So It Goes...

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" Summer," no way. He looked at me intently.

"J-Jack?" I stuttered,not able to apprehend the situation.

I'm so confused.Why is he here? I'm getting married t-to him?! No freaking way.

" Oh you two know each other?" Mom asked.

" Yes,"

" No," we both said at the same time.

"No we don't.I just know his name because Dad told me that is all," I lied,my eyes not leaving him.

He was about to speak when I interrupted and said that we should probably eat dinner now.Before I could walk,a hand stopped me.I looked up to see him.

"We need to talk" he interrupted me before I could speak.

"After dinner," I walked away leaving him.

We sat across each other during dinner.I have a feeling that someone was looking at me and when I looked up,he was staring at me.I rose an eyebrow at him and to only get a smirk in return.

How I wish I could slap that smirk off his face.He looked away and I took this time to study him.

Time have really did him justice.I mean,he grew even taller and he's like 6'1 or something now.His physique is well-built and the fact that he became more handsome than before is really making it hard for me.He screams perfect.

I looked down at my food before he could catch me staring.I remembered crying after his sudden departure.I couldn't believe he would just leave us like that.Me,his friends and our friendship.

*Six years ago*

"Jack come on pick up.Please pick up," tears streamed down my face as I called Jack for the nth time.

It was already half past eight now and I hadn't stopped calling since three hours ago.A few hours ago,Wayne called and said that Jack wasn't home.I was losing hope but I wouldn't stop calling.The guys went to the airport but there was no trace of him.

He wouldn't leave me if he really loved me.How could he just do this? We were also going to start fresh.Why would he just leave?

I cried for weeks and still kept calling him but he still wouldn't pick up.

*Back to present*

I remembered being so heartbroken after he left.I didn't cry in front of the gang because I didn't want to worry them.I continued on with my life and went to college and everything else became blur.I slowly forgot about him but he was still there,on my mind.My feelings on the other hand,didn't seem to fade.So ,I buried them instead.Deep down where all else is forgotten.

Till one day,Violet took me clubbing.

It was the first and last time I will ever go clubbing.It was last year.I went there with Violet,dressed in a black halter dress which stops at my knees.We were dancing when I saw Jack.Yeah,I thought I was dreaming but I wasn't.I didn't drink so I was completely sober.On that day itself,I realised I still have feelings for him.

*A year ago*

I watched as he kissed another girl dressed in a skimpy outfit.Bloody hell.Here I was crying over him for five years and there he was kissing another girl.He said he loved me.He clearly didn't because he forgot about me.I guess he moved on already,faster than I did.

I stormed out of the club all angry and furious.Violet ran after me and I cried in her arms.I told her everything and since then Violet had tried everything to make sure I forgot about him.

He was there,well and alive.He didn't bother telling any of us that he was back.I thought that maybe he would visit me or any of the gang but he didn't.He didn't bother calling me back when he arrived in London.Or replying my mail.I hate him.

*Back to present*

I chuckled dryly as I twirled my pasta with my fork.I hate him,I really do.I didn't feel like eating anymore after those flashbacks so I excused myself to the bathroom.In fact,I went to the library.Well,the library is my library.Only I am allowed inside besides Andrew of course.

I walked towards the bookshelf and picked out a book.Before I could even read a voice interrupted me.How I wish to slap that person with my book because nobody shall disturb me when I read my books.

"Pride and Prejudice eh?" I glared at him.

"What do you want Hayes?" I asked,not looking at him.

"We need to talk,"

" Aren't we talking now?" 

"Summer put that book down and look at me," I complied.

" I'm all ears," I said.

" I need you to oppose this marriage," he said.

" Well,don't you think I would also want to be out of this marriage? I'm practically stuck with an asshole," I fired back.

" I am not an asshole!"

" Yeah and I am not a girl,"I deadpanned.

" I've tried opposing but it didn't work," I sighed.

"Fine.Since we can't get out of this,we'll just have to play dirty.Let's make a deal," what?

"Ugh,what deal?" 

" We are going to get married but once it is only us,we aren't to act like husband and wife.I would be allowed to do whatever I want with whomever I choose," he said calmly.

" Are you out of your mind?! " this is ridiculous.We could get caught.

"Why? Are you jealous?" he smirked as he took big steps towards me.

For every step he took,I took one backwards.When my back hit the wall,I know I was doomed.

" Do you still love me Summer?" he whispered in my ear and it sent shivers down my back.

"Pfft,n-no," I stuttered.

"So you still do," he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"No! Don't you think I've moved on already? It has been six years.If you could move on why couldn't I," I burst at him.

I pushed him and walked away.

How dare he? After six years and he just waltz back in thinking I still have feelings for him after all these years. But you still do have feelings for him. Damn it.

I walked into the living room and sat beside Andrew.Jack came down after a while and sat beside me.His face,blank.Jack's Dad said the wedding will be in a month's time because they wanted us to get to know each other more.

I was going to agree till Jack suggested that the wedding should be held next week.Next bloody week.How do you prepare a wedding in one week and why so fast?

I looked at him,incredulous.What the hell is he thinking getting married in a week? I just want to strangle him right now.Before I could even oppose,everyone had agreed to it.Bloody hell.

An hour later,they left and I went to my room and changed into my sports attire.I started punching the punching bag which I strangely have in the corner of my room.I let out my pent-up anger.By the time I finished,it was ten and I've been doing it for an hour.I didn't bother washing up so I just dozed off on my bed with the gloves on.I hate Jack Hayes!

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