Broken Hearts

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It was a brand new day today.Can you believe it? I am married and this is my first day as a Hayes and not a Quinn.

I was up bright and early and it's very unusual of me.I brushed the thought off and went to shower.I didn't have anything planned for today so maybe I could go and explore more.I wore a white tee and black shorts along with my blue bunny slippers.

I went down to the dining table and saw Carol and Jack.Jack was on his phone while drinking his coffee.I greeted Carol and Jack simultaneously as I took a seat.

I grabbed myself some pancakes and went to make a cup of tea.I asked Carol to join us for breakfast but she politely declined and said she had eaten.

Carol went away to do some other chores and I continued eating my pancakes.I was so into eating I didn't hear Jack talking.I can't believe I tuned everyone out just to focus on my food.I'm a mess.

"I'm going to have someone over today so just stay in your room," Jack informed me.

I looked up to him with my mouth full of pancakes making me look like a chipmunk.

"Who?" I asked as I finished chewing.

" Er someone," 

"Let me guess,one of your 'chicks' " I air quoted the chicks.

He looked at me and his expression gave it all away.Ouch,he moved on so fast from yesterday.I bet he forgot that we even kissed.I want to talk about it but I decided against it.

I weakly nod my head and continued eating.He left after a while for work.I can't help but feel betrayed and heartbroken.

I washed my plate and went to explore outside the mansion.There was a pool with a barbeque pit and a patio beside it.There was also a big willow tree at the far back and an empty piece of land that followed.A built in fence surrounded the backyard.

I got an idea on how to decorate the backyard because it seems super boring.I wrote down on my phone about making a swing on the tree and to buy rose seeds so I could plant roses.Red ones.

I went up to get changed and headed out to the store.I asked my assigned driver by Jack to help me build the swing.

We made the seat out of wood and tied the ends with a rope and tied onto the tree.I then asked Carol for some extra helping hands to plant the seeds.All three of us bonded and had lots of fun planting the seeds.

By then,it was lunch time and Carol went inside to prepare lunch.I asked Harold,my driver to join me and Carol for lunch.He declined but I basically forced him.

I don't want to eat alone and plus,they're now my friends so they are allowed to eat with me on the same table.

We talked over lunch and got to know more about one another.Carol has three children,two boys and one girl.Each of them are already married and she now have like around nine grandchildren.Harold on the other hand is in his 40s and has two children.One boy and one girl and the eldest is working in Jack's company while the youngest is in her last year of high school.

Both Carol and Harold are so much fun to be around with and Carol reminds me so much of my grandmother who sadly passed away before I could even meet her while Harold is like a father to me.I'm just glad I won't be alone in this house.

After lunch,we resumed our individual work.Carol had to go grocery shopping so I asked her to go with Harold since Harold could drive her.I went to call my PA and asked her about the updates on the clothes which are designed for the runway in five months.

It is all ready but she said there is insufficient models.I told her I'd go into the office tomorrow to discuss about it.I gave her a day off and I start sketching.I just love drawing and doing anything related to art besides reading.

I was so lost in it till I didn't realise it's dark outside.I stretched myself and decided to get a drink as my throat is dry.

I walked out the room and heard the weird sounds.Wait,don't tell me it's.

I made my way towards the room where the sound was coming from and no it isn't Jack's room.I eavesdropped and heard a girl talking and asking Jack , I presume to go more than this.

What does she mean by this?

I walked away.I felt my heart drop and break into pieces.I really feel like crying right now.I walked into the kitchen and saw Carol.She seems to read my mind and smiled sadly at me.

I guess she knew as well.I told her I don't have any appetite to eat.I grabbed some chips and a few cans of coke and went to my room.I decided to watch some sad movies because I'm feeling sad and if anyone sees me cry,I tell them it's the movie and not because my heart is breaking.

I settled on Me Before You and then before you know it,I'm crying buckets of tears while shoving food down my mouth.

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