Excuse Me?

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Excuse Me?

18th March

Tahni's POV

This time next week, I'll have my girls here with me. I have missed them so much since I left, and now I really wish I never did. The move has also affected Lucy, I can tell she misses her big sisters being around. It was all good and fun in the beginning, now I'm lonely and very homesick. Looking over to my baby, I smiled as she was trying to crawl. She wasn't having much success, she face palmed the floor a few times.

"Time for your nap LuLu." I chuckled as I went to pick her up, the drool from her mouth dripping down and landing on my toe. I'm so enjoying her teething, the up all night screaming, the slobbery mess. She's a little grumpy baby. Just like her big sister Lily. Taking her to her room, I laid her down in her crib and kissed her softly on her chubby cheek.

"Love you baby girl." I whispered as she kept her eyes on me. Hopefully she has a good hour or two, that way I can get dinner organised. As I was walking out her door, there was a knock at the door. With a frown and feeling slightly confused as to why someone is here, I made my way to the front door. It's not very often we get visitors, being new here I haven't even tried to socialise with anyone.

When I reached the door, I peeped through the peephole and all I could see was a tall man with dark brown hair and his back facing the door. Maybe he might be here to kill me? Who the hell knows. I saw him move around and I quickly stepped back from the door as he knocked lightly again. Taking a calming breath, I gripped the door handle and pulled the door so I had a clear view of the man in front of me. When I looked up and into his face, I was taken aback and almost tripped over my own feet.

"Are you alright?" He asked concerned, his arms reaching out to keep me from falling to me ass. Keeping my head down, I nodded and then composed myself. My gaze meeting his and it was like I've seen this guy before but I can't work out where.

"I'm fine. How can I help you?" I asked as I could feel my heart rate quicken with all the thoughts rushing through my mind. He looks oddly familiar. He stood up straighter and cleared his throat, it was then I saw the large yellow envelope in his hands.

"Is your name Tahni Heather Baird?" His voice now sounding nervous, his hand is even starting to shake a little. Wow, I don't often get that, having a stranger know my full name. Even more so since I've only been living here for two months now. Maybe he's from back home, maybe I should reply instead of standing here looking like a stunned mullet.

"Yes it is." I frowned and then gripped the door handle harder, ready to slam the door in this guy's face.

"Oh God, I've finally found you." He breathed out loudly and gave me a super creepy smile. My heart about leapt out of my chest and I was about to freak out until he noticed the panicked look on my face.

"Shit! Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just I've been trying to find you for a few months and it's just so overwhelming. That your standing here in front of me." Now that just freaks me out more. He's been looking for me for months?

"Look, I don't know who you are. I think it's best that you leave." Taking a step back, I almost had to door closed shut when he stuck his foot out and then pushed the door back open.

"I'm sorry. Let me start again, please." He begged and he had moved back and put his hands up, like he was surrendering. My eyes not moving from his once as I nodded slowly, letting him know to carry on.

"A few years ago I lost both my adoptive parents. Since then, I have been searching for my biological parents and wondering if I had any brothers or sisters. Then only last week I finally got hold of my adoption papers, my original birth certificate. It was all in good timing as I just became a grandfather for the first time a month ago." The way he was speaking made my heart skip many beats. He was adopted? He was here on my door step acting like he's found that long lost relative.

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