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2 days later...

Summer's POV

" Ugh this is so heavy," I complained, carrying my luggage up the stairs. God forbid the stairs. Why the stairs!

" Here, let me help, " Jack suddenly came out of his room.

I reluctantly let him carry my luggage up to my room.

" So, did you have fun? " Jack asked, breaking the silence.

" Uh yeah," I replied awkwardly.

Jack suddenly took big steps towards me and before I could back away, he engulfed me in a bear hug.

" You don't know how worried I was. Why didn't you tell me you were with the girls? I called and texted you so many times but you didn't answer," Jack held me by my shoulders and searched my eyes for answers.

" Uh- I uh, " I stuttered, shocked by his behaviour. I cleared my throat and took his hands off my shoulder and started unpacking.

I could feel Jack staring at me and I brushed it off.

" Hey, you wanna go out and grab lunch? I gave the workers a week off," Jack asked.

Should I? Should I not? Gwen and Rose ate all the snacks on the ride back and I haven't eaten. Yeah, I should.

" Sure. Just give me 20 minutes," I replied.

After Jack closed the door, I sat on my bed, confused by his behaviour.

" Was I gone too long? Did he really lose his mind? " I wondered.

Jack's POV

I forgot how it felt like to hold Summer in my arms. She seems happier after the trip. I'm glad the girls took her mind off whatever that was stressing her out.

I looked at Summer's door briefly and smiled, remembering her shocked face when I hugged her a few moments ago.

I'm really going to try to make it work between us and I promise to try and give her the love she deserves. After all, it's the least I could do after causing her so much pain.

And now, I have to get ready for our lunch date. I walked into my room, my smile never leaving my face.

Summer's POV

" and 2 glasses of white wine please," Jack ordered our meals.

Silence filled the air until Jack broke the ice.

" So, how's the runway coming up?"

" Oh, great actually," I gave him a small smile.

Wow, I didn't expect him to be aware of these things. What's gotten into him? 

We ate our meals in silence and me catching Jack not in any way discreet, staring at me every few minutes.

I raised my eyebrow, catching him looking at me for the nth time.

" Nothing, you just look really pretty that's all," he compliments me and turning his focus back on his meal.

Really? You compliment me, leave me looking like a tomato and continue eating your food? Damn you, Jack. 

My hand went up to my chest and I felt my heart beating really fast. Summer, you have to get over him. And why is he making this so hard?

" Did you hit your head or something? Did Wayne or any of the guys smack you too hard on the head? " I questioned him.

Jack burst out laughing while I sat there dumbfounded. 

" I'm serious! " I burst, annoyed.

" I'm sorry," he stopped laughing.

 " Summer," he held my hand, " I can assure you, I am perfectly fine." 

" Impossible. You're acting really strange today ever since the day I left for my trip. You don't usually text me or care about me. And suddenly when I leave you for a few days, you start becoming really...really," I trailed off, finding the right words.

" Look, I understand and I'm sorry for how I've acted for the past few months. I want to make it up to you, I really do. Please give me a chance. I want to give us a try," Jack said, looking into my eyes intently.

He sounds and looks serious. I'm, I, what is happening? 

" Oh, I don't feel so good," I said, fleeing to the bathroom.

Jack's POV

" Summer!" I yelled after her as she ran to the bathroom.

Shoot! What did I do? Do I go after her? Or should I let her have some space?

" Yeah, space," I mumbled.

I called the waiter and asked for the bill. 

I waited outside the bathroom, waiting for Summer anxiously.

I can't help but walk up and down, biting my nails.

" Summer, are you okay? Do you want to go to the-" 

" I'm fine. I want to sleep," she cut me off.

I nodded and placed my hand on her waist, aiding her.

Once we reached home, Summer went and locked herself inside her room.

I messed with my hair. I think I might have scared her. I can't bear to leave her side but I have to and give her some space.

Summer's POV

" What's happening to me? Why is my life so complicated? " I sighed.

Jack wants to give us a try... He seemed really determined but how can I trust him when he was the cause for my broken heart? 

First, he breaks my heart and then 6 years later he shows up and suddenly wants to patch it back up. What about that Lucy girl or whatever her name is? Did he even break things off with her if he wants to do this?

Wait, why am I even thinking about giving him a chance? Snap out of it Summer!

Though, I am stuck in this marriage with, well Jack. Do I really have a choice to say no? Or maybe I do? Ugh, this is all so complicated! 

My head hurts, my heart hurts, I hate this. I need some sleep. 


Sorry for this long overdue chapter! 

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