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Ugh why is it so bright?And why does it feel like there's something around my waist?

I woke up and closed it again at the brightness.My eyes fluttered open again slowly as I focus my eyes and studied my surroundings.

Where the hell am I? And who the hell is breathing on my neck?

I looked down to my waist and I was basically in someones embrace.It can't be any of the girls because the hand just look too manly.I turned around and was faced by my biggest nightmare yet again,Mr Jack Hayes.

"Ahhh!" I screamed in shock.

"Shh.I'm sleeping," he said huskily as he hugged me tighter.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?! And where am I?" I yelled at him as I tried to free myself from his embrace.

"Mm stop moving,you smell nice," he said huskily and moved his head to my neck.

"I need to pee you idiot.Now let me go or I won't hesitate to do it on your bed," I rolled my eyes.

He opened his eyes and we had a stare off.I looked into his brown orbs and is instantly lost in it.His eyes are so beautiful and mysterious I could just stare at it all day.My heart rate started increasing.He looked at me intently and I start getting self-conscious.I mean back then I had acne and now I don't but I can't help thinking if I had a pimple or something.

He furrowed his eyes as he continued staring at me.I looked down at my nose to see if I do have a pimple but I don't or do I? I looked back at him and he had a smile on his face.

We broke eye contact as he let go of me.I followed his every move as he slowly got off the bed.I realised I still wanted to go to the toilet so I got off the bed as well.Before I could even leave the bed Jack spoke up.

"Bye!" he yelled as he closed the bathroom door and I stood there shocked.

He freaking tricked me.This son of a bird.

"You idiot!" I yelled.

Damn it,I have to hold it in for like ten minutes more.I groaned at the thought and a laugh was heard.I yelled at Jack to shut up.

After like ten minutes,Jack emerged from the bathroom.As he walked out I emerged from the side and smacked the back of Jack's head before running into the bathroom,pushing him aside in the process because he was blocking the way.

I looked in the mirror and yet again my hair looked like a bird's nest.Maybe that's why he furrowed his eyebrows at me.Oh wells,I ain't trying to impress anyone anyways.Not him especially.

I took my time and showered.I brushed my teeth after finding an extra toothbrush in the cabinet.Well for starters,his bathroom is huge.I realised I didn't have an extra change of clothes so I wrapped myself in a towel and wore my undergarments from last night.Ew.

I peeked my head out of the bathroom door hoping Jack isn't anywhere here.I walked out after checking that he wasn't in the room.I went to his closet and just took a hoodie.It ends at my mid thigh.It's comfortable and smells nice as well.

I walked down the stairs and I could smell food.My feet followed the smell and when I arrived in the kitchen,there he was,shirtless whilst flipping pancakes.He had his back on me and he won't be able to catch me oogling him.Hehe.

"Oo pancakes!" I squealed in excitement and he turned around.

"Oh you're wearing my hoodie," he said.

"Yeah,I hope you don't mind," I replied,playing with my fingers.

"No it's fine.Looks good on you anyways," he complimented.

"Er..thanks?" it came out as a question instead.

He gestured me to take a seat and I complied.

He handed me a plate and placed two pancakes on it.He also gave me a cup of tea.Yeah,I don't drink coffee.

"You still drink tea instead of coffee right?" I nodded,surprised he still remembers.


"Thanks for the food," I thanked him as I took the last sip from my tea.

He nodded and I stood up to wash the plates.

"No,it's okay.I'll do it," he stopped me before I could turn the tap on.

But me being me,disobeyed him because the least I could do to thank him is to do the dishes.He sighed and joined me.We were doing the dishes in complete silence and I couldn't help but feel nervous.

After that,he sent me home and I was still dressed in nothing but my undergarments and hoodie.As expected,I didn't realise I forgot to bring my dress with me.Thankfully,I remembered my purse or I'd be dead.

I thanked him again and watched him drive away.As I walked into the house,it was silent and I guess Andrew and Dad went to work already.I walked in,processing what just happened in the last 24 hours.

So Jack told the guys about him moving away and not us,not me.And then me and the girls went to the club to let loose and while I was dancing,Jack suddenly came to get me.He dragged me out and took me to his home.I the process however,I got a bruise on my wrist from his grip.

I looked at my right arm and there was an evident bruise there.I wonder how I didn't see it when I showered just now.

I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling.My mind went back to the time when I was in Jack's embrace and we were staring into each other's eyes.I remembered feeling giddy and my heart was racing so fast.

I guess I can never get rid of my feelings for him no matter how much I try.It's bad.I'm getting married to a playboy for goodness sake.He even said that in the marriage,he'll do whatever he please with whomever he wants.And that we're just husband and wife on paper.How much more cruel can he get?

I checked my phone and got a ton of messages and it's all from the girls asking if I was safe and sound.I replied to them individually and they were relieved nothing happened to me.

The wedding is in six days and I am so not looking forward to it.If anyone has any plans that they would like to share on how I could escape,I'm open for discussion because I'm pretty sure my life is going to get worse after the wedding.

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