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Ugh why is it so loud? 

I opened my eyes and slowly took in my surrounding.I was in bed lying on my stomach and the room is a mess.I followed the annoying sound that woke me up and found out that it was my alarm clock.Bloody hell.

I switched it off and made my way to the bathroom to wash up.I looked into the mirror and was shocked to see how of a mess I had become.

My hair resembled a bird's nest,my mascara streaming down my cheeks and my lipstick smeared all over my face.Shit.

I washed up and went down for breakfast only to be greeted by eerie silence.Wait what time is it?I checked the clock and found out that it was eleven in the morning.No wonder it was so quiet,Andrew and Dad had already left for work.

I lazily walk into the kitchen and prepared my own breakfast.I've forgotten the maids aren't here.I cooked myself an omelette and made tea.I devoured my breakfast or brunch silently.

A ding was heard and I checked my phone.It was from an unknown number.As I was about to type,another message was sent and it said that it was from Denise.

Denise...where have I heard that before-Oh! My future mother-in-law! How could I forget.I facepalmed at my stupidity.This is so embarrassing but luckily nobody is here to see.

I didn't really know Jack's parents anyways although we used to be the bestest of friends in high school.Sure we hung out a lot but his parents are rarely home so I have never met them before but they seem like pretty cool parents.I mean,Denise is just a sweetheart.

She said that she'll meet me at one for the wedding dress shopping.I don't bother to take part in the wedding planning because I'm too busy with work but the only thing I'll take charge on is my wedding dress.If I am getting married even though it's forced,I want to look my best.

I still had like an hour or so before meeting Denise or Mom as she insisted,I choose to go and watch a movie to pass time.Before I do,it'd be better if I got ready first or I'll end up late and giving Denise a bad impression.I mean I was already late for dinner I can't be tardy again,can I?

I wore a baby blue sweater and a pair of black jeans.I wore my ankle boots with it and let my hair down.I wore my red lipstick and then I'm done.

I picked out Girls Trip and lost myself in the movie.

I swear,Girls Trip have got to be my favourite movie right now.It's so hilarious but at the same time heartfelt because I mean their friendship is everything I aspire for.

I found out that it was already half past twelve and I decided to make a move now.I drove my car to the bridal shop that Denise had texted me.It was a fifteen minute drive so I went to get a drink at Starbucks before arriving.

I sang along to I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift  and basically went crazy.Her newest album is the bomb! 

I finally reached the destination and brought my drink along with me as I approached Denise who is enthusiastically waving at me.I greeted her and likewise.She guide me into the shop and started choosing dresses for me to try on.

It was already fifteen minutes to two and I have been trying on dresses for nth time.None of them suit my taste.I really want to end this shopping by two so I asked Denise if I could choose my own dress and she reluctantly agreed.

I feel bad that she didn't get to choose for me but I swear if I have to wear one more dress from her pick,I'll flip.

I walk along the array of wedding dresses but none had caught my eye.I looked again and landed my eyes on a beautiful lace dress.The back was see through and the front has gorgeous lace details.And I know that this is the one.It's simple yet elegant.

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