A Getaway

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I reached my safe house which I bought a couple years back and is situated in the middle of nowhere and surrounded by mountains and endless trees. It has a view of a lake and a mountain which I find very breathtaking and the best purchase I've made. 

I stepped inside the living room, taking in the sweet smell of the place. It was quite dusty but I have a lot of time to clean it up so why not start now. I mean yeah I'm tired after the long drive but who cares I love this place.

I played some music from my phone as I cleaned up the whole place;well mainly the kitchen and the bedroom. I only cleaned half of the living room because I was too drained.

I made myself a nice warm bath and unwind. Clear my mind from everything and tried to think of happy thoughts. But then my mind goes back to Jack...

I cried my eyes out in the tub,bawling and screaming. My heart hurts so much but I could never tell him that. Even if I did, why would it matter? He doesn't love me. Only I do...

I felt so suffocated. My mind was hazy and my body was trembling. I let myself sit in the tub with only my head on the surface. I took a deep breath and went under. I stayed there for as long as I could. It might seem like I'm drowning but I've never felt so at peace.It's just me and no one else. Not even the thought of him crossed.

After a while, I emerge back up to the surface gasping for air. I took a deep breath and tried to get a grip and focus. For the first time in my life, I felt fine. I felt free. When I was under the water, I felt like I was flying.

Now that I've done that, I realise that I should really like I mean really get over Jack. He isn't worth it. I don't know if I should do this but I mean I could possibly go and date other people? I mean it feels wrong but if Jack can do it I see why I can't go and find my own happiness?

My stay here would just be all about me and me and just me. I'm taking a break for myself. I'm going to find my happiness. To hell with Jack!

* Jack's POV *

'Lucy let's call it a day,' I said while getting off her.

She rolled her eyes and eventually obliged. I put on my clothes and accompanied Lucy to her car.

' Bye baby,' Lucy said seductively.

I tried to restrain myself from puking my guts out. I politely send her a little nod and smile.

After she drove away, I started rolling my eyes. God, that woman was awful. Why am I still with her? Come on Jack get a grip.

I walked up the stairs after stopping by the kitchen to get a drink. I noticed how it has been three hours since I last saw Summer and I wonder where she is.

What is she doing? It's late and she isn't even back yet.

I called her countless of times and not once did she pick up. It all went straight to voicemail.

' Hey Summer call me back when you get this will you? I'm worried-' I decided to terminate that message. I sounded so desperate. 

I just texted her a ' where are you?' and left her a few more missed calls before calling it a day. I'm so tired but I can't stop worrying about Summer. 

Where the hell is that woman?

* Summer's POV *

' Oh, oh livin' on a prayer '

Bon Jovi's Livin' On A Prayer played in the background as I jumped around on my bed. Gosh it's like 11pm and I'm still up. I'm so energized that even I find it weird. 

But this is so much fun honestly. If only I could invite the girls.

Wait! That's right, I can!


Sorry for the late update again guys:( School was hectic and I had exams for the past three weeks and all. I'll be uploading two chapters so tune in to the second one tomorrow! And BIG news, the first book ( He Never Did ) of this series ranked #399 in unrequited!! I'm so happy I'm crying buckets of tears right now..

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