the oven." I grinned, I am so hungry, I could eat a horse.

"It's nothing special, babe. Just some chips and dim sims." she smiled and then looked over to our son, who was now crying. Must know that it's lunch time, and of course that means, Mummy's boobs. I really thought Kenna would have stopped breastfeeding by now, as I remember Tahni only doing it for the first two months with the twins. Rocco is four and a half months old, and still attached to my nipples. That's right, they're mine. He's a greedy little boy and doesn't like to share with his Daddy.

"You get grumble bum and I'll get the food out." I chuckled, lightly pecked her on the lips again and went over to the oven. I could hear Kenna talking to him as I pulled the tray out of the oven, then getting two plates out ready. When I was about to reach into the cupboard, I looked on the bench and I paused. There, sitting on the middle of the bench was a pregnancy test.

"Did you take it yet?" I asked as I looked over to my wife, she was now sitting on the rocking recliner, Rocco eagerly awaiting his feed. Kenna looked up as her left breast sprung free, and gave me a little smile. This morning while I was getting ready for work, Kenna had told me that her period was four days late. That was the last thing I was expecting her to say, but it is a possibility that we are expecting again.

"I don't need to, baby." Her smile a little bigger, Rocco now attached to his mother and sucking away. If only I could do that. I frowned, confused as to why she didn't need to pee on a stick. Another baby wouldn't be that bad, Kenna is an awesome mum, she's even going to give up work to be with our son. I dished up an even amount of chips and dim sims on the plates, nibbling as I did.

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