I'm Sorry

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Summer's POV

" Ouch, " I groaned as got up from bed. 

I looked around me and see my friends all over one another and wait, where is Violet?

I quietly walked to the guest room and saw Violet sleeping peacefully on the bed. Geez.

" Violet, wake up!" I screamed in her ear.

Violet woke up scared, and hit me on the arm for scaring her and ruining her sleep. Well, that's what she gets for sleeping on the bed while the rest of us on blankets in the living room.

Violet and I went out to the living room and saw everyone slowly waking up. A small smile crept on my face. Even if I don't have Jack, I'll always have my friends and family as well as most importantly, myself.

I tried calling Jack after everyone left. I wanted to set things straight with him once for all. This marriage has unknowingly took a toll on me and left me so many scars and it's exhausting. 

It's exhausting wondering why my husband is going out with other women. It's exhausting wondering why I'm not good enough or always questioning if he really loves me. I know the whole marriage was based on a will and for business purposes but for months, we've been working it out and when we finally did, everything came crashing down.

I'm tired of waiting around for him. 

" Summer? " a voice spoke.

There he was, standing under the dim lamppost, looking all disheveled.

" Hi, " my voice soft.

" I'm sorry I haven't been coming home lately, I was busy at the office," he replied.

I let out a chuckle. I'm so tired of his lies.. 

" Do you really think I'm dumb?" my voice stern.

"What?" Jack asked, confused.

" I know you're cheating on me. So save the lies and excuses, " I replied, trying my best to stay calm. 

A pregnant pause fell upon us.

Standing here, my fists clenched, I find it so hard trying not to break down in front of him. I feel so helpless but I have to do this. If I want peace I have to end it with him right now. It's the right thing to do.

" Let's get a divorce," I spoke up.

" But-"

" No buts Jack. I'm tired. I thought we finally worked it out between us but we clearly did not. Do you know how tiring it is, wondering why you cheated on me?" I paused. " I kept wondering, what is wrong with me? Am I lacking? What was I lacking that made you cheat on me. I wondered if I should change myself for you. If I did that, would you not cheat on me? What about the 'I love yous' '? Was that just a lie? You told me you love me! How could you take the most important thing I own and break it into a million pieces right in front of me? W-Why? "

3rd POV 

Summer fell to her knees, crying. Her fists were red from the clenching. Her cries were never ending. She poured her heart out to the person who loved her but also who broke her. 

Jack, stood there, unspeaking. His hand unknowingly reached out to comfort her but he quickly retreated.

The air was cold, it was dark at night. Summer was only able to get a hold of Jack at night. Summer requested for them to meet at the park, where they used to hang out during high school before Jack had to move.

It was all so bittersweet here. Who knew that after 6 years, they'd be here together but it wasn't because of the reunion they've always thought it would be.

Jack's POV 

*flashback to 2 hours ago*

" Babe, wait " I asked for some space.

" Jack can we meet at the park?" Summer asked and she sounded tired.

" Yeah sure,"

I was about to ask her if she was okay but she ended the call immediately. Something felt wrong.. 

I decided to go meet Summer and I left almost immediately.

I saw her sitting on the swing, looking down. She was fidgeting, all anxious. Her eyes, it looked as if she just cried. What happened?

* back to present *

A tear fell. I feel terrible. Summer doesn't deserve this. I don't deserve her either. I keep hurting her. 

She was right, we had it all until I ruined it. I don't know why I did what I did but I was wrong and I feel so terrible. I'm the worst.

" Summer, " I spoke up, crouching down to her height and placed my hand on her shoulder. 

" I'm so sorry. I know sorry doesn't cut it but I am truly sorry. I know not having a good reason for what I did is stupid but I really don't know why I did that. I don't know why I cheated and made you feel like you weren't good enough. Truth is, you were perfect. I guess I didn't like being tied down to just one person so I cheated. That is inexcusable and I'm truly sorry. I'm sorry I caused you so much pain and scarred you. I know my sorrys' won't cut it but I truly hope you find the person who rightfully deserves you because I don't. I didn't treat you how you were supposed to be treated. You cared and loved me for me when nobody truly did and all I ever did to you was cause you immense amount of pain. I'm sorry I abandoned you then and now, especially when I should have been there for you. I wasn't a good friend to you then and I wasn't a good partner to you now. You truly deserve so much better," I cried.

I felt terrible. I'm horrible. The worst part is, I cheated on her with Stephanie. The person who had caused her so much pain in her school years. 

3rd POV

" Who is she? " Summer asked, avoiding eye contact.

" It's S-Stephanie," Jack reluctantly replied.

Hearing that name, brought Summer traumatic flashbacks. Summer felt suffocated and even worse than she did before. All of a sudden, Summer saw black and Jack caught her in his arms. 


Sorry this took so long ! And yes, the title is intentional :D

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