...Ready For It?

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" V, I can't believe he is just selling me to some other guy like that.I mean who cares if it's his friend's son or something," I cried harder.

"Shh..It's going to okay.I guess the blind date's off then," she whispered the last part softly.

"V! I'm crying for my life here and all you could think about is that stupid blind date?" I screamed.

" Sorry Summer," I sighed.

" It's okay..I guess this is destiny then.Love is surely not my thing," I threw the tissue box at the wall.

I hope that whoever I'm marrying wouldn't turn out to be a jerk.This arrange marriage is already a pain in the ass,I don't need anymore pain to add to it.

Gosh I can't even live my life.I'm going to be stuck as a wife.Damn it.

I laid on the bed in Violet's spare room.I wonder if Andrew knows about this.As if on cue,my phone rang.Ugh the screen is so...hais. I threw my phone at the wall because I ran out of things to throw.

"Summer where are you!" Andrew yelled into the phone.

"I'm with Violet," I answered emotionlessly.

"Summer,I heard about the marriage.I asked Dad not to proceed with it but he,he didn't listen.I-I'm sorry I failed you as a brother," Andrew sighed.

"At least I know you tried.I just,I thought since Dad was back everything would be fine but turns out,he made it all worse.Ugh I hate Dad!" I yelled in frustration.

" I understand where you're coming from.Are you going to marry him then?" 

"I don't have a choice do I? Unless I magically fly to some other place but I can't.I have a business to run and I've worked hard to be where I am at now," 

"I met him.I didn't know it was him not until after the meeting.He is not that bad looking per say.He seems like a good guy.Why don't you give this a chance since you...don't really have a choice,"

"I guess I could do that.I'm coming home tomorrow.Love you Drew..bye" I ended the call before he could reply.

I stared at the ceiling.My heart hurts a lot.Dad should've just went on his business trips.I regret that I accepted him in my life so easily back then.He practically abandoned me and Andrew and then he comes back like as if nothing happens.For six years,it was all peace and quiet till a few hours ago.

I drove back to my house not before getting myself a drink from Starbucks.I was thinking about going back home to change and then head out to work.I have a runway to take care of anyways.

I wore a black halter dress which ends at my knees.I wore my black pumps with it as well as a grey coat.I let my hair down,not bothering to curl or straighten it.Just going to brush it a bit and then wear my red lipstick and I'm out of here.

I was trying to be discreet as I went down the stairs but Dad seemed to have caught me.I turned around facing him.

"Where are you going?"

" To the office."

" We're having dinner with your future husband's family.Be home by six," he ordered.I rolled my eyes and walked away.

He's just doing this for his friendship and company.Not even caring about my bloody feelings.I drove away from the suffocating mansion to my building.

By the time I reached home,it was seven and I am super late.Dad is going to be so mad at me but what do I care? 

I walked to the living room as I heard people talking.

"Good evening.Pardon me,I was stuck in traffic," I faked a smile.

There were only four people here.Andrew,Dad,his friend and his wife.

As if Dad's friend could read my mind,he answered,"he is in the bathroom.I'm Benjamin."

" Summer.It's a pleasure to meet you," I said politely.

"Don't be so formal.We are going to be family soon.I'm Denise but I insist that you call me Mom and my husband Dad," a short,brunette woman said.

"  Alright, " I replied still not processing everything.

"Oh,Jack come! She's here," Denise- I mean Mom said.

I was so curious as to who my future husband is that I didn't even ask about him.

But wait,did she just say Jack? It's not him right? Nah,there's plenty of Jacks' Summer.Calm down,it's not him so don't stress.No way can it even be.He is gone.

I calmed myself as I turned around to only be greeted by my biggest nightmare.Bloody hell.

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