Mission Success

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I was woken up with the smell of pancakes. I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and headed down to the kitchen.

" Mmm Carol,the pancakes smells so good," I said,half awake.

" I'm glad you found the pancakes smelled good," my eyes were as wide as saucers.

Jack?! Shit. Wrong person.

" Uh sorry. I mistook you for Carol. Anyway,where is she? " I wondered.

" I gave her a month off.," oh.

I nodded in response. I watched him from the back as he cooks.How his hands would flex and his biceps show as he flips the pancakes. He is so hot and a talented cook. Why is he good looking? Like seriously.

I busied myself by making a cup of tea before I get caught oogling at him.

" Coffee? " I asked Jack. He hummed in response.

I may not drink coffee but I do know how to make a cup of it. I always made one for Andrew.

He placed the pancakes on a plate and handed it to me. I watched as his hands flexed and his veins evident.I gulped and looked away before I get caught.

I gave him the cup of coffee and settled in my seat. He sat across me. I watched as he took a sip of the coffee. I hope it doesn't taste bad.He looked taken aback as he took a sip and I only hope for the best.

" This is really good for someone who doesn't drink coffee," he said blankly. I gave him a small smile and turned my attention to my plate of pancakes.

I took a bite from the pancake which has maple syrup drizzled all over. I accidentally moaned as I devoured the pancake. It's just so good. Plus,it's been long since I've eaten something proper.I mean granola bars every single day is bad.

I felt someone staring so I looked up and saw Jack staring at me as I ate. His eyes never leaving me. I rose an eyebrow and he shook his head and chuckled.

" What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked,feeling self conscious. I mean I am a messy eater sometimes.

" No,nothing."

I squint my eyes at him for a few seconds before averting my attention back to my food.

"What do you want to do today?" Jack asked,out of the blue.

"Uh I don't know? "

" What do you have in mind?"

" Netflix I guess? " I mean,I kind of want to watch something and not do anything else. Just netflix and chill and eat.

" Well,can I join?" questions filled my mind. 

Why? What is happening? Seriously?

" Uh yeah sure," I answered,feeling quite taken aback.

After breakfast,I went to my room to finish up a few sketches before meeting Jack in the theater room.

I was so lost in my sketching I didn't notice a presence creeping upon me.

I jumped back in surprise as Jack leaned beside me.

" Don't you know how to knock?" I rolled my eyes and continued my work.

" What are you sketching?" Jack asked, ignoring my question.

" Just some new designs for the runway " 

" Oh " and I hummed in response.

He sat on my bed as I finished up my work.

After an hour or so,I was finally done and went to check up on Jack but saw him sleeping peacefully on my bed.I took this time to study his face. He changed a lot but he still has that boyish look. Those lips.How I wish I could kiss them. I shook my head at the thought of it.

I got an idea and went to get a marker. I drew a moustache and a unibrow on his face and wrote 'stupid' on his forehead. That is for leaving me heartbroken,six years ago. This is just the beginning,just you wait Jack Hayes. You really hurt me but I'm a fool to forgive you so easily.

I discarded the evidence and woke him up.

"You fell asleep," I said flatly.

"Oh..sorry" he yawned.

" Is the movie marathon still on though?" he asked.

"Depends if you still want to do it," I replied.

" Pick out a movie and I'll go grab some snacks," he said as he left.

Jack hates romcoms but I'm going to make him watch it with me. I picked love,rosie. It's one of my favourite movies and the fact that I relate to the movie makes it more interesting and sad. I really want to watch it after so long and I finally got the chance.

Jack came back with popcorn and a blanket.We shared the blanket while keeping a safe distance apart. The movie played and I ignored my surroundings and focused on the movie.

I cried as I watched that scene. I felt Jack moving closer to me but I ignored it. Then,Jack wiped the tears that fell. I looked at him and we were staring at one another.

His eyes held pain and guilt. Though,I can't really focus looking into his eyes when all I see are the doodles on his face. I tried hard to not laugh.

Jack looked confused as to why I looked like I could burst any moment now when we were just being sentimental a while ago.

The more we looked at each other,the more I couldn't contain my laughter. I decided to focus on the movie again.We watched till the end and again Jack looked at me with sadness in his eyes but his face stoic.

We went to the kitchen as he prepared dinner for both of us. 

We ate together,enjoying each other's company and not feeling any awkwardness over the silence.

" The movie was great and I had fun," Jack spoke up.

" It really is.It was sad but I'm glad the ending was a happy one. They both deserved to be with someone they truly love, " I said.

"You're right," and silence.

I thanked Jack for dinner and we both washed the dishes together whilst having small talks. We bid each other good night as we entered our individual rooms.Before I entered mine,I told Jack to look in the mirror.I locked the door to my room in case he tries to come in.

As I settled on my bed,I heard a scream," SUMMER!!! "

Mission success.


Hey guys sorry for the super long update! I was busy with school so I didn't really have the time to update fast. And happy belated new year!! I wish you all a healthy life this year and onward.

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