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Summer's POV 

I came home tired and anxious about Jack's whereabouts. I wanted to sleep so badly but I know I can't sleep without Jack nor can I when he went MIA. 

Now that I think about it, these past few weeks, Jack has been acting weird. He'd come home late and give short replies but still, there wasn't any hint of coldness.  I guess he was just tired. It's also my fault I didn't give him my attention as I had to focus on preparing for the runway. Then all of a sudden, he's nowhere to be found and can't be contacted today. Out of all days, on my most important day. I had hoped to see him in the audience today as I wanted to thank him for being my number one supporter for the past few months.

I took my phone and dialled his number again only for it to go to voicemail. I paced back and forth, texting him, trying my best to reach him.

Did something bad happen to him? Where is he? Is he well? 

Claire's POV

"Honey, I'm worried for Summer. She looked so sad when she found out Jack wasn't at her runway. I wonder where he is... I'm so angry that he put Summer in this situation again. It feels like high school all over again, " Claire vented.

Gavin sighed in response, he too was feeling as frustrated as Claire is. 

" I wished Summer took up my offer of staying with her for the night. I'm so worried for her," Claire sighed.

3rd POV

Gavin and Claire decided to grab supper and settled down in the booth at the back of the restaurant. 

They were chatting until Gavin's a certain person caught his eyes. His gaze changed from a confused to an angry one as soon as he saw who was with the person. Claire was focused on eating her food and talking that she didn't realise that Gavin had long stopped listening to her.

Gavin abruptly stood up which confused Claire. She furrowed her eyebrows and when she saw Gavin looking angry, she followed his line of sight only to be shocked at what she saw.

There he was, happily drinking with another. Jack and an unknown person. He seemed happy, drinking and chatting away with her that he probably forgot about his wife that he had left at home alone and all worried about his well-being. 

" How dare he leave Summer to worry about him while he hangs with another woman behind her back! " Claire yelled out in anger.

Claire felt upset and hurt that her best friend had trusted a liar and a cheater. She needed to set Jack straight.

" I want to punch his face, " Gavin said, all respect lost for his best friend.

Gavin, on the other hand, was disappointed and frustrated at Jack. He thought Jack had changed for the better. Clearly, he hadn't. 

" No, let's just take a picture of him and meet up with the rest, " Claire calmed her boyfriend.

Summer's POV

I was in the shower when my phone rang. I rushed out thinking it was Jack who had called. Maybe he finally checked his phone. Unfortunately, it wasn't Jack. It was from Claire.

" Hey Claire, what's up? " I asked.

" We're all reaching your house in 20, I hope you don't mind," Claire replied, but she sounded quite eager and off. Something must have happened to her.

" Oh okay, sure. By the way, Claire, are you okay? " I asked, worried.

" I-I am, just can't wait to meet you that's all! " Claire replied, awkwardly enthused.

3rd POV 

" Okay, I can't do this. You go ring the bell, " Claire pushed Rose in front of the door.

" No no, I can't either. I do not want to see her sad," Rose said and dragged Gwen in front of her.

" You idiots, we have to be strong for Summer. I know that the news we're going to deliver to her is heartbreaking but we have to stay strong for Summer. She's our friend after all. And with that... that is why I shouldn't ring the bell, Wayne should," Gwen pushed Wayne to the front door.

" W-what hey! why me? " 

" I don't want to see Summer hurt. Why can't you girls tell her and us guys to go and teach Jack a lesson? " Wayne argued.

"  Come on guys, let's all do this for Summer. We can talk about Jack later," Aria said.

As Wayne rang the doorbell, Gavin spoke up, " Do you think we're doing the right thing by telling her? " 

" I mean, if I were being cheated on I probably would, " Gwen said.

" It's not ideal but it's better we tell her. Better sooner than later. Like what if she finds out in the worst way? " Claire said.

Everyone nodded, silence taking over.

The door opened revealing Summer...and someone? 


another cliffhanger oops...

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